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    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Pat
    Thank you for your nice comment!
    A bit more to enjoy.....
    The floor to the engine room is set in again, now from 1mm plywood. This is just thefirst layer of the floor, another layer from 2mm plywood will follow with the engine. And the engine stands are in progress, while I`m still waiting for much more wood and other materials for the Cairo.
    The floor in the engine room

    Beginning of the engine stands. The gaps between the timbers will be filled with small pieces from wood, so the stands will hopefully look like the original ones.

    Regards, and many thanks for watching & nice likes
  2. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    While the sanding for the cutters core I made some drawing work for the engine and paddlewheel compartment. The timbers will be made from 5 x 5mm pinewood, and they will be slotted as we have seen on the photos in eric´s (@cathead) thread https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/15945-designing-a-model-of-the-1856-missouri-river-steamboat-arabia/#comment-498868 , and on the pictures from the Cairo museum too. The attached photo shows how the timbers will be laid, but without the slots.

  3. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi popeye
    Thank you!
    The hardest part is still to come, the long timber on the front must be set to the "wall". This is not too easy, every second timber must be cut in, to make good contact between the parts. Currently I`m working on filling tha gaps, and then comes the long diagonal piece.
  4. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from popeye the sailor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi popeye
    Thank you!
    The hardest part is still to come, the long timber on the front must be set to the "wall". This is not too easy, every second timber must be cut in, to make good contact between the parts. Currently I`m working on filling tha gaps, and then comes the long diagonal piece.
  5. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMS Warrior 1860 by Philg88 - Billing Boats - 1:100 - First British Ironclad with scratch built side heads per prototype   
    Hi Philip
    Well Done! Now the prop looks much better, good job.
  6. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from hexnut in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Pat
    Thank you for your nice comment!
    A bit more to enjoy.....
    The floor to the engine room is set in again, now from 1mm plywood. This is just thefirst layer of the floor, another layer from 2mm plywood will follow with the engine. And the engine stands are in progress, while I`m still waiting for much more wood and other materials for the Cairo.
    The floor in the engine room

    Beginning of the engine stands. The gaps between the timbers will be filled with small pieces from wood, so the stands will hopefully look like the original ones.

    Regards, and many thanks for watching & nice likes
  7. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from cog in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi popeye
    Thank you!
    The hardest part is still to come, the long timber on the front must be set to the "wall". This is not too easy, every second timber must be cut in, to make good contact between the parts. Currently I`m working on filling tha gaps, and then comes the long diagonal piece.
  8. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to BANYAN in HMS Warrior 1860 by Philg88 - Billing Boats - 1:100 - First British Ironclad with scratch built side heads per prototype   
    Nice recovery Phil.  That is a surprise a ship of this era without feathering props :), great that you have good references to check this detail.
  9. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    Gerhard, Keith, thank you.
  10. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   





    The beginning of the relation is available at this address:
    Regards, Pawel
  11. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to archjofo in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    No of course not.
    These are so-called hatagane - these are Japanese bar clamps.
    These delicate clamps allow finely-fitted small and delicate work
    pieces to be clamped for fitting and glueing.
    Here LINK I bought them.
  12. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to noel_colledge in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    Thank you Johann for the link.
    Your reply makes it sound like you would not be capable of making them. It would not be surprise a to all that follow your work to know you did, as I am sure everyone would agree. You are more than capable.
    Best regards
  13. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from tadheus in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Pat
    Thank you for your nice comment!
    A bit more to enjoy.....
    The floor to the engine room is set in again, now from 1mm plywood. This is just thefirst layer of the floor, another layer from 2mm plywood will follow with the engine. And the engine stands are in progress, while I`m still waiting for much more wood and other materials for the Cairo.
    The floor in the engine room

    Beginning of the engine stands. The gaps between the timbers will be filled with small pieces from wood, so the stands will hopefully look like the original ones.

    Regards, and many thanks for watching & nice likes
  14. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from tadheus in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    While the sanding for the cutters core I made some drawing work for the engine and paddlewheel compartment. The timbers will be made from 5 x 5mm pinewood, and they will be slotted as we have seen on the photos in eric´s (@cathead) thread https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/15945-designing-a-model-of-the-1856-missouri-river-steamboat-arabia/#comment-498868 , and on the pictures from the Cairo museum too. The attached photo shows how the timbers will be laid, but without the slots.

