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Posts posted by aliluke

  1. Hi Mick

    Just taking in your log for the first time. Sjors is right you are heading for some stormy seas on the second planking with that base and set out. For one, I'd be seriously worried about the big step at the stern that you have created and it is not too late to sand it off - very heavily. Put a plank on about three planks down from where you are now and you should see the difficulty that is about to arise. The Endeavour is a really tough planking proposition - bluff bow and stern. Have a look at other Endeavour logs but I'd recommend some major background adjustments before continuing with the second layer of planks.


    Just my thoughts. Keep it up!




  2. Hi

    I have no experience with this kit or manufacturer. Photos might help others to understand your predicament too.


    What I would say is that "fairing" seems to often be used or heard as a term for just removing material from the bulkheads whereas - my experience with the Armed Virginia Sloop - was that the term should also include adding material - shims. For that kit it was probably half of one - removing and half of the other - adding. With some kits you have to balance both to get the right planking flow across all the "faired" bulkheads. That said a 5mm gap would alarm me and might need some more study to figure out what is going on or perhaps going wrong...




  3. Hi Hamilton

    I'm with Ferit on this. Adding random decoration is going to be difficult and could end up looking just like really strange bling. Leave it plain or get realistic decorations by buying a Pegasus PE set (these are separately available from the kit but the scale is 1/64), or something similar. That way you get all the additions that are right for the era.


    If that doesn't fit - budget or otherwise, I reckon, straight up, plain is better.




  4. Hi Daveor

    I have all 4 volumes - bought them some time ago. Your best bet for upgrading the Amati kit is Volume 2. I'd also recommend Volume 4 which covers the rigging. All 4 volumes add up to a stunning series of books and I'm pleased to have them. Volume 1 and Volume 3 are much more aimed at a POF build and although they are fascinating they are less helpful for the kit build. Volume 3 - although a great build log - will not assist with the kit very much.


    If you can afford it - get them all, they are beautifully produced and very instructive. If you can afford less, at least get Volume 2 and then later get Volume 4 for rigging as well.






    Where are you shipping to? Your signature has no location.

  5. Hi Ken

    I missed your latest post. Your AVS is looking mighty fine! I found that the model really starts to take off from here on - acquires a whole other dimension with the masts and spars. I hand sanded all of those parts and aside from the choking dust and the hard labour involved, it worked out just fine. I look forward to seeing your progress as your AVS comes to life!!




  6. Hi

    Thanks for the further feedback.


    Ken - I wrapped the ropes tightly around spaced steel pins and the painted with diluted white glue. Tied them off with a couple of coils perpendicular to the main coil and then draped and shaped them around the belay point. See attached image.


    Kyjack - Thanks. It was my first build too except for a strange attempt at a Dutch Whaler by Sergal many years ago. There are many other AVS builders here. I am sure they, like I, will help if you have any questions. It builds into a beautiful model and the scale is relatively easy to handle. Good luck and, most importantly, enjoy it. I look forward to seeing your build log!





  7. Hi Hamilton

    It is almost impossible to keep up with your building pace....but I'll try better in future. Nice work here and very considered.


    I thought about buying that book on the Blandford on ebay but the shipping cost exceeded the buy now price - a position I cannot accept.


    I'll keep up with your "Blandford" from now on but more as a watcher than adviser. You're way ahead of me for the latter qualification!


    Great stuff.




  8. Hi Jay

    I'm still boggled by what you are taking on...This is not a facetious question: When you mount a ship under full sail in the wind do you list it towards the leeward side as it would in such a state? Or is it set to just run with the wind and not on a tack with a list? (To be honest I'm not even sure how much a square rigged ship would list on a tack...a few degrees only or more?).




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