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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. Canute, your right and that's exactly what I did. I put a fan in my little window. It's sucking out air and the fumes are still potent!! Thank you Robin! It's amazing, this whole time I was thinking what a bad job I'm doing on the model. But when I created a build log here I got so many compliments! It's really what I needed for my moral and drive. So really thank you everyone!
  2. Thank you OC! Today I continued with the super structure. It's been a challenging day. Also I spilled a whole bottle of Tamiya Extra Thin Cement so I'm feeling a bit lite headed from all the fumes. First thing i did was try to fit the deck onto the first piece I did yesterday. It did not want to fit at all, but a bit of sanding did the trick. Next I cut out some PE portholes and ladders. Again I tacked them down with medium CA glue then thinned down Gators Grip glue to finish. I also cut out the windows to the bridge. The super structure grows slowly but surely. Until next time!
  3. I have no idea why those last five photos showed up after I wrote "thanks for looking everyone!" weird...
  4. Today I continued work on the super structure. I woke up at 5 am I was so excited. I used a tiny amount of medium Zap-A-Gap to just tack the ladders and portholes to the model. After they have been tacked on I used Gator's Grip Thin Blend glue mixed with water to a milky consistency. I apply it to the porthole with a small brush. the glue flows around the photo etch I guess do to capillary action. it works quite well. I also got more Veterans Models mini gun kits in the mail yesterday, these are great! sorry for the up-side-down photos... whoops. That's all the progress for today. Believe it or not just that took me 4 hours as I'm very slow. here are some photos of the ship so far. the first photo is how i have to store it under plastic due to all the dust in my basement. I wonder if i can convince the fiance to let me set up my workshop in the living room... I'am scared to weather the portholes on the hull, the rudders and the hull itself. I'm not even sure what i weathered was done correctly or even looks ok. it does to me but I don't know much about weathering at all. The way i want to display the two catapults is to make one put away and the other like its being used. the two planes will also reflect that theme. When I built the case base I put a 1/8 inch slit around the whole thing. My plan is to build a acrylic or glass box to encase the model. the two pillars the ship sits on are just two cabinet knobs from home depot. And finally a few guns patiently waiting for there place in the world. It really shows the detail level of the VM mini kits. and I didn't use nearly all the pieces. Thanks for looking everyone!
  5. Thank you slog! Tomorrow I am going to work on the super structure. I will also post photos of the ship. I just realized there are no photos of what the ship looks like so far.
  6. Thank you guys! I havn't done a model since I was a child. Seeing all the great work people do on this site Made me think twice before creating a biild log as I am a rookie. But I have to start somwhere. Chris, it is huge challenge for sure! I never thought I had shakey hands until I tried assembling some of these tiny parts!
  7. Today I finally start on the super structure. and A photo of some photo etch. first I have to drill out the portholes and sand away all ladders and anything else the photo etch will replace.
  8. Hi everybody, I actually started this November of 2016. for a long time I didn't want to create a build log because all I have for a camera is an Iphone se. I didn't take many photos up till now, but I will from now on if the photo quality is ok. Even tho I'm about halfway done here are the few photos I have so far. This is the first model I have built since Revell kits 25 years ago when I was 11 years old. So you won't see anything fantastic here The first few photos is after the hull and deck have been completed. Some photo etch and deck fittings ready for paint with Tamiya Sky Grey before weathering and after weathering. this is the first time i have ever weathered. It's not a good job but it is what it is. More photo etch. Also the smallest set of stairs i have ever seen. And painted along with some guns shes wondering why I have been working on my model for 6 hours forgeting to take her for a walk These Veteran Model mini kits of the various guns are so great. The detail is amazing! my work bench And finally some railing work brings us to where i am now with the model.
  9. I love it just the way it is, no copper. I also think no paint above would look great to. The contrast between walnut wales and basswood planks looks awesome to me.
  10. Dumb question i know, but some one has to ask these dumb question lol . But seriously thank you guys that cleared it up for me I don't know why I thought they were identical now that i see there's many differences.
  11. I was just wondering if they were sister ships or identical.
  12. What a great build! can I ask which plans you are using for the rigging? I thought this kit didn't include masts.
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