  15. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Last days were busy for family things, but a bit has gone on too. First I had to play the @dafi and break out the former glued in floor in the engine room, and replace it with the curved part to the paddlewheel.
    The former version with the floor

    The new curved parts, all unnecessary beams will be cut away after planking the hull!

    Next was the larger carriages I made "far ago". They were painted flat black. I have read the johnhoward file, but decided to let it with only two different carriages for the great guns.

    And then there was the core for the cutters. This is hard work, grinding it by hand, but the shape comes out slowly !

    Best regards, thank you all for watching!
  16. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Worked a bit on the core for the cutters, and painted the skylights with flat black. Looks a bit better than the brown colour, thanks for giving some advise go to @johnhoward

    Regards, Thank you all for watching!
  17. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from johnhoward in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Pat
    Thank you for your nice comment!
    A bit more to enjoy.....
    The floor to the engine room is set in again, now from 1mm plywood. This is just thefirst layer of the floor, another layer from 2mm plywood will follow with the engine. And the engine stands are in progress, while I`m still waiting for much more wood and other materials for the Cairo.
    The floor in the engine room

    Beginning of the engine stands. The gaps between the timbers will be filled with small pieces from wood, so the stands will hopefully look like the original ones.

    Regards, and many thanks for watching & nice likes
  18. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from archjofo in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    While the sanding for the cutters core I made some drawing work for the engine and paddlewheel compartment. The timbers will be made from 5 x 5mm pinewood, and they will be slotted as we have seen on the photos in eric´s (@cathead) thread https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/15945-designing-a-model-of-the-1856-missouri-river-steamboat-arabia/#comment-498868 , and on the pictures from the Cairo museum too. The attached photo shows how the timbers will be laid, but without the slots.

  19. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from archjofo in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Last days were busy for family things, but a bit has gone on too. First I had to play the @dafi and break out the former glued in floor in the engine room, and replace it with the curved part to the paddlewheel.
    The former version with the floor

    The new curved parts, all unnecessary beams will be cut away after planking the hull!

    Next was the larger carriages I made "far ago". They were painted flat black. I have read the johnhoward file, but decided to let it with only two different carriages for the great guns.

    And then there was the core for the cutters. This is hard work, grinding it by hand, but the shape comes out slowly !

    Best regards, thank you all for watching!
  20. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from mtaylor in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Hi Carl
    Thank you! And many thanks to all interested for watching in & likes!
    The insides will be whitewashed, as all inside walls will. Engines and boiler parts will be blackened, as the original parts were. I HOPE, I can make the boilers as the 5 tube boiler that was there, but must calculate how much water volume they will have, and build a feeding pump to them for longer driving!
    Still grinding the core for the cutters at the time, no grinding machine in my shop, so I have to do it all by hands only!
  21. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from archjofo in USS CAIRO by Gerhardvienna - RADIO - live steam   
    Worked a bit on the core for the cutters, and painted the skylights with flat black. Looks a bit better than the brown colour, thanks for giving some advise go to @johnhoward

    Regards, Thank you all for watching!
  22. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to popeye the sailor in HMS Warrior 1860 by Philg88 - Billing Boats - 1:100 - First British Ironclad with scratch built side heads per prototype   
    wonderful progress Philip,  she's look'in really nice!     good you were able to change the prop......looks good'n proper  
  23. Like
    Gerhardvienna got a reaction from Philg88 in HMS Warrior 1860 by Philg88 - Billing Boats - 1:100 - First British Ironclad with scratch built side heads per prototype   
    Hi Philip
    Well Done! Now the prop looks much better, good job.
  24. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to DORIS in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    I always admire all, who can made so beautiful things of wood. That is not only a great craftsmanship but also an art.
    Best regards
  25. Like
    Gerhardvienna reacted to Philg88 in HMS Warrior 1860 by Philg88 - Billing Boats - 1:100 - First British Ironclad with scratch built side heads per prototype   
    OK, Having checked the reference books I have, there was definitely a pitch on the propeller. So I've modified the blades, thankfully with no damage. As a side note, the propeller pitch wasn't adjustable - when the ship was under sail it would be hauled up into the well in the stern. As the model is in steam mode (because the funnels are up) the representation of the propeller is now correct.
    Thanks for the input guys!

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