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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. They are not part of the MK1 or Pontos detail sets. They are sold seperately as mini kits by Veteran Models each kit is 2 guns. So I had to buy 4 kits. But the detail is AMAZING! Theres no way to see the detail with my iphones camera. Theres also no way to use all the available parts as there are waaay to small( for me Atleast) I highly recomend veteran models kits as an upgrade. these are 2 parts in the kit at the end of the tooth pick! Way to small for me. With how busy a battleship is the average Person observing the whole Model would never see these two pieces anyway. Besides there is no way I have the skill to install these two pieces These parts are not even the smallest pieces I would have shown you the smaller ones but I had no idea how to cut them away from the sprue.
  2. 8 guns to assemble. The first 4 are relatively easy (6 pieces each basically) the other 4 are way more complex, way more pieces and PE. Heres the first 2 ready for paint.
  3. Herask lol. Flory and kevin did that for me lol. So I was all set to tackle these guns this morning when I got a call... from my boss... I guess I have to postpone this for 24 hours now.
  4. Hey everyone, I finished up shading the rest of the guns. Then glued them into the the ship. Alot of them didn't fit so I had to file the holes till they fit. It's hard to get all six guns in the same photo but here are a few photos. Up next, odds and ends then the veteran models gun kits I bought as an upgrade.
  5. I just realized I never shaded any part of the hull at all! I think after these guns are done and before I start on the last guns I should take care of a few things. The replacement radar, the railings that fell off, shade parts of the hull. I want to address all these things before moving on.
  6. Thank you CDW! I have the 1/200 missouri sitting in my closet ready to go. I was also thinking maybe the 1/200 hornet or enterprise, or perhaps trying a wooden ship ( diana, agamemnon or victory) though thats all new tools to buy. So I guess it's still up in the air but probably the missouri. Hey LH, I wish I could but the are glued in position. Maybe I should have checked before hand. I never thought this would be an issue. Expect the unexpected I guess.
  7. I finished shading three of the six guns that I am working on. I could not wait to finish all six so I put three of them on the ship. They are not glued yet. I wanted to face the guns straight forward and straight back but the center gun hits the lifeboat crane making that impossible. I am forced to set them at and offset angle sticking out beyond the bow which I do not like. I will leave them unglued for now in case I think of somthing. Wow the pictures do not do this ship justice, the ship is starting to look really cool and really detailed.
  8. Oh man this is an awesome build! I look forward to watching this unfold.
  9. Thank you Kevin! I staunchly disagree that mine looks better than yours though. Your build and the flory build were my inspiration and gave me the courage to even buy the kit. Your Bismarck has unbelievable weathering to it. The way the rust streaks run down from the portholes alone amazes me. It has much more depth and range of weathering to it. Mine is just the same Mono tone shading throughout the entire ship. I'm just an amateur trying to emulate Amazing builds like yours. It's nowhere near yours but I think it will still look really cool in my house to anyone and laying eyes on it for the first time. Most people don't see that everyday so its A pleasant surprise. The average Joe will say "WOW, what an amazing modeler you are". But all of us here know better
  10. A Little bit of progress is being made today. first I painted all the plastic bags. then I started shading. Here are a couple of before and after's. I'm going to continue working on these now. Hopefully I finish them today because I really want to see them on the Bismarck.
  11. I just painted 6 more guns. Now just to paint the blast bags, Shade them and install them. I'm not sure if the blast bags should be painted the same color as the 16 inch guns blast bags. Or if they should be a different color. after this comes the veteran models gun kits. I can't wAit for that
  12. A Little bit more progress today. Six more guns assembled and ready for paint. Along with the replacement radar. crooked ladder rungs straighter ladder rungs I hesitate to close up the radar box before painting for fear of not getting all the nooks and crannies.
  13. Thank you! Sometimes I think I can see the finish line. But then I start to think how much they're actually is still to do. I still have a lot to do. I am thinking I finish by New Year's if I'm lucky.
  14. The main guns are done and installed onto the Bismarck! And only 3 months after starting on the guns! They are not glued on yet... not sure if I should even glue them on. I like having the option of aiming them anywhere I want at anytime. Anyway here are some high quality iphone photos. thats not my nail polish in the back ground. notice the 2 railings on the deck. They just fell off while she was being stored. I never thought CA glue could just let go like that. just a cool view of the detail
  15. Hey guys, sorry I've been so slow, I've been so busy. I'm all caught up now for weekends so I have free time again. Anyway i found one of the radars from the bismarck on the floor and stepped on. Lucky me I still have trumpters photo etch radars. Time to paint and assemble 1 more radar.
  16. Your right Popeye. Now that I'm in Salem NH I dont know if there are any hobby stores around here. I used to have Hobby Bunker near boston. But I just got an email from the seller saying the correct item has shipped first class mail. Also no need to return the other one. So I am very happy with how he handled it. I will absolutely shop there again.
  17. Yes Imagna it sucks! Cog yes it was there fault the receipt says I ordered AK 303. They were just not paying attention when they grabbed it off the shelf. And grabbed AK302. I contacted the seller through amazon. Now they say allow 2 days for the seller to respond... this tiny little mistake is going to cost alot of time. I could easly just order it again it was only a few dollars. I'm not going to do that though. I'm going to send this back at there expense and have the right one sent to me at there expense. Maybe next time they will pay attention to what they are grabbing off the shelf.
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