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About Andreas

  • Birthday 09/15/1962

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Germany, Lower Saxony, 32423, Melle
  • Interests
    Model ships, reading, (model-) trains, 3D drawing and printing (maybe), draining the internet

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  1. Hallo wefalck, vielleicht noch eine Ergänzung für deine Sammlung: Die Sprache des niederdeutschen Reepschlägerhandwerks, Jürgen Eichhoff, 1968, im Rahmen "Niederdeutsche Studien" interessanter herausgegeben vom Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe perhaps another addition to your collection: The language of the Low German rope-making trade, Jürgen Eichhoff, 1968, as part of "Low German Studies" more interestingly published by the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe Grüße, Andreas
  2. Die Bobrik Bände 1, 2.1, 2.2 und 3 in guter Auflösung und mit vollständig aufgeklappten Tafeln (rund 3.300 Seiten, 830 MB) sind online bei Handbuch der praktischen Seefahrtskunde Einzelne Kapiel können hier geladen werden: Inhalt Grüße, Andreas
  3. Hello, it is better to go to the original url: Details There you can find more files and clicking on the authors name, you can find more bokks of the author. Greetings Andreas
  4. Here some more informations.
  5. Hello Chuck,
    I apologize for contacting you directly, but I have a problem:
    I would like to join the Winchelsea project (but only "digitally" in CAD and may be in Blender) and download the plans via https://thenrgstore.org/collections/plans-and-projects/products/winchelsea-plan-access. Unfortunately, I don't have a credit card and have therefore already written to NRG twice (on November 6th and 11th) to see if payment via PayPal would also be possible. While I received a response from Mary after hours to an earlier, similar email about paying for my NRG membership (even on the weekend!), unfortunately no response has been received to date.
    Does this possibly have something to do with the annual meeting? Then I'll just wait a few more days.

    Best regards


  6. There is a video with a look in the book, so you can determine if the book is worth the £50. Book Overview
  7. If you find enough books, you can spend your Admiral an own ship from the saved money.
  8. A 3D-presentation that explains bottom->up what an 18th century battleship is all about. How an 18th Century Sailing Battleship Works Greeting, Andreas
  9. What was probably the slowest news broadcast in the world is (partially) no longer available - "Deutschlandfunk" or "Deutschlandradio" has discontinued the sea weather report. "Dear users, The maritime weather report that was previously broadcast three times a day on the digital channel Deutschlandfunk Fernsehen (Dlf DokDeb) will be discontinued on March 1st, 2023. This also eliminates the possibility of listening to the sea weather report at deutschlandradio.de or of having it announced by tape. Digital "weather info boxes" are now widespread, the German weather service continues to broadcast sea weather voice messages via shortwave and many sailors and water sports enthusiasts use special weather apps." In view of new technical possibilities, it is outdated. If you want to enjoy it a last time: 4:40 "sloooowly eastward" 24 minutes of concentrated weather data - has anyone ever noticed the acute storm warning in the last 4 minutes (without falling asleep first?) 😴 Greetings, Andreas
  10. Hello Kurt, ist it possible for internatioinal readers to buy digital Journals? The immense shiping-costs for the paper-version are a miss.




    1. kurtvd19


      If you are an NRG member.  The Journal is a member only item.  If you sign up as a member there is an option for getting the digital only version.  If so the dues are the same as for a US member. 

      Hope you join.


  11. Just because there are only 50 miles to go for TBlack: There is a set at tenpound Books Greating, Andreas
  12. For a first impression, The Young Sea Officer can be seen and downloaded at http://books.google.de/books?id=HmJJAAAAYAAJ&redir_esc=y. (Sorry, Google wouldn't let me go to ".com", because I'm from Germany ) For a version with a more readable text (17 MB pdf), you can go to: https://de.scribd.com/doc/111910843/The-Young-Sea-Officer-s-Sheet-Anchor-Leever-1853-TEXT. This is a text, which I made in 2012 from the Google-version. As in the Google-version, the last pages of the dictionary are missing. But I have deleted much of the white pages. There is also an online version of The Kedge Anchor from 1852: https://archive.org/details/kedgeanchororyo01bradgoog. To download, go to All Files: HTTPS, there you can download the different sources: https://ia902605.us.archive.org/18/items/kedgeanchororyo01bradgoog/ Also you can find The Naval Apprentice's, but the scan is a little bit tricky (double pages around the plates) [looking closer at the pdf, I have to revise the bad word **** ] https://archive.org/details/navalapprenticss00brad Greetings Andreas
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