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Everything posted by Gerhardvienna

  1. After a little break, I continued with the keel plate. The groove for the steve tube was cut with a small cutting disc, and then the parts stabilized with 4 x 5mm oak wood strips. Everything fits well to the plans, so I can go on with the cuting for the rudder axle socket. Cut with small disc to approx half width Stabilized with 4 x 5 mm oak wood Full cut and stabilized Tested to the plans, fits well. Thank you all for your interest, and for the many likes too ! Regards Gerhard
  2. Hi Tadeusz The Jura you showed in your post, was a "sister" of the RIGI, but had an engine from Escher-Wyss, the RIGI had her first engine from Penn & Son, the ship was built from Ditchborn and Mare, both in England. The swiss manufactorer had a fixed contract with the Jura-Company, so the Rigi owners had to order in England. The ship came across the alps by truck, must have been a pretty hard work................ More pics from the RIGI are shown in post #38 this thread, the engine is here to find http://www.paddlesteamers.info/Rigi1848%20Engines.htm Regards Gerhard
  3. Hi Nenad Poor man! This is more than one can take alone. 400 guests, 30plus degrees, no acclimatisation, I can feel your pain. But we have hot weather too today, I`m too lazy to do almost anything. Should cool down on sunday I hope the best for that! Have a nice wedding, friend! Regards Gerhard
  4. Sorry for quoting myself, but here is an example of what I meant, The "Alzeda" an extremley amazing boat http://www.portcarlingboats.com/tag/alzeda/ BTW: Whoever knows about plans from her please give some information to me............. Regards Gerhard
  5. Hi Mike Welcome, take your seat.......... They made so many classy boats then, seems to be the 1950ies, before and up was a good time for boatbuilders. By searching for more stuff about the Baby I found so many others, too much to list them! Hi Carl I think about something like reinforce plates on both sides of the keel, so the steve pipe will have more hold and stays in correct position while I`m setting and fixing it in. I must first take a look, what diameter of pipe I will use for that, and then make the plates. I will have to act similar at the rudder axle liner, this will be turned at the lathe. Regards Gerhard
  6. There are some plans from swiss paddlesteamers to get from VTH http://shop.vth.de/url-key-17/schiffsmodelle/binnenschiffe.html?p=1the Stadt Zürich is also to find there. Regards Gerhard
  7. Hi Boyd Glad to see you on board, thanks for coming in! Not only the "user friendly" handling but that there is almost no place to drive the boat is a reason for the electric drive. And the motor is easy to get, while a V8 petrol engine has much more of weight, and would take me a lot of time to build. I do have the Whittle V8 plans, but would need a good milling machine before I could build this beautiful and powerful engine. So I will stay with electric for the Baby, and stay focussed on the details of her. Regards Gerhard
  8. Hi Mark Dont worry, there are so many threads, noone can read everything as fast as they are written I`m just doing what you do with the Licorne. But yours is at a far higher level.................... Today I found some time to cut the keel plate, the inner contour shows the changes to the form from the plan sheets. I`m thinking about, how to make the cutouts for the prop shaft, I need that exactly where it is located at the plans, when I drill that after planking I will fail too much.There must be a way to get this part set correct before planking! We`ll see........... The stern part of the keel before cutting Ready cut The keel cut and grinded to final shape Thank you again for switching in, and all your kind likes! Regards Gerhard
  9. Hi Nenad Great job, they look good! Can`t wait to see her masted and rigged................... Regards Gerhard
  10. Hi Nenad I, as so many, or even the most of us, started modelbuilding so long ago, there was no internet or so many other open recources. It did work. But in this "Modern Times" we have it, and this opens so many ways to connect with others, and gives way for new methods of constructing and building. The 3D-Programme I use is IMSI 3D-CAD, easy to use programme, just because I am too lazy to learn other systems Hi Carl Thank you! And all the others who share their builds with us, give knowledge to the inexperienced, and help as much as ever possible. This is in my mind why we are here and in other forums. It would take so much more time to get all the infos about the ships (or other models) we try to build without that help, and without the recources of the world wide web. I Like to be here, and I came to stay............. Regards, and thank you all! Gerhard
