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About RedDawg

  • Birthday 09/01/1959

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  • Location
    Daytona Beach Florida
  • Interests
    Riding my Harley, my puppies, making things out of wood.

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  1. Hello to everyone. It’s been awhile since I’ve attempted o post anything. I’ve been busy on a few points on the ship, with fitting pieces and then tearing them out again to try another way. As you can see the ships boat has morphed into its own imaginary design. Looking at the work of others really helps the imagination. The ships boat got rebuilt or redesigned during building several times. I’m real pleased with its look.
  2. A small update using my wife's tablet. All my I Pad wants to give me is a black screen. As you can see I've added the black and red paint. I had been putting it off for somereason, but not sure why. Now I'm glad that I have gotten this small part over with. I have also added some inner planking to the bulworks. The instructions did not show this being done but it looked like something I might like. Still a few other trial and error ideas in my head that may also be done. One thing I am going to do is listen to what NBROOK said on his build about how much gets tied off to the rails and sinking the pillars deeper. I've got an idea for that,now just to try it and see if it works. Till later. Michael
  3. Thanks Mumin for the video. There are toys that I like to make, and that will help with wheels and other parts. I've also been thinking about how to make a turntable to mount my builds on to help with the work.
  4. Hello ,it's been awhile since I last posted. But I've still been busy on my Sovereign. A little here and there as the nights and energy allows. Summers been a bit hot this year and being 57 and still doing construction I'm going alittle slower by the time I get home. Still the work goes on. I have to admit that I've been watching others more than building,looking for ideas to add to the detail on my ship. I did not like the way my gunports looked so I ended up removing all the gunports that I had already glued into place and going a little larger. Now they look better. I had the idea of framing them in with a bit of an edge protruding out. The next day while looking around the forum I found a Sovereign with the same type of gunports. They looked real good. So as you can see I started down that path. The one port is just stuck in to show the start of my frames. They are just started, I still have to finish shaping the outer frame. I plan to round off the outer edges then install the inner frames. Then I'll put the completed piece into the port. You can see my jig for the shaping consistent size squares, plus my homemade cutting jig for the pieces to use. Also my miter saw had gotten quite dull so I took one of my scrollsaw blades and made me a saw to use. It actually works better than the other saw. I'm thinking of shaping one to the size of a number 11blade to fit my knife handle.
  5. Well it's time for another report. As y'all can see I've been busy. My sub floor and scuttle hatch came out well. Still needs sanding and a coat of something. As this is practice for future builds, it will probably have multiple finishes by the time it is done. I took some of T.Livines words to use and used pencil for the sub floor planking. Next is what I consider a real challenge treenailing the deck. It's been an enjoyable day off. Till later, Mike.
  6. Well besides growing older, birthdays have other uses. My wife got me another piece for my Boatcave, and pop gave me a Dremel kit. Does anyone know what the long silver contraption does? Now to get other goodies. Plus my cake loaded with lots of different chocolate. Till later Mike.
  7. Yeah Sjors I did not like the look of things so I stopped and went to bed. I have a four day weekend so I'm going to go back over everything till it's right. This is to nice a build to not invest whatever time it takes. And the reason I have four days is my boss gave me Friday for my birthday. So sawdust and puppies. And with the measures you gave me I'll compare to mine to see how far off I'm. Thanks for the advice. Mike
  8. Tony right now I'm open to any ideas that others may have. Being new to scratch building my thoughts are many, but my knowledge is little. On the inside of the lower deck I gave linseed oil a tryout being as I happen to have some at the moment. What would minwax or wipe on poly do?
  9. EJ_L I have two evenings in the measuring and marking and that is just the one side. Plus I'm still not pleased with the upper line. But patience will win out in the end. Mike
  10. Hi Sjors, thanks for the advice. As you can see I have drawn my lines and gun ports. It took me two tries before it was correct. The very upper ports do not look right to me. I will do as you suggest and fit my cannons first and see how they line up. Then I will proceed. My dad came over yesterday to checkout my ships. It's nice to se his amazement at my work.
  11. Here's a couple more photos that I had trouble uploading earlier. You can see the sub floor rafters. They are not glued in yet. I want to add the cross tembers first. I'm also going to try my hand at making barrels using my drill with a speed control. I will show pics of how I use my drill when I get to that part. Later, Mike.
  12. Well I've been a bit busy playing with my cross section. Started the planking in poplar,and I did my simulated caulking with a sharpie.still more to plank, as I'm going to plank the complete lower floor. As you can see I decided to add a hatchway. I had been thinking about this for awhile. I decided being as this is my practice scratch build, there are a few extra added details going in. Below the lower floor I'm going to add a sub floor with a scuttle hatch just for fun. This stuff is ruining everything. I work hard in construction and being 57 I was going to bed around 8 o'clock. Now my wife tells, do you know that it is after 11. I just get to having fun and the night flies by. Looking at what the masters do has added a whole new level of pleasure. Till next time, Michael. By the way you can see my hanging knees. I could not find any template for the lower knees, so I just cut one to shape out of card stock. I cut it at a time and then split them apart. Works out pretty good. Just another skill that I learned from y'all. Thanks.
  13. Yeah I liked the way the first deck looked but when I put it in it stuck out almost a quarter inch at one corner. And then when I went to trim it to fit, I would have butchered it to bad. So I chose to redo instead. This one fits nicely, so I'm pleased. Thanks Pete. More words and pics later, Mike.
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