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Everything posted by CDW

  1. I have a Tamiya Tomcat so definitely a bomb cat
  2. Here is a pristine body fresh out of the factory sealed plastic bag. There are two areas of interest I would like to point out. First notice there are three “gills” located directly behind the rear wheel well openings. The plastic body directly behind these gills should be thinned down by sanding and filing, then the gills be opened up so you can see through with some fine mesh wire attached to the back side. Next in the second photo, notice that mid-way in the rocker panel underneath the door is a small indention. This should also be opened up with fine screen mesh on the back side as these are air scoops to help cool brakes and turbochargers. I was not aware of this until after I painted my car body, so I may take this opportunity to correct this oversight now, then paint and use this fresh new body on my model.
  3. The decal sheets included with the kit are extensive.
  4. They are not what I would call a mainstream company yet, but what few kits they have produced so far are of a high standard. I've watched several build videos of this kit and the details incorporated into the kit are good enough to stand alone without a lot of aftermarket sets to improve them. The weapons set included are particularly impressive.
  5. This is so true, and it's shocking when you compare one against the other in the same scale.
  6. Outstanding choice for the finish...it really stands out and makes the viewer take notice.
  7. These take up a lot of shelf space even in 1:48 scale.
  8. Yesterday, the donor kit I ordered from Ebay arrived. The only parts I can see that are missing is the engine block and heads. Everything else is there, all the parts necessary to build a curbside model with a lot of extra parts left over. The vendor actually had two of these offered for sale. I liked the one I bought so much, I went and ordered his second kit, also for $20. It's worth more than that just as parts. Then as fate would have it, quite by accident, found my missing tire and wheel from the kit I was building. It had fallen down between some boxes in a place I could not see until I moved the boxes while looking for something else. 😅 So my next project will be finishing my Ferrari 288 GTO Yellow! 😁
  9. This will wrap it up...calling this one finished. With several more of these to do in my stash, it been a learning experience getting this first one together and learning the little idiosyncrasies of the best way to get it together and where attention needs to be focused on future efforts. it will be good to display several of these posed together in a pit arrangement as might be seen at a local race track. Thanks to all for following along, for your likes and comments, and generally speaking for your comradery. See you soon with another new project and/or finishing up one of several already started.
  10. I love your model, very unique and eye-catching. Can you even imagine taking flight in something as flimsy as this? I can't. Those pioneers of flight were daredevils, to say the least.
  11. Thanks for the kudos. I found my first 3 kits at a local hobby shop but since that time looked for them on Salvinos website and found none. Then I found out the kits were produced by Salvinos as an exclusive for a company called Wes's Model Car Corner. Here is a link to what they have on hand at the moment: Search results: 10 results for “asphalt modified” – WesModelCarCorner It seems as though each particular kit was produced as a limited run and once sold, they are gone. It looks to me they have produced the kits as generic as possible, then each one has its own unique set of decals. I think the only way you will find the first releases will be either on Ebay or maybe some random hobby shops who ordered some for their shelves. As to whether the real car has/had a Ford or Chevy engine, I don't know. From what limited photos I found of the Woody Pitkat car, there are quite a few minor details that would need to be scratch built to get it right and that will depend on the quality of quantity of reference photos you can scavenge up. Someone suggested to me I try Facebook for each particular race team/car. According to my source, he says there is a plethora of photo reference to be found that way.
  12. The kit offers two distinct hood types. One for a front mounted distributor and the other for a rear mounted one as mine is. Whether you choose one hood or the other and/or the appropriate intake manifold depends on which particular car is being modeled. It could be that one hood fits whereas one doesn't but I'm not sure because I didn't try the other hood or manifold. I suspect the problem is one I created myself by not drilling down a bit and making the distributor fit further down, flush with the manifold. I am going to remount the distributor to its lowest position then try the hood fit again. I have found building this first kit, it needs a little tweaking here and there to fit properly in a number of places. It's not a Tamiya shake-and-bake kit by any means. It prefers modelers rather than assemblers.
  13. The distributor sat too high to give clearance for the hood. I had to remove the distributor to have the hood sit down.
  14. Thanks Richard. I am descended of 2 Scottish clans on my maternal side, the Caruthers and the Polk (Pollock) clans.
  15. Richard I know it’s off topic (sorry) but what are you planting this spring?
  16. Gorgeous bike. I would venture to say it was a steal even at the higher price of 12,650. Couldn’t restore one for that price.
  17. Estimated at 6 k - 7 k pounds? Seems like a bargain!
  18. Very convincing work...looks like the real thing! If I owned one of these old Triumphs, the way you are finishing yours is how I would want mine to look. I would strip off those military colors and polish up that aluminum in a New York second.
  19. Indeed, it's very strange looking to almost anyone except the small niche of those who follow the sport of short track racing in the USA, particularly in the Eastern United States. Thanks for your kind comment.
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