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Everything posted by datadiscovery

  1. Welcome back, Moonbug. You were missed. Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better now. Pete
  2. I'm over near Murray & Allen. Pete
  3. Geoff -- Welcome. Hope you enjoy everything MSW has to offer. Congrats on your first completion. Pete Beaverton
  4. Good to see you back at it, Hershil. I look forward to following your progress and you completing this beautiful model. Pete
  5. Greetings and Welcome Aboard from yet another Oregonian (Beaverton). Pete
  6. Bob -- Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself. I had my atrial valve replaced on June 6 and I can tell you, you'll feel a whole lot better afterward. Pete
  7. Did you ever finish your Confederacy? If so, I'd sure like to see some pics. Thanks. Pete
  8. Thanks to all respondents. They're all workable solutions which I have noted and will investigate thoroughly when I begin the Confed. Note for Oldsalt1950: I'm originally from Hatboro, PA.
  9. Yes, it is Chuck's Confederacy. Your idea of counting what was supplied is a good one and I'll use it if the wood supplied for the deck and the hull are different sizes. If not, I don't know how to solve this problem. I'm considering holly for the deck and Swiss pear for all or a portion of the hull. Pete
  10. For those of you who have substituted different woods for the usual basswood supplied in kits, how do you know how much of that intended substitution wood to order? I’m considering substituting a particular wood for the deck in my next build (USF Confederacy) and another different wood for part or all of that hull. These woods are not cheap. I don’t want to order more than I will need. How do you figure that out? Pete
  11. Bob -- Sorry to hear of your ills. Hope you feel like you're on the mend. I had some surgery last Monday (June 6) and although I feel much better. I find it difficult to concentrate on my modeling, too. Get well soon! Pete
  12. Bob, it’s a beautiful model. What red paint are you using? I really like it. Pete
  13. I admire your work. Your Confederacy looks terrific (as I expected it would). I have read through your log more than once and will use it as a reference when I get to it. Until then I'm still working on my Morgan. What's your next build? Pete
  14. I love the treenails on the wheel, Bug. They're not too easy to see but certainly give it character. Pete
  15. Really quality work here, Bug! A real joy following along in your log. Pete
  16. Too bad. He was a talented man. I expect he's in a better place now. Pete
  17. Thanks for the info, bug. Yes, Lebanon is just a quick jaunt down I-5 from me. I appreciate information and will remember the combo of tung oil over Swiss Pear. Love the look of your deck. I have certainly read through Augie's and your log of the Confed. It's a beautiful model. Too bad about Augie. He (and you) are very talented. I wonder how old he was and what happened.
  18. Bug -- Pegasus is looking super. I went through your log again looking for something but didn't find it. What kind of wood are the decks planked with and how did you treat it? Stain? WOP? Tung oil? Pete
  19. Bug -- Your coppering job turned out beautiful! That's going to be one terrific model when it's completed. I have a question. Several days ago you commented to "Grant" (gjdale) regarding the value of Dan's posts and his buildlogs. Is it permissable to ask you to identify "Dan/Danny" so I, too, may benefit from his expertise. If so, I'm asking... Pete
  20. Gary -- I keep waiting for new progress on your CONFED but haven't seen any action from you since Oct 16. Hope you're going to finish this beautiful model! Pete
  21. Hey, Bug -- Just checking to let you now you're doing a terrific job on that copper. Also, I've been using C/A with an applicator brush in the cap for some time now and love it. The brush keeps the glue where you want it to be. Would not stray away from the applicator brush at this point. Pete
  22. Thanks for the prompt and informative reply, Bug. I had not heard of the trick using the little tool to seal the tape edge. I can see where that would help. Also, the idea of brushing across the tape down to the bare wood makes a lot of sense. I do use Frog tape but have not used these two suggestions in the past. Hopefully they'll help. And for Andrew, if the latter two tips don't do the trick I try the varnish suggestion. Pete
  23. Bug -- Since you've mentioned hand-painting and tape, how do you prevent the paint from bleeding beneath the tape edge when hand-painting with a brush? Pete
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