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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. Thanks for the info guys! Very informative. Ugh, I got the new wash in the mail. But they sent the wrong one. I need AK303 I got AK302. So, More delays now....ugh
  2. I started shading the 16 inch guns, but something just wasn't right. The wash was acting different. It wasn't coming out good like before and it's hard to work with. Then it hit me. I had spilled the wash about two months ago. When I spilled it it was not mixed so more oil got spilled then pigment, and That must have thrown off the balance. I just ordered more as I don't want to use this anymore. Anyway heres before shading and after... im not happy with it. Oh and do I shade the blast bags?
  3. I just fear humidity that my only issue. I have to think about if I can actually do it. I was looking around down there thinking and noticed The people on the other half of the basement have there washer and dryer down there. The problem is there dryer doesnt vent outside! Theres no tube going to the outside, the water vapor from the dryer just fills the basement! If you look to the left in my photo thats the kind of wall im working with. I guess I can just slap some plywood on the walls. But now im talking bout renting a pickup truck for plywood etc. it will be a project that takes away from time i could use to finish up the bismarck. Ugh I dont know. Who lets there dryer do that?!? maybe a 20 minute ride early saturday and sunday mornings to and already set up workshop that im used to doesnt sound so bad for now.
  4. No garage but, if I had one I promise there would be a Bismarck parked in it... no car. Hmmmm that gives me a thought. My storage space is my basement and its huge. I wonder if its too humid for a model work shop. Its me and another condo for this one basement and its allready seperated. This is my huge half. The wheels are turning... ( notice the lonely Missouri)
  5. No dining room table! Half the point is to be alone. If nagging makes anyone feel better be my guest lol
  6. either that or after the bismarck give it a rest till I buy a new place either way I must finish the Bismarck!
  7. good thing I'm almost done Cog. I have the Missouri waiting also. if It helps I can tell you what I'll be doing next weekend. I will be shading the 4 main guns. Actually that only requires the guns, a couple of brushes, Qtips and the paint/spirits... I can do that here this week, then drive them back and install them onto the ship next weekend. Man I was in a good flow for 2 years with this model now that's all shook up.
  8. Hey Popeye. Im all settled into New Hampshire now. But the Bismarck is in boston. I have saturdays snd sundays to work on it. This weekend im going to cape cod but next weekend ill start working on her again.
  9. Hi John. I didn't do anything special on the swastikas. I used 6mm tamiya masking tape which I think is the key. Tamiya tape is excellent! You just have to make sure it's pressed on really good. Then I used a 50/50 mix of tamiya acrylic and tamiya thinner. Also I did not apply thin coats, just one coat. When airbrushing on the tapes edge I try to spray at a 90 degree angle straight down to try to minimize any spray sneeking under the tape. Honestly I was very suprised and delighted at how it turned out myself. basically I followed the Flory models Bismarck build step by step as closely as I could.
  10. Hey John, The move went well! Then I reallized I have no room for a model workshop. So I ended up bringing ALLLL my model stuff back to my parents house. So what Im going to do is just go to my parents house every saturday and sunday to work on the model. Starting this saturday I should be back in business.
  11. I will let everyone know how it goes as soon as I get there. I am about too start packing up the shop so I wont have any progress for a few weeks. See everyone soon!
  12. Pillows! Theres an idea. Its a 30 min all highway drive to the new place. I was also thinkin about putting my girl in the back seat and putting the bismarck on her lap. Maybe she can monitor things back there? This is going to be stressful.
  13. Thanks Lou! I bought a condo in New Hampshire so i've been busy and I still have to move. I have no idea how im going to move the bismarck without distroying it. Believe it or not I never use anything to magnify my work... I just squint. Though your working with 1/350 your going to need it. I look forward to your Titanic!
  14. Thanks for the info Canute! I finally assembled the barrels and installed all 12. starting on the ladder rungs. This is what I dislike doing very much! Damn ladder rungs! But this time instead of drilling holes I just folded the tips of the rungs and glued them on. It makes it easier.
  15. I'm just continuing on with the PE. First the bands of brass go around the base. next to go on is the sliding hatches. next is to start installing the barrels.
  16. These blast bags had predrilled holes unlike the bigger ones. Much much better. then I glued all plastic floors etc. next is to bend these sliding hatches? I dont know what they are.
  17. Interesting Popeye! the blast bags have been painted white. Brushed on and I hated it. But it came out good. Now just to apply shading and big guns are done. While that dried I prepared all of the parts for the next 6 gun turrets.
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