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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Main mast backstays, top mast and top gallant backstays.(to those friends interested in greek, topmast backstays=επίτονοι άνω ιστού, topgallant backstays=επίτονοι παπαφίγκου)
  2. Thank you Tom, nice of you to respond to my uploads. Thank you for all the likes guys.
  3. Shrouds on the main mast, and somebody started climbing the rattlines....
  4. @Chapman its never late! As far as we are alive. Thank you very much for your response. Interesting facts and figures. So I guess a 16 degree elevation gives the maximum range.Its been a long time since I learned mechanics at the uni....so I cant recall the ballistic formula 😊. So the 18lb figures suggest that a reasonable worth shooting, long and effective range, would have been about 800 to 1000m, isnt it?A 12 lb should then have been a little less than that. Lets say 600 to 700 or 800m.
  5. @mtaylor @mgdawson thankyou for your help gentlemen. I really appreciate it.
  6. Have looked up all my books and as much I could the internet, but it seems to be a secret! The effective range of those cannons I assume it had to be ca 600-800 m for the 12lb and 400-600 for the 6lb. I would appreciate any help.
  7. @Imagna thats nice of you. Actually I got a refund from paypal but cost of calling Ireland and Ontario I suppose cover over the 37 dollars. In the mean time Cornwall Model in uk were friendly, quicker and cheaper and so I got the parts I need.
  8. Hey hey! Looks great. It seems you got the wind blowing in those sails, bon voyage. Christos
  9. Thank you guys. Paypal and my credit card are now involved over a refund.It seems its a fraud. Though my calls have costed more than the refund I shall receive at the end.😟
  10. Thank you very much. Now it explains all. I have paid an order which I am never never going to receive.
  11. Any one knows this site? I order some articles but it seems although they recieved my payment they are not willing to ship to me.
  12. @Blue Ensign thank you very much. Your explanation is perfect. Christos
  13. Could please someone tell the name of this rigging arrangement.
  14. It became a great conversation out of my humble ignorance. Thank all for participating sharing your precious knowledge .... Christos
  15. @chris watton yes Chris... the question was (if you look up above on this page), the setup of the hearts before the foremast, as the sketch of Frankie, which is as the replica or as Mr Delacroix showed, which is having the hearts after the foremast, low near the bowsprit.
  16. I do believe Mr Delacroix is right. And here its my correction.... 4th dos and redos!
  17. @JerseyCity FrankieThere isnt much to say from my side. Mr Delacroix is a man that has worked over Hermione and has written bibliography over the subject. You are right it seems we are dealing with english vs french practise. His explanation about how the replica is at this point wrong, is that the rigger was swedish and wasnt aware over this french practise at the time. Here is another picture he send to me. "The same detail on a museum model that had an accident (L’Égyptienne launched in Toulon 1799):"
  18. Still I was wrong! this is what I was told from a gentleman (Mr Gerard Delacroix) with good knowledge of the case: The rigging of the "replica" of L'Hermione is false, the stay and the preventer-stay must pass on starboard of the foremast. The hearts are in the lower part. You have the example, among others, on the model of the Dédaigneuse, almost identical to L'Hermione in the museum of Rochefort. ... ... it is a provision very common in many times of the French navy. L'Hermione's "replica" was rigged by a Swedish rigger who was perhaps not aware of all the subtleties of French practices. Gérard Delacroix (né le 10 avril 1956) est un chercheur en archéologie, auteur et éditeur français spécialisé dans l'architecture navale des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Auteur de plusieurs monographies et articles, il est aussi conférencier et consultant
  19. What do you think Frankie? Should the two be in a more parallel place to each other. It came out to be the one above the other instead. Is that wrong? Ofcourse this is the way the replica is rigged.
  20. Double main stay it is.
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