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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Great job Bruma.....Definitely. Just like you, I opted to build all my yards(with furled sails) for the main mast of Glory at once too. I just focused as you did. We followed nearly the same process, with slight differences. Now all you need do is mount them and rig them.....Riiiight.....I make it sound so simple and easy. You did a fine exceptional job. Painting them black I suppose? Great build. Rob
  2. Not sure why this fitting out image was taken to be her sheer and bow/stern form? So many other images show better proportions and more like what we built.
  3. Thanks Bruma. I wanted something different then full set sails and the typical loosely furled sails. I opted for the way they stored them when in port for a time. Tight, clean and symmetrical. Shipshape. The impression any good captain wanted to leave viewers of his ship in port. Rob(It is my way to do something different)
  4. There we go…….all the yards are finished…… now onto the shrouds to finish them up before I mount the yards on the mast. Rob
  5. Pat …… I completely agree. Is would be so nice to have a second set of eyes and a homework buddy. Thanks for the fine compliment Here is the sky sail and yard getting ready for bunt blocks and some gaskets and a final weathering. Rob
  6. Spent some time finishing up the main mast yards. Here are the completed royal and the top gallant. I’m in the throes of finishing the sky sail and yard. Once these yards are complete I will go back to the mast and begin finishing the top shrouds and the topgallant ones too. Thanks Rich for your continual work with Mike and the logistics of the article process. Rob
  7. A final note. If Mike wants to show the evolution of Glory’s hull and that by way of revelation with new imagery……. Ron’s drawing can only be part of that revelation process……NOT its final outcome as we have demonstrated through our own research and models. Rob
  8. Indeed…….I hope we don’t poke the bear too hard. I’m glad you are handling the dialogue with Mike concerning all of our findings. Keep me informed, and as usual, if You need anything, just ask. Rob
  9. Weathering will finish it off. I’ll finish up the royal and sky yards tomorrow. Rob
  10. Sails on the top gallant yard. Addition of gaskets and bunt blocks will follow after things dry. Rob
  11. Due to the photographers location….the fitting out image appears to exaggerate the aft sheer. This error is translated to the line drawing as well. Closer aspects take on enlarged distortions. So reverse engineering needs to utilize other images to correct for these optical errors/illusions. Rob
  12. I finished up the upper topsail yard and sail……now onto the top gallant.
  13. Rich. I’m becoming more convinced that Donald McKay built Glory on his own accord to attempt to turn round his financial situation, thusly not following a normal pattern of his to redesign a new clipper , but to build using designs he previously had designed. Drawing from his more successful designs we can see clearly the true similarities. The Donald McKay, Flying Fish….etc. I chose to add the 1.3 degrees to more closely mimic what photographs suggested……knowing fully that such deviation would and could not be refuted based upon known drawings. Which there are none. It was an educated attempt to harmonize what data I acquired to that of what photographs suggested. Rob
  14. Rich……I stand by my confusing claim. Everything points to 7deg. During the build of my Glory(after we had our long conversation about optical distortion), I believe I slightly modified my builds bow by 1.3 degrees to compensate for any optical distortions that may have been incorporated by the image. (I’m not sure actually). This was provoked by the angle represented in her in the photograph of her at San Pedro. And your insistence her bow was sharper then previously determined. My calculations is roughly between 7 and 8.3. The hard #’s show 7degrees if all else is correct. Rob
  15. You know you can add the wire via drilled hole and glue, then paint the entire leading edge of the deadeye white along with its iron support bar……then simply slip it through the pre drilled hole in the pin rail and glue. Simpler method. IMV Rob
  16. Not to speak for Vlad, but his large scale CS is sold and it was a waterline half hull model…..with simple stub masts. Rob(mouth of one…voice of many)
  17. On my last two builds I directly glued the chain plate to a hole I drilled in each deadeye. Worked fine and was very strong and secure. This trick works well if wire stropping is too hard for your application. Good job Rob
  18. Glad …… it is such a thrill to hear you are still progressing with your build. I appreciate your encouragement. Im loving the build coming along……she is so beautiful. Has Rich been in touch with you concerning his article? How exciting. Glad you are following. Rob
  19. That’s funny……I’ve never looked at it that way. I needed a surface that I could place adjustable holes for alligator clips …….and be movable…..by being able to pull out close to me and the be able to push back away. Great adjustability and ease. It just happens to be the edge of the drawer. Who woulda thunk? Rob
  20. Marc...I don't mean to be petty...but those are NOT bollards. Bollards are found on pier side and are a single large drum like belaying structure....these are *BITTS*. Rob
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