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Everything posted by Gerhardvienna

  1. Hi johnhoward Would be great, to know the names behind the project Now that we see so many of participants to the project we can imagine the size of the model, really big! What I miss in all the drawings is the steam exhaust from the engine. I have read that the exhaust was used for pre-heating the water intake, but steam had to leave the system after that. Had the City class ships usual funnels trough the top of the superstructure? And where have they been placed? Regards Gerhard
  2. I would not consider this as bad engineering, but space saving practice. Even if the City Class ships were not too small, space is always limited in ships. And taking water from the rivers was usual practice too in european ships, although the water in the danube or in swiss lakes is a lot cleaner than the muddy rivers they were used to work. So the mud drums make sense, and the "extra" steam drum above the boilers is in my mind an extra for the conditions this ships were used in. They allow a bit more of volume for the water, and extra volume for steam. A similar steam drum was used on the boiler for the swiss RIGI, but even smaller. The photo shows the RIGI Boiler during resauration Best Regards Gerhard
  3. Hi johnhoward When this pump was driven by the "Doctor", there must have been some linkage to this engine! Maybe this was one of the things driven by the "other" auxiliary engine? But even in this case there must have been some linkage too! Regards Gerhard
  4. So MAYBE you´ll have some reason to visit Vienna All the best for her, she will do the right thing for her life! Regards Gerhard
  5. Hi again, and many thanks for you interest & likes! madt the barrel for the boat howitzer today, turned a small piece of brass, drilled the barrel, and soldered some small parts for the visor and the holding parts. Barrel fits well to the carriage. And I did cut out the frames for the cutters, and prepared the parts for the core of the boat. I will make the boats as Johann @archjofo did, just hoping I get them done as well! Best Regards Gerhard
  6. Hi Bob Missed your build while my break, WELL DONE! I like the plating, cant wait to see that painted! Regards Gerhard
  7. How did they do this???? Fantastic art! Thanky ou for showing! Regards Gerhard
  8. Good to hear from you! I NEVER expected that chinese have such (ivory) balls.......................... I can truly understand that lazyness after that long time of working on your CS beneath all that other things you are doing, and have been gone through! Regards Gerhard
  9. Hi Nenad Hope you go well with your eyes soon! Waiting for much more on your CS, well done so far friend All the best Gerhard
  10. Hi Johnhoward The Cairo NEEDS to have that two cylinder engine layout, a single cylinder would not start on his own. With the two cylinder setup I can stop on the lake, and restart again, as the real ship could. I will try to make the engine and wheel without the buckets, power will not be so much that I will need them. But IFthere is less balance, I still can make some. But thatis still a long way to go there, the next Things I do is the core for the cutters. Just have glued the printed sheet of the frames to 1,5mm linden wood, and marked the lines to 10mm wood for sawing them with the juwellers saw. Pics will come tomorrow, so real model building work goes on again1 Regards Gerhard
  11. Hi All, again Thanky so much for your nice likes! Next thing was to "superimpose" the engine to the wheel, looks good for me. Cylinder length will be 50mm, with a stroke of 38mm and bore of 12mm. Best regards Gerhard
  12. Hi cabrapente Watch the red arrow Your model is simply marvelous! Where can I get those plans????? Best regards Gerhard
  13. It`s just that tiny bits that make the model a real ship! The details bring life to a model.................................... Best regards Gerhard
  14. Hi johnhoward MY decision will be to make that small change in the wheel setup. It`s no big deal to do it, but had no time to do it right now. For the parts themselves it does not matter, just for the soldering work when all of the photo etched things are arrived. The screenshot above just shows the state of how it is at the moment, when it would be correct to have the same space between the discs, so I NEED to have it changed! Thank you for your really worthful hints to make a good model of the Cairo. She`s the last of her kind and deserves to be made correct. Regards Gerhard
  15. Hi johnhoward All is drawn for the etching process, but I will have to make a slight change when soldering the parts. In the Bob Hill plans the hubs are in opposit position, but as I will make them one by one this would not be to hard to make. Even the other (now correct) way will be the same work to do, so there is not too much difference to make the wheel. The Bob Hill plans show the spaces between the rings different, the outer are a bit wider than the inner one. I`ve made a screenshot from my 3D Program, to take it to my lathe for turning, but in the "old" version. The drawing is in 1:50 scale, measurings are in 1/10mm! Best regards& many thanks! Gerhard
  16. Hi Roger Found the photo, SEEMS to be close to the boats I expect to build. If you meant this one. Thank you for the hint! But I did not find the boat from the USS Hartford, maybe I search later for it! The brass parts are not too complicated to make, that`s what I can do myself. Just the paddlwheel parts are a bit too hard to make, for a showcase model I would print them in 3D , for a floating model I want to have them from brass. Made the missing parts, the black parts will be photo etched, all yellow things I will turn on the lathe. Best regards Gerhard PS.: I just can HOPE, my build will forfill the high standards..............................
