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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. @Roger Pellett thank you very much. "Light and graceful" were not all ships at that time, the commercial ships had very deep huls indeed, in order to transport more load and they were heavy and sailed only by their sail. The war ships, as Odysseus ship, were used to transport the warriors, there arent any refereneces of sea battles , so they were light, flexible and fast, in order to invade suprisly or attack and withdraw fast etc etc. Hope thats interesting.... and doesnt make me look "a wise guy".
  2. @Landrotten Highlander and @catopower I was in politics a life long.... no I dont think @catopower deserves such a penalty! Lol lol Its an answer trying to help me explore my way of thinking and find a way through . Anyway am settled, am going for nice instead of heistorical accuracy.
  3. Thank you guys.... though am asking because apparently I am in a dilemma. The dilemma that has so nicely @Landrotten Highlander described.
  4. Question to whom it may concern: Is it a white painted hull as the original ship better, or is it nicer to let it as it is, pure wood?
  5. And little more before Christmas.... merry Christmass all.
  6. Crazy dutchman great to hear from you. Am parking here on your building log.... anxious to see you making a mess of RC... 😄 Christo Ps. Am sure Peter that your RC its going to be the same quality level as your S.Maria!
  7. Regarding colours... the blue is the mantua bleu.... its a blue green colour actually, a turquoise. The red one is the ochre red from admirality paints.
  8. Decoration prooved to be very tricky. Its a whole new experience in my so far model building route.
  9. @allanyed thank you very much. Very kind of you to explain me in such detail! Could you please explain me or may be post a picture of the part you explained about the head of yhe rudder. Christos
  10. How was that done? What materials did the used in the 17th and 18th centurys. And how is that done on shipmodells now.
  11. R.Cariline is back to the shipyard. An update, showing deck planking and finishing the the second planking of the hull. I also tryied to open the first gunport... a rotary tool with a drill bid was essential to start the operation.
  12. Thank you Steven. I had untill today made my display cases out of glass, its costly and the seller joins the glass by a sort of laser welding maschine. The problem is, its heavy to carry home from the shop and also fagile, I broke that of Hermione's the other day. I dont know where I can find polycarbonate to buy here in Limassol, may be Amazon does sell. Anyway thank you very much for your help Steven. Christos
  13. @Louie da flySteven please tell me what kind of glue you used for the polycarbonate and what thickness are the poly plates. Thank you Christos
  14. @Louie da fly Steven, it a master piece! Congrats. She is a beauty and an excellent model, am going to download a few pictures for my archives and I shall also send them to Prof. Maritime archeolol. Demesticha of the Cyprus Univ. She is teaching byz. sea archeol. Great work sir! Christos
  15. @Danstream thank you Dan very nice words indeed! If you dont mind telling you, look up Lionel Casson and Samuel Mark... but always Homer him self. Hope you have a good translation. Christos
  16. @bigpetr thank you for you nice words. The model is scale 1-72. Taking a picture near a coin or figure is too late, the model is allready sealed in its display glass
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