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    Gerhardvienna reacted to thibaultron in Steam engine 1920   
    Maybe you could do your own PE. Here in the US, you can buy complete kits for do it yourself PE. Should be able to get them in the EU.
  2. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in Steam engine 1920   
    Hi Egon
    It is interesting, that the movie is danish, but the signs on the machine telegraph are in german! So this CAN give a clue what engine was used on the ship. There is some info in Wikipedia:https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_(1967)   maybe that can help you!
    Found just a bit more: http://www.faktaomfartyg.se/aslaug_1927.htm
    Regards Gerhard
  3. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from cog in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Just one week? NOT fast?? Too fast for me, it would take me double the time or even more to get so far!
  4. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from cog in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Hi Popeye
    That`s fast! I like her!
  5. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    well thanks Gerhard........I did a little more on Friday.......sadly no pictures yet  
    thanks Robert    I'm hoping that this is a quick one........every time I think it is,  some thing I get in my head complicates it     more soon gents  
  6. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Egon in Steam engine 1920   
    Thanks Gerhard, I know all about these sites, I vacuumed the internet for info, but no cigar so far.
    The ship was born in Denmark and the engine made in Helsingør, also Denmark, but that's a loooong time ago, no man remember anything, and all that worked on the movie is dead and gone, except 2 persons that don't remember any, I'm on Square 0, if that the rigth word.
    The ship have many names along the way and was remodeled some from Aslaug to Martha, see picture
    Thanks Jud, Iw'e seen that movie a long time ago and the engine is not the same one at all.

  7. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Omega1234 in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Just one week? NOT fast?? Too fast for me, it would take me double the time or even more to get so far!
  8. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Omega1234 in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Hi Popeye
    That`s fast! I like her!
  9. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from EJ_L in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Just one week? NOT fast?? Too fast for me, it would take me double the time or even more to get so far!
  10. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from EJ_L in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Hi Popeye
    That`s fast! I like her!
  11. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Piet in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Just one week? NOT fast?? Too fast for me, it would take me double the time or even more to get so far!
  12. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to jud in Steam engine 1920   
    The film ,'Sand Pebbles', a film about the life of a seaman aboard a China Gun Boat on one of the rivers in China during the. ' Boxer?',  Rebellion. McQueen played the part of an Machinist Mate First Class,  with some good engine room footage, how accurate the set was, I don't know, it looked good enough for me to believe it was based on the real thing. One scene shows the danger of working on a steam engine without putting the jacking gear in place, resulting in the sudden movement when pressurized steam leaked past a valve and into the cylinders. I enjoyed the Picture because it was a good story but enjoyed the ship details as well as the river and shore activities. Those boats were 100 feet +/-, coal and later oil fired, they used piston engines, would need to see it again to identify the type of configuration that power plan used. The Triple Expansion Engines were used in Liberty Ships during WW 2, the Turbines went to warships, later the Victory Ships I thing used turbines. Looked it up, it was based on the troubles in China in winter 1926-27,Yangtze River. About 10 years before the USS Panay incident when the Japanese sunk her in the Yangtze River in 1937
  13. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Egon in Steam engine 1920   
    Thanks Andy, I'm going for 1:50, 1,66 m. that way I can use parts at 1:48 there is.
    Are you able to see the S/S Martha movie on youtube ?? over there ?
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07Prftd2Fu8 and many more
  14. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   


    The beginning of the relation is available at this address:
    Regards, Pawel
  15. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Egon in Steam engine 1920   
    Hi all around the world, new danish guy here, but have build ships before, the Billing Swarte Zee and Norske Lion and some others.
    To my new project I need to find pictures of the steamengine of this old steamer, I found 2 but not the right one.
    In the movie they call it a Halifax 1921, but search havn't helped.
    It's from an old 1967 movie called S/S Martha and it's danish cult movie among seamen and all others.
    A few pictures of the engine from the movie, they don't show more than that.
    You can watch some short clip on Youtube, and the DVD is available with english text, very funny.
    Thanks guys and hope someone know of old steamengines.

  16. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Fright in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Avast matey! Now thar be's a fine lookin' ship, if I do says. That flat black wash does her wonders. Lookin' forward to seein's her completed and ready to put to sea. 
  17. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    thanks Gerhard.....it's not that fast really.........I've only been working on her for a week or so     I'm glad you like her.   thanks again!
  18. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Piet in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    Hi Popeye
    That`s fast! I like her!
  19. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    this should catch the build up to the present.   the transom was my second folly,  but not as serious as the bow.   I had cemented the rudder in place before I painted the flat black wash.   now to swing the transom in place was very tight.   adding cement to the mix,  it was wrestled into place.   all is good.

    a fife rail and posts were added to the bow deck.

    the transom was washed with the flat black.

    more parts added to the stern of the ship........lockers of sorts.

    and more parts were added to the bow end.....cleats and the capstan.

