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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Milling the corner pieces was very tricky. I tooled up the stock and ran a section through the routing bit. Those sections are less than 3/32”. On both sides of the molding. I haven’t decided if I’ll add the brass glass guards yet. Might be too crowded and clumsy in this scale. Rob
  2. This morning I began the 10ft main skylight. Just finished up the base of the light. Onto the skycap. It may come to your attention that the light is a bit different than the drawing you made Rich. That was for a 6ft light. I have artistic license to produce a light that fits the bill. It will still retain the same design. Rob
  3. One very good reason McKay probably purchased the Patent windless...instead of making his own. McLean did say that every expense was utilized to use the most advanced technology available in the forecastle mechanics. Ro
  4. So lets follow that for a minute. What does *paring* 2 look like, if Duncan McLean said, *A* large skylight.....? Rob
  5. Maybe, but Duncan's description is, *A large skylight*. An average 6 1/2' skylight wouldn't yield the same description. IMV. However, doubling up two *singles*, might be an answer. But if McKay had the freedom to buy or build whatever he needed for this ship, why skimp? Why not just build the skylight you envisioned? Fill the space over the dining room with light. Rob
  6. Good thing, this monster is located under the forecastle. Since the owners of Staghound gave McKay an open checkbook...no wonder he installed this. this kind of windless wasn't used in Flying Cloud, or Flying fish, or Glory of the Seas for that matter. It must have been expensive for the time. So that means Staghound had no hand lever windless....typical, just under the edge of the forecastle deck.... Rob
  7. Thanks Pat.....I want to get as much deck furniture accomplished before hand...during the lull...prior to getting the bulkheads. Again, thanks for looking in my friend. Rob
  8. One other thing to confuse you. Duncan McLean says she had a Patent windless. Not a hand lever windless. Here is. Patent Windless found in Campbell’s book. Every drawing we have seen shows her with a hand lever windless. Riddle me this……
  9. That is a great looking window. Good idea. Hey……about the skylight. I know Glory had 6x6 with a 4ft light in the middle and 1ft seats on both sides. But I though Staghound had. Much larger single skylight. That was 10ft long? I’ll have to recheck too. Here are the two houses waiting to be installed. Rob
  10. You're building one of those other guys it appears. different animals. these look to be 68ft tall and riding on rectangular barges. Fun project for sure.. Rob
  11. Wow....your pile driver is nearly twice as tall as the ones depicted in that image you provided , the one I reproduced. Those towers are 39ft tall. I devised that by calculating the height of the man by the donkey....for academic purposes...he's 6ft tall and he fits 6.5 times the height of the drivers pier. that measurement was taken for both drivers with men on their barges. So apparently, you are NOT mimicking these drivers, but are building one twice as tall with a smaller, less efficient boiler. Well, then I owe you an apology. Rob(good job) Rob
  12. That might be true according to the drawing...but it surely isn't indicative to the drivers in the image...or the one Keith is building. The images depict the pier is slightly taller than 3 boilers....but Keiths pier is four and a half times taller than his boiler. either he's building a much taller pier....or his boiler is too small. Keith deviates from the picture in that his barge is square. Sure to boot, I bet the design was very flexible...and there were no hard standards...cept the functionality. Rob
  13. Yes...you want an even consistent look.....not a look of dilapidation and leaching....that these pictures also represent. Unless, that's what you are looking for....then you need to treat your entire vessel in like manner. Weathering her consistently.
  14. Not to be disparing, but I refer you to your own image.....I think your donkey boiler is too small for your arrangement, Unless you are modeling much large derrick pile driver.....?
  15. That paint coupled with the shiny copper...really lent itself to the aged muntz I was after. And the paint helps seal the copper to the hull and to each other. I used light coats so the copper itself would kinda shine through but not. Its an interesting effect. I used the old images of Cutty Sark in her drydock long before she was ever burnt and rebuilt. The older picture is a bit faded.
  16. Good night nurse! You’re going at it the hard and technical way. I just spray painted my copper with metallic paint. As I applied it, it mixed with the copper color and took on the look of aged oxidized muntz. Which turns kinda brownish. I liked the result. Rob
  17. Finally paint and there you go. Of course I’ll add the steps later. I don’t want to break anything that hangs away from the body. The railing is quite fragile all by itself. Rob
  18. We’ll I worked on the portico and have some progress pics. Stained the top to match the deck and added the aft deck and stanchion trim. Rob
  19. I agree with 5 port holes per side in conjunction with 5 flush deck prisms. That shouldn’t be too hard. Rob
  20. So from this, you are saying the skylight is 10ft long by 6ft 4 inches wide....meaning that the upper light is only 4ft wide with the addition of 10in seats on either side....rounding it out to 6ft 4in wide.....? Rob
  21. Thanks....I considered the idea that this is an entry way...and the aft portico that must have ornate facing windows and pillars. the panel work on its front is reminiscent of the larger carriage houses of McKay's larger clippers , which actually had poop deck cabins. A kind of captain's palace....per se'. Next, I will be adding the stanchion base peripheral trim and stanchions....and possibly the steps and their railing...after I add the exterior deck base trim around the aft end of the portico. Rob
  22. We’ll I finished adding the pillars and windows Put on the first coat of paint too. Rob
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