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About RFP

  • Birthday 08/20/1939

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hurst, Texas (between Fort Worth and Dallas)
  • Interests
    Woodworking, fly fishing, photography, audio, model building and Porsches!

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  1. Truly looking forward to your next post! Happy, happy holidays to you... stay healthy and happy. Rob
  2. I am really grateful, Dan, for the book suggestion. I found an excellent copy at Abe's Books and have finished it... fascinating! These huge old engines were, well, huge! And, considering the technology and manufacturing capabilities of the time, were an amazing accomplishment. I also found a couple of interesting YouTube videos of walking beam engines. lots of hardware, there. Thanks again, Dan
  3. John, What a spectacularly beautiful place; it looks to me like a perfect movie set! I have never been to Nova Scotia, and scenes such as this make me realize what I've missed; and makes me want to go. A week there must have been wonderful. Thanks for posting. Rob
  4. Thanks, Dan, for the book suggestion. I just ordered a copy from AbesBooks; about fifteen bucks... can't wait to get it! Rob
  5. I've got a question about the paddle wheel and it's 'box.' There is a lot of 'headroom' at the top of the wheel... what is all this space for? In the real world, does the wheel move up and down (like the wheels/tires of a car) and the space is needed for that travel. I know my question has nothing whatsoever to do with the build log, but I'm wondering... Rob
  6. I agree, Dan, this is a great build log. I am so glad that real craftsmen are working on the Portland now... I'm ordering mine in September, and the work chronicled here will be massively helpful. ;-)
  7. So glad you are feeling better, John... I've been missing your posts. Here's wishing a quick trip to a complete recovery! Rob
  8. Hi I just started posting pictures from my Portland.   I see your in the Dallas area.  I have a daughter in Plano that I visit often.   You have many build to work off .  I added lighting and different window treatment.  I also expanded the opening of the engine room to show its workings.  I hope this gives you some possible ideas to increase the detail.


  9. This is going to be a great build log... I'm going to be following right along, watching and learning. Robert
  10. Good morning, Norm... I am so glad that you are building this gorgeous model! Are you going to start a 'build log,' or are you just going to keep it all in this thread? I've been a [mostly-lurking] member of this fine group for some time now, but have yet to actually start any constructive work. I spend a lot of time trying to decide what ship I wanted to tackle as my re-entry into the hobby; way too much time. I knew I didn't want another warship, and was kind of hot/cold toward whaling ships. Then I 'found' the Portland and it really appeals to me, so evocative of that era. After I had decided that the Portland would be 'it,' I promptly had some health issues the first five months of this year (all's well now!!), so I'm really wanting to get started soon. So, after all that, I am so looking forward to watching you progress... I wish you the very, very best, have fun with it! Rob
  11. Any update, Norm? Really looking forward to your build!
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