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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. @DelF Derek it looks grom the picture that you did an amazing work there. I decided to rig the guns, but still I will change the blocks to 3mm.
  2. @Bedford & @Mike Dowlingguys you think it was better off without the rigging?
  3. Rigging the cannons... as I finished the first one, -they looked a little big- so I wondered if the blocks are out of scale. So I did some checking calculations. The correct size according to Bellabarba's book it should be 180 mm. So for the model's scale that is 3.75mm. That means a 4 mm block was the best I could use. Still there are'nt any 4 mm blocks to buy. Only 5mm and 3mm blocks are there available, but still both have about the same deviation of 1mm from the size I actually needed to use. So betwwen the two I decided to use the 5mm fine quality Syren Co. blocks which I already had.
  4. Tom the deck looks great! The gun rigging is impressive. What about the rear rigging of the guns? Isnt there any or you are still going to it?
  5. @TimCI already mention that these are made by Amati and they are really a piece of art. The RC kit is Mantua. Ps the flange on which is sitting are not in the swivel guns kit nor in the ships kit. Are taken from another kit (W.Churchil)
  6. Abacus is decorated and the stern looks colourfull. The curtains on the cabin's windows took some imagination and I think arent bad.
  7. @Mike Dowling have you considered the length of the mast which is inserted under the deck?
  8. @Mike Dowling I have to see to that, I just know that not all drawings are to scale. Still if there is doubt I can consult the book of Bellabarba,there is a to scale drawing of the yards and masts. Please don't hesitate to ask me if you wish me to take for you any mesuarments out of the book. Christos
  9. The rail onthe top of the R Cabin, the Gallery 's chimney is there and the fore castle racks. Metal black was used in order to give to the wooden chimney (but well sanded) the impression is metallic. There is also the anchor rope to be seen.
  10. @Bedford thats great to hear! Thank you for that. I though something was wrong.... so my model is correct! @Mike Dowling Mike there is something wrong on your side. The pictures are ok among other members and divices.
  11. Errare humanum est. After checking Bellabarba drw again and more carefully, it showed I was wrong... the Royal Cabin has no acces to the staircaises (there are two, one on each side). I WAS VERY WRONG! Maybe because it was convinient for me to be so. The doors are a must on both constructions (even if they are too low 1.4 m), it is the only way down to the lower deck. So I have correct my mistake and done it by Bellabarba's book, not the way the kit shows it (two stairs going on the RC roof and no doors to the staircase) and ofcourse not my way... no doors "because the RC had acces to the staicases"!!!
  12. Chain plates on both sides. Hard monotony@ But still enjoyable to see the whole standing in place waitting the rigging process to begin. The ladder was also very challenging. The kit shows two ladders, right and left of the royal cabin, but I followed Bellabarba's book, to build only the left ladder. On the right side Bellabarba is showing a closed compartment, which actualy inside of it is the staircase to the lower deck. Both constructions have a side door to enter the staircase, which I havent done, because I believe there were of no use because the staircase is communicating directly with the R.Cabin. The crew that needed to go to the lower deck could do that through the hinter stairs, without passing through the RCabin.Also the dimensions of both construction appear to be very low (1.4 meters) and narrow for the existence of a door.
  13. @Mike Dowling he he ..... actualy I have the ideal piano fingers.... though I dont know how to play the piano.
  14. Oh... too late for me. I did it by using only my fingers. @DelF @Mike Dowling show some pictures guys.... it helps.
  15. @Mike Dowling yes Mike I did. Here is the paint I have used. Excellent paint! Christos
  16. Stem almost there.... . Much iron (bronze) work! I find it challenging because I never worked so much metals by model shipbuilding. Wasnt very hard though I am very inexperience in this kind of work. But still am looking forward to go back to old nice wood work.... lol
  17. Happy new year Tom. You made a magnificent cannon rigging! Its to be taught in shipmodel universities lol. I read about your covid testing experience.... horrible! Just unspeakable. How old are you Tom? Christos
  18. So much to correct it. Nr4 is the way its now, 3 and 4 are the new experiments, of which I believe nr 2 has the more correct staining, thats less orange as 3 and ofcourse 4 and it still has a dash of honey as pine wood. This is important because this shall be the staining of the ship masts later on.
  19. The nice light oak stain looks too orange.... although the stain I used is a great product (used it successfully on Hermione's masting), it seems I over did it this time. So dos and redos, are as always in the agenta....
  20. @DelF thank Dereck for your nice words and ofcourse I appreciate your comments and expiriences over painting. As you see I took the decision not to paint the hull. Christos
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