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    Saltery Bay, British Columbia.
  • Interests
    Model building, art, sculpture, 9 year old little monster.

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  1. Thanks, tried that, no Griffon.
  2. I am trying to find Griffon model 1/72 GMA-N006 Metal 53.3cm Torpedo G7a/e 1/72 Scale and am having no luck from Canada. They seem to have disappeared from the web. Have they gone under? Does anybody know a North American suppler?
  3. The flags that came with my AL 1/48 Surprise are not so realistic. Do any of you out there in the sea lanes know who makes the most realistic flags for model ships? I would like to replace mine. If you have read Patrick O'Brian I would like to recreate the flags for the ending of "Blue at the Mizzen" So I would like to know what the blue flag would look like and which line to run it off. Thanks.
  4. Artesania Latina HMS Surprise & case. This is my first build of a wood ship model. I have some wood work experience but was surprised at how little I knew when it came to modelling. It is built mostly from the kit. I did add the cabin interior and the captains "seat of ease" as well as two more boats. Lots of mistakes but I think I learned a lot from this build.


    The case is my design. I wanted the case to be a book shelf for the set of Patrick O'Brian novels as well as the ships display. It is made from wood I had left over from a construction project. The frame is Douglas fir floor boards, the water effect is Western red cedar recycled from my deck rails and the ship worm eaton boards I found at the beach. The lower frame is cedar and the shelves fir.













  5. "Not really so as was based on a real ship:" True but it was a ship that was repaired and altered through out the 20 books. It was fictional ship.
  6. I am building the AL Surprise just now. It is a monster 1,300 mm long but very pretty. The AL kit has scale problems with a lot of its parts, for example the capstan. If you had 1/48 scale figures the bars would be way over the crews heads. I like to think I'm building the "book" version of the Surprise which over the twenty books was changed and repaired many times. This way I can use my imagination, I added the six carronades as Aubrey did and built the captains quarters with a violin and cello. I think the fun part is the build and your friends enjoying the finished product. The ship came from Patrick O'Brians imagination so know one really knows what it looked like, though most ships followed a standard design, the kit is wood and wood may be shaped how you see fit. Just as the captains did when they did not like something in a new ship they were assigned.
  7. Thanks for the nice compliments.
  8. HMS Spohie/Speedy; http://www.marisstella.hr/articles,2,hms-speedy-model-ship-kit
  9. For my net act, MARIS STELLA is coming out with a 1/48 HMS Sophie. Same scale, Same author. Seems to be taking a long time though.
  10. I hope this is the place to post this. I did a video of my AL Surprise build. Hope you enjoy it. I was too shy to do a build log.
  11. I just want to give a shout out to Artesania Latina. Before they went bankrupt I purchased the HMS Surprise from them. As I discovered as I was building the ship that there were parts missing, mainly the ships display nameplate. I contacted their new incarnation and they happily replaced it charging only the shipping. Since I'm close to completion the display name is quite important. Great service. Thanks.
  12. I use WRC for some parts that I may need on my ships. My home is surrounded in a Western red cedar forest. The best is "old growth" which has fine grain and is a deeper red. This may be carved and used, better when fresh. "Second growth" is a lighter colour and has a wider grain. Second growth is not very good. As someone else said yellow cedar carves very nicely. WRC (old growth) is used all the time for kayaks and canoes. Our craft is just smaller. I try to get my wood as mill off cuts and waste as our old growth forests are disappearing.
  13. Thank you. It sounds like a four inches is a good starting point.
  14. Has anyone built a glass display case for AL HMS Surprise? I am looking for the outside measurements for the glass cover. I like building furniture so giving my sore eyes from the dear old surprise I would like to build something bigger. The kit has measurements of course but adding inches and imagining the size, I just thought I would ask. Thanks G
  15. Thanks this gives me some food for thought. My kit arrived and I'm not in a hurry to decide. I was not impressed with the shrink wrap being so tight that I will have to deal with some warps. I'm doing two practise kits before beginning the surprise. One I will paint and the other natural. I will test some of the wood with different finish see how it looks. In the end I will just flip a coin. Thanks for the help.
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