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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. I had already planned on using 3 steps for that ladder myself. Good works. Rob
  2. You’re awesome Vlad. Can’t wait. I know the whole debacle of the Vietnam war sucked. I hope you enjoy some needed mental rest. Rob
  3. Still…..does anyone know how to put this log in the right time frame? I’ve tried myself but no luck. Admin help would be nice……..unless it doesn’t matter to anyone. Rob
  4. I probably would have used Champelle’s lines…….but too many smart people are reconciling all the drawings…..an I want to get this right ……so I’m hanging till Vlad , Luis and Rich all concur. So , now I’m gonna make dozens of railing stanchions. Rob
  5. Clipperfan pushed me over the wall. Vlad wanted to tackle another American clipper, so we settled on McKay’s first. Many talented folks are helping from the back room. Glad you’re aboard. It’s gonna be fun. Rob
  6. Indeed you are correct. The head needs to be slightly elevated to accommodate the curve of the hood. I finished guilding the Staghound. what ya think?
  7. Thanks. I’m going to work on the jaw, ears and make some corrections next. once done I will guild or paint her and leaver her on her mounting. I’ll remove her just before adding her to the cut water. When I get there. Like I did with Glory of the Seas, I’ll begin making the railing stanchions now too. I like to get as much detail work out of the way while I wait for hull conclusions. Rob
  8. Good work everyone. We’ll I began making chips,…….we’ll small chips. I carved the Staghound figurehead. Here are some pics
  9. Oh no, not the railing itself...but the mizzen fife rail or pin rail. Did you draw a forward image with the fife pin rail in place showing where it inserts into the portico front...and possibly where you might include those pillars? Rob
  10. Your drawing did not include the fife rail from the front....and its insertion into the portico. I was wondering if that would interfere with the pillars? Rob
  11. Rich..it was I who noticed these on Chapelle's drawing. Unlike British clippers that had large deck winches before the fore and main masts...American clippers tended to use other means to lift heavy items. I'm gathering that these drawings of Champelle are something similar to the image I presented. Makes sense. Rob
  12. Riiight. While you're at it...can you tell me the length of the Stadhound.....much like Atheana? 7ft? or so? Rob
  13. Great image...coupled with Rich's drawing, I should be able to model a good likeness. Rob
  14. This is a good writeup. Nearly word for word from Duncan McLean. Rob
  15. Came across something interesting. Chapelle...draws some interesting features on the fife bits. I wondered if they could be part of a winch or something....then I came across this image, that shows exactly what the drawing is trying to exhibit. Winches built right onto the fife bits
  16. The proximity of the fife rail and the portico, already introduces possible rigging interference. But that is the nature of the beast. Also the insertion of the fife rail into the portico on its leading edges will eliminate any gothic pillars...unless the rail can interrupt the pillar midway? I'd like to see what you come up with. Rob
  17. Rich...I like this representation. I'm not sure 3 windows are needed on the forward side...since the middle window is fully blocked by the mizzen......still it lets in ample light. Love the curved door and woodwork. The roof height is right in line with the main poop rail foot, or top of the monkey rail. Making the main poop rail even with the portico rail. This representation is probably the best....given the Duncan description and keeping with McKay documented practices. Not to mention what seams logical. Rob
  18. Hense, the wrestling match we are currently engaged in. Rob
  19. Rick...this is a true statement.....however...some renderings are not far off...others are...well...pretty much a different ship all together. Rob
  20. McKay was impressing the idea of Speed with the Staghound. Yes a scruffy greyhound. Personally, I'm using your rendering as my model....I like its features and gait. Rob
  21. Looks good...you're after a slight impression....the slight indication of a nail imprint...nothing more in this scale. Laying them individually will take some time...that is why I invented an embossing method to emboss copper tape...it looks fantastic and works very fast. I'm all about FAST. Good luck. Rob
  22. From his own words, it appears there is structure to the portico...not a flush front with sliding door. Square, means to me just that. With a four ft. recess into the poop deck. I'll be interested in seeing your examples. Rob
  23. If you reduced the extension by a foot..but left the width of the portico similar to what Chappelle drew...that would still provide ample real-estate for perimeter stanchions. Enough room inside to enter, turn and descend. With nice windows on the front for ample lighting. Even if you only reduced it the 8" I mentioned it would still work...IMV. Duncan says *square*...but from his other Vague descriptions....it could simply imply it doesn't extend past the 4ft insertion into the poop deck and no further then the mizzen. As far as its width, it could be wider as Champelle notes. Some paintings even make the suggestion. Your thoughts? Rob
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