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About Gregory49

  • Birthday 01/30/1949

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  • Location
    Rome, NY

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  1. I realized that I can contact other upper NYS folk on MSW through the “Community” function. Here is an out-reach I am planning to send to about 35 folk as far away as the Albany area. Have any comments or suggestions.?

    Allow me to introduce our model ship group located in Rochester NY to you. We are a small group that was founded in late 2015. We have members in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Florida, and even one in Lisbon Portugal. We meet monthly and through the Zoom application we have been able to include our more distant members. You can learn more about us by visiting our web site modelshipwrightguildwny.org.
    We have located you through the “Community” drop down function on the Model Ship World forum and are reaching out to explore your possible interest and participation in a lively and talented group of modelers from all walks of life.
    Generally, sessions are structured with introductions of visitors, followed by a brief business segment and then we almost always have a central presentation topic or two ending with a show and tell of group models. The sessions usually last two hours.
    So you are invited to visit us (tune in via Zoom) this Fall and see what we are all about. You might find us interesting enough to join us on a more consistent basis. Please PM me, with your email address or cell, and I will put you on distribution for our Fall schedule.
    We will not badger you beyond this outreach if you are not interested.
    Hoping to hear from you.
    Thistle17 (Joe)

  2. Hello; I paid for the download for the Triton plans early this week, but I do not see the plans available yet. Perhaps I do not know where to look. Please let me know... Thank you Gregory
  3. Hello there, I hope to returning to shipbuilding soon. I have moved 4 times since I did any building and health issues caused the delay. Thank you for the offer for the Triton plans. I will download the plans to see what I need to start. Gregory
  4. Hello all again; Continuing the Cheerful building apprentiship. Hopefully I can develop the skill as many on this Forum has the masterfull skills I have seen: I ordered the cannons from Chuck, the rest are scratch built as I can build... Everybody: have a Great Day
  5. Hello all again; continuing my apprenticeship with the Cheerful. I milled the planks with maple, and finished the sides above the wales and the stern, I used the cherry for the wales, marked the bulkheads preparing for the lower planking. I love all the information on this forums; Real Mastership on these forums, I am glad to find this site. Everybody: have a Great day!!!
  6. Hi all; 1; My shipyard with the Usual mess while working. 2: I felt energetic, I painted the Gunports; and while I was waiting for the paint dry, I worked on the Companionway and skylight. I changed a few thing I have seen online, and I made some handmade hinges...later this week to start on the Planking. Thank you all, and Have a Great Day
  7. Hello all again; Thank you RustyJ for all your logs; I am not so much prolific, I love looking all the pictures. I started a couple weeks with Chuck's Plans, at this point I have faired the bulkheads, built the gun ports, and cut the stern frames. Thanks to all that post these all pictures, Hopefully I can become a master modeler. Retired, and starting a New career as a Shipbuilder...Just a Novice now, I love the challenges... Thanks all again
  8. hello all again;...As an old Dog, I am figuring how to send Pictures from my 'Smart Phone'...smarter than me...another picture. at this point about 25 hours so far.
  9. Hello: I received the Plans for the Cutter Cheerful. I decided to cut the bulkheads myself rather than getting the kit
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