  11. Hi Mark When you take a look a the "Babyface Nelson", you`ll see the rudder, just scroll down the site http://www.westsystem.com/ss/babyface-nelson/ As this boat is a copy from the Bootlegger, I want to have the rudder as close as ever possible to the original thing. So I have to redraw it to this, even if it makes work a bit harder. It`s not done with only redesing the keel plate, but also the rear frame (frame "I" in the plans)must be redisigned. Hello Carl NO! I want it to be the "real" Baby, just a little smaller than it won the races All the best, thank you for your interest! Gerhard
  12. Hi Nenad Thats what we see, you really did the best! Much rain will only mean, there will be a bit more of Yucca to extinct ...................... You should chant like they did it in 1969 in Woodstock "No Rain No Rain....." Regards Gerhard
  13. Hello again! The drawings took much longer than I expected, but now are the first results here. The upper end of the rudder axle can be finished when i build the boat, I have no clue at the time how to steer. One possible way can be a steering bar below the waterline, the other a timing gear belt on the upper end. But here come the first drawings. The keel plate must be cut different to the plans follow the thick red lines. Full view of new rudder, the yellow part will be shown in deep blue in the details drawings Changes to be made at the stern Rudder assembly Rudder blade Axles and bushings Thank you once more for your interest, reactions, critics, advises welcome, thank you all for the many likes again! Regards Gerhard
  14. Hi Nenad the first look at the whole ship, she`s great! Regards Gerhard
  15. Hi Glenn Was`nt here for some days, beautiful build! Seems to go fast with the side planks.............. Regards Gerhard
  16. Hi trashboat Make yourself sure, that the ESC is ready for the Ampere, the motor will need. 2.4 Ghz radio system is stae of the art, as Grant mentioned above, The plastic part should not break, if you want to reinforce it, you could make a thin epoxi/ Glass fibre inlay. But watch out for parts you will possible need the way they are! As I don`t know the kit, I don`t know how it looks at the inside! Regards Gerhard
  17. Back again, but not much to report at the time The paper sheets are all glued to plywood, and now I`m trying to construct the rudder with 3D-CAD, just to figure the easiest way out how to make it. Pics will follow, when all is done perfect on the PC, maybe with measured drawings for "open Use" to everyone! Regards and thank you all for your interest & so many likes....... Gehard
  18. Hi Carl thanks again, your links was great support! The Arno is on my list for later, but I found no plans for her, just the 1958 Ted Jones classic roundnose plans. I would be glad to have a "competitor" for the Baby , feel free to use the drawings for your own build, as anyone may do! Regards Gerhard
  19. Hi again After Carl`s good hints I found some time to redraw the rudder/ Propeller section, will be a hard thing to make, but not impossible. And I glued the first parts from the plan to 4 mm plywood, but had not enough glue stick to glue them all. This will be made tomorrow, and then all will be cut from the wood. The actual rudder and prop section, the measures given from the plans are correct now. First parts on plywood Thank you all again for watching, comments are always welcome (as critics are)! Regards Gerhard
  20. Why keep Bart out? HE did`nt do it................... Hi Elijah Nice progress done, keep it on going! Regards Gerhard
  21. Hi Carl Thank you! The photo from the Babyface shows it best, by searching a bit more I found the site from Silodrome, they have good plans to the Bootöegger. After I have seen this I will have to build the full framework first, and the rudder/ prop assembling then. The "old" rudder is cancelled! Regards Gerhard
  22. Thank you Bob! It´s not quite like I wanted it, maybe there will be another try. First I want to filler and paint the blade, then habe a good look at it, and then decide if it is good enough or not! We`ll see tomorrow................ Btw, Whoever has a good photo from the Rudder/Propeller section from the original boat PLEASE show it here! I found only one in the internet, and there is almost nothing to see. I`m still free to change everything on the rudder to get as close as possible to the real boat. Regards Gerhard
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