    this is it............today came and the day was spent setting up computers.   errand day tomorrow......but I'll try to get a little more done.  
  20. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    the upper deck is cemented in place........had to fudge how it lined up with the gun deck.   this was to be my first folly with this model.   before doing that,  the ships wheel was cemented in place and white thread was wiped with olive drab paint and wound on the wheel's spool.  it was fastened under neath the deck.

    the hatch was added,  later to be washed with the flat black.  now came the folly........"OK.....smart guy........now,  how do you suppose your going to install the bow deck?
    it wasn't easy........and a little messy........I had to figure the height of the deck,  so the bow bulkhead would line up.   the painted deck helped a little,  but I still had to clean up some excess glue.

    after a little touch up,  the bow bulkhead was cemented in place.

    some trimming was needed to line up the bow spirit hole.   this will now get the flat black treatment.   another plus........the masts line up with the well holes!  

    the grates along the mid ship was painted wood brown.....and the aft hatch was washed in flat black.

    it gave it a blackened quality.   I gotta trim the galley badge windows a little more  
  21. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    the channels had been added and painted.......some of the deck accents were painted with the wood brown at this time.
    this was done on the 26th of May.   you can see that the ill fated post is there to help support the mid ship.  with a semi stiff diagonal brush,  the entire outer hull was gone over.....even the wales.  they will be the third color texture.......the brown of the plastic combined with the flat black.

    well.......I just had a bit of confusion here.   I had taken a few other pictures,  in conjunction to something else I want to do with this model..and I couldn't find them.   I was getting the pictures from my memory stick.  when I took all the important stuff out of my old computer,  they went along with it and ended up on this computer.   I'll have to update the log files in the stick     I was looking over the instructions...and what they supply for the rigging is really horrible......three different size rings.

    I have some rigging blocks from past Revell 1:96 kits.  the gray ones come from the C.S.S. Alabama........the brown ones either come from the first United States build,  or one of the Cuttys  {I built two of them}.  

    comparing them with the rings.....there really isn't much of a size difference.  then again......2 or 3 mm wood blocks may be too large.   the gray blocks are over twenty years old.....I built the Alabama around the mid 90's {that put me in my mid to late 30's}.  I've had them that long!

    I got some A blocks,  some B blocks,  C blocks,  and D blocks.......for those who built a Revell kit,  you probably remember how they list out.   I'll see how they look  
  22. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    Hi cabrapente
    Watch the link from Johann`s post above yours, they have more useful tools for us.
    Here again: https://www.fohrmann.com/de/loetplatte-aus-keramik.html
    Best regards
  23. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    Hi Jophann
    Where did you get those ceramic plate from? I will need somone of these and have no clue...............
    btw perfect work as ever!
  24. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    so to start things off,  I thought to put together parts that are sub assemblies.   I decided that I'd do a little painting on her,  so the assemblies are narrowed down to what would be the same color,  or as a unit.   the anchors were assembled....and the rudder.

    the masts were assembled up to a point.   to assemble the cross trees,  the shrouds need to be set in place,  and it slips over them.   I found that one of the cross trees was broken and badly deformed........NO!  I didn't do it..I tell ya!   so I had to fix it and set it aside.....it'll be alright >icky mae< 

    I also closed up the bridle ports....which gave me an idea.   this kit is 1:130 scale........the Thermopylae is 1:124 scale.   these two loose cannon could be important....and that's no laughing matter,  those cannons.   I was wanting to have cannons on the Thermopylae.......Cyril has them on his.   I set the two aside...I'll size them up when I get back to her.

    I also thought to change up how the deck process is done.....I though I could line up the cannon locator holes better.   that was a fool's errand.  it can be seen well in this picture.

    here a few parts are added.......notice the posts?!?!    there's one missing.   the part number is #10......and there should be.......and for all intent of purpose,  ten of them.   there are ten of them......except they are two different numbers,  and a locator hole is missing.   marking where it should be,  I added the missing one.    for the cannons.....guess I'll be cutting off the locator pins.
  25. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in The Jolly Roger by popeye the sailor - Lindberg - 1:130 - PLASTIC   
    one thing I hate is glue marks........'at's all I Kin stand...   so I started to paint the hull......and I started to think about the bottle of diluted flat black I had kick'in 'round. hmmmmmmm...
    I did a wood brown for the bottom........mask off the wales.........and do the upper part of the hull.   then go over it with the diluted flat black.   I'm a hack when it comes to weathering and such......I'll give it a try.   this is the perfect practice.....victim!    {Yea,  I'll call'em the way I see'um}.   top and bottom are done.........says nothing about painting below the waterline,  so it saves me a step.

    the decks are being painted a light deck tan,  with accents of the wood brown and the flat black treatment.

    the masts,  the rudder,  and the transom was painted in wood brown.   let dry completely.

    the stand was painted a darker brown......the only gloss that will be used.
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