  17. Hi again& many thanks for your interest and so many likes! Made some progress for the paddlewheel, just on the PC. First parts are ready drawn in 3D but must be transformed to 2D Drawings for photo etching. BUT; could not stop myself and try to draw it as close as I can to the plans I have. The shaft and some other shims are not made at the moment, will be made later the day! Regards Gerhard
  18. Hi johnhoward Nice wheel! That "moving fast" is just for concentrating the orders. When I order only the small parts I need for the 12-pounder, I will have to make another order later for the wheels rims. Thius way I can order all at once, and work then (while waiting) on the boats. Even all the wood i need for the rest of the ship will be ordered this days, so in a few days I can go on with all. Later I will have to buy a lot of brass for the engines, even this will be made as an "at once" thing. But before I can do this I will have to construct the engine, there are no plans in such small scale to work with. The wheel will be a bit simplyfied for my build, here is my decision "form follows function"! Still very detailed, but the rims in one piece etched, and some other parts turned on my lathe. Regards Gerhard
  19. So this is all I have too for the boats. Therefore I think i will go with the Constellatin`s "second cutter", this is very close to the 26 ft cutter from the CAIRO. I have printed the plan, and will build a first test boat to get a clue how they would fit to the ship. At the moment I`m working on the drawings for the paddlewheel, their rims will be photoetched. As I have some parts more for the etching company, I`m trying to get them at once. Best regards Gerhard
  20. Hi Roger So this tells me, I`m relativley free in my decision what boats I use, as long as they stay in the measuring of that. Great job on your USS. Catskills, the Howitzer is a nice example of what can be done! Thanks for sharing! Regards Gerhard
  21. Hi Roger The plans just show 4 identical boats, so we can just guess what kind of boats they really had. I found Wilsons Book on Google https://archive.org/details/anoutlineshipbu00wilsgoog and saved it immediatley. Even if the Chapelle drawings were not useful for the CAIRO, I would like to save them for "later use" in my archive. So, if you have some better drawings for the boats, I (and WE) would appreciate to see them too, so I could make the choice what boats I will use for the ship. I`m unluckily not that good in drawing my own plans, so I will need some good drawings for that. Thanks in advance Best regards Gerhard
  22. Hi johnhoward Thank you, again.... Would be great, if you could show both pics in higher resolution, so I could scale them to the correct measure for the Cairo. The cutter length has been around 26 feet, IF i have measured that correct from the plans, just the launch missing in its length and width. The plans dont show the boats correct, even the Bob Hill plans show 4 equal boats! Beneath the searching for the correct boats I managed to redo the field carriage. This was too wide with 22 mm, should have been only 18 mm. So I opened some of the soldering spots, shortened the parts, and soldered them together again. Width is now at 18 mm, just the axles are longer. They will be cut to correct length, when the wheels are made. And I started with the boat carriage, most parts are done, have a look at that! Thank you all for watching & your nice likes! Regards Gerhard
  23. Hi Johnhoward Thank you, but the first version of that carriage is a but too wide, should only have 18mm instead of 24 I have now. This will be changed tomorrow, even the wooden boat carriage is in work now. When they had no ammunition frames on the carriages, I will make some wooden boxes for the rounds, makes work a little easier for me! Best regards, thank you all for watching! Gerhard
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