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Everything posted by JeffT

  1. Thanks Jay. Most people will zoom in on the coolest stuff. Chances are most people will never see what we see. I think the blocks will make a world of difference.
  2. Hrvoje...I have no problems with gluing painted parts. In fact I think the paint helps the parts stick a little better when using CA. I just rough them up a little bit.
  3. Now I'm jealous. Theres nothing wrong with the CC Agamemnon. She's a beauty!
  4. yep. it probably would be a good idea to lay those parts over the plan and draw reference lines on the part itself.
  5. I know what you mean Geoff. The Kingfisher is one that I plan to take plenty of time with. I want to make sure I do the ship justice, even if it means doing things over and over. I'll be striving for perfection (we'll see how that goes).That's why it will be my long build and something I work on when time allows. My focus will be on the Conny until i get her done. Right now I'm just working on the build board that came with the kingfisher kit. That thing is a project of its own and that brown particle board is messy stuff.
  6. The shape of the bowsprit is interesting. The drawing on sheet 6 of the plans should help get it pretty close.
  7. I just did the shot racks on the Constitution and they are on the hatch covers. Not sure if thats standard but its one option. Heres a pic:
  8. Thanks Jason. Your pictures would be very helpful. I visited there a few years ago and took a lot of pictures. Lost them all to a hard drive failure.
  9. Thanks for the kind comments Geoff and CaptainSteve. I'm sure the rigging is going to be a lot of fun.
  10. Hey Jim. Your Bluenose looks great. I built the same model a few years back, partially. I finished the hull and the deck details but never rigged it. A friend came over to the house one day and loved it just the way it was, so I gave it to them as a gift.
  11. Update. I finished building all the carronades and the two cannons. Not too difficult but tedious. I think the kit design for the two cannons could have been better. There are two parts that had to be scratch built that probably could have been laser cut. Oh well...I managed. I have not started rigging them yet. I plan to order some replacement blocks first. I also built the ships wheel. All the wood parts have to be built from scratch. The practicum suggested using styrene. I chose to use wood as I saw on another build log (thanks Jay). Now I move on to the skylight. As a side note, I plan on starting on a side project that will be known as my "long build". I have had that particular ship on the shelf for a while and have been dying to get started on it. Right now I'm assembling the framing jig that came with the kit. That's pretty boring so I won't be posting that in a build log. Once I start work on the actual model I'll start the log. Armed and dangerous!
  12. It looks very useful. Its added to my acquisition list.
  13. Bens right, I envy all of you that are able to attend the workshop.
  14. Looking good. It looks like everything is still standing so far.
  15. That puts it in perspective. It will be a large finished model. It should allow for some very fine detail.
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