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Posts posted by aliluke

  1. I think you are in really good shape Mick. The upper works are the most important, being the most visible and unlikely to be covered with anything but paint. Depending on how you finish the lower hull - painted or coppered, the lower planking can be a little more loose. Best thing is your hull shape looks great - well founded and that is what really counts.




  2. Hi Danny

    Although I think I've seen it before (MSW1 versus MSW2 - will do this to you) I was just alerted again to your Vulture project. I'm just starting on the kit Amati Fly - a poor cousin- and would like to thank you for the enormous wealth of information that your build provides for these ships. Just incredible - knowledge plus skill. Beautifully made! I'm going to start back at page 1 and just look and learn...




  3. Bridle ports are found on the Fly/Pegasus as well. The TFFM Swan series suggest that these opened on the jamb (sideways) rather than at the head. Also it suggests that the hinge was on the fore jamb rather than the aft, so that it opened towards the aft, makes sense as it keeps the sea water out. A nice little detail to authenticate your Blandford without the trouble of making a cannon!


    Stay earthquake free - they are seriously scary.




  4. Hi Hamilton

    This is looking really sharp. I've followed several of your models, as you know, and they get better and better. I'm with your 4 year old - ladders before guns.


    I've seen some pictures of your retreat and having been to a couple of islands off Vancouver, I can say I'm very envious especially as we languish here in a windy winter which is now being garnished with big earthquakes!!!


    Have a great break and spare a thought for us dealing with 200kph winds and 6.5 magnitude earthquakes!


    All the best,


  5. Hi Mick (and Bankie)

    Apologies - I did not mean to worry you with my comments. I just foresaw an issue coming up that could be averted. If you have a look on this log (not mine) http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/124-hmb-endeavour-by-captain-slog-caldercraft-164/page-2 - page 2 there are lots of pictures of the bow and stern on Endeavour which show a nice planking flow and do not have the step at the stern that you have formed. I still think looking ahead by laying planks a few rows down from where you are at will give you an picture of what is coming and why there may be an issue. Perhaps I'm wrong - I'm just going by your photos. While tricky there many hulls like Endeavour's and with simple planning the harder aspects of the form can be easily planked. That said I'm no expert in this matter.


    Sorry again - I did not mean to alarm you. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll have a very fine hull when finished!




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