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svein erik

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About svein erik

  • Birthday 04/24/1973

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    Norway. sola

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  1. Hello, Well its been a wile do the renovation at my home, so i have to build a new hobby store . The slipp its soon finished and i can start build again😄 Some photos of the neew slipp and also brig syren and cheerful. Svein.erik 20250121_205356.mp4
  2. Hi, is hobbymill eu still open ? The web order is closed ? Svein.erik
  3. Thanks for the update, I do need and want this, but i can wait Do to my rebuilding my house and also Building new work shop etc and etc So i think in end of the year am ready to order 😉 Svein.erik
  4. Hi, oki, its bean some wile since i worked on the syren, maby i will finished it in 2024? 😉 am trying to get all of the bits and peaces glued on and make up all the masts etc so i can startthe rigging , so i have some hope this year😉 svein.e.
  5. ho ho... finished the inboard planking and also the paint is dunn, am working on making the caprails, for that am using boxwood. thanks for the likes gyes😊
  6. Hi, gyes its been a wile since i posted some on MSW, am working my way back to the shipyard😀 som update on my cheerful ... i started to glue down the falce dekk and also glued the first plank on the bulwark, i need to get all off it dunn first and do some painting then i start som more planking😲again.... lol... so i can finished the dekk planking😰 so after i can start the fun parts😉 svein.erik
  7. Thanks for the likes and coments😊 i have know finished all the treenails , yeeéeee, but no i do have some left , the inboard😴 but anyway i have dunn some painting on the wales etc and started to thinn the bulwarks dust to dawn😊 but soon ready to plank inbords. svein erik
  8. hello, am back😃 well am started the build again after finished the coast guard projekt. so i finaly finished the outide planking, yeeeh, but am not close to finished the model🙈 but am under way, after planks its over to the treenails, lol svein erik
  9. Hi ship modellers i yust want to say thanks for all of the likes and coments its has bin fun to build this coast guard cutter . after finished the build , the model is know posted in the website: http://indicatorloops.com/usn_pequot.htm best regards svein erik
  10. yes i can, i did shop some letters and numbers (photo etch) in different scale , painted them and glue them on☺
  11. hi, thans for the good coments☺ and no its not a kit, i scratsh buildt this cutter from plans and i have some plans of building the cutter from the film Dunkirk( hospital ship) this cutter is from time period 1900 and is also lokal, the name is Old. Rogaland. has his port in the habour of Stavanger. Norway. svein.erik
  12. hi, am sorry but my french is a bitt off here, LoL, can you write in english? svein erik
  13. Hello. first of all thanks for all the likes and coments 😊 This build has been a jurney and learning prosess , it has been fun to build a ship model from scratch and its not going to be my last 😉 am not going to write a novell so here is my finished model of Us coast guard ship, General samuel s. Mills . 1908. later Pequot. svein.erik
  14. Hi and thanks for the coments and likes 😊 it going slowly at this time, but i did make the flag and union jack, the flags hs 48 stars and is from timeperiod 1912-1959 it was copy on tissue paper (cred to Chuck ) on how to do it. so here is the result ☺ svein erik
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