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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Finished up the port mizzenmast backstays. I’ll add a couple more details on this side before flipper to the starboard side. Rob
  2. Right. The creative process finds many avenues. I'll leave you to do what you do....and I'll keep my focus on what's in front of me. Thanks for all you do. Rob
  3. Rich...I have full confidence in your preparedness.....I'm simply saying the completeness of the models lends the article to possibly having a part 2 at some later date..when the models are complete. Not that you you need to add to what you have already achieved....for this first article deadline. Rob(feeling the need to get more work done.....soon)
  4. Making some purchase eye hooks for the yard halliards……..not bigger then 3/32”. Rob
  5. I mentioned earlier in my comment that a second or third installment might be nice to follow up with the builds. I hope to spend more then one day a week on her...hoping to expedite her finish date. A date established to cause me to a closer completion date make me get off my toosh. A *due-date* is motivating. Thanks again for your efforts in this matter. Rob
  6. Thanks for the intro and reviews Sam.....I hope you find the material you are looking for...your project sounds amazing. Rob
  7. Rich...sounds like you are preparing a very detailed account of our research and the results...within our builds. Wonderful. I'd like to know about Ron Haug's corrections and Mike's critique if at all possible. I hope to have more completed by your July 1st deadline....possibly I could take a much better...*As-is* image for you at or close to that time frame for your submission. Possibly there could be a follow up after She is completed. Great job....I hope the publisher accepts your article. It will be wonderful to see and read. Keeping Glory's history and legacy alive. Rob
  8. Thanks everyone, I appreciate it immensely. All I can do is my best and what I think will look best during this period in her life. I plan on adding the monkey boom (pennant boom) next after I finish up with the yard halliard’s and their purchases. I’ll probably move to add the port back stays as well before I flip her and then finish all these elements on her starboard side. Then and only then will I proceed to finish up her main mizzenmast yard. So much to do still. Rich, that last image you posted clearly shows the location of the forward davit…..just aft of the main channel Rob
  9. Druxey…….my last two builds, I did the same as you. I wanted to build in small steps, to fool myself that I am working faster by finishing smaller projects. Small projects finished gives me motivation in the short term. Verses the long term exhausting idea that I still have so much to go. Rob
  10. Getting all the bunt lines belayed. Now that the minor rails are in ,I will have ample belay room for the yard halliard’s. Rob
  11. After much though and tripping over myself…..I chose to add small pinrails to the rail. After rigging the sail control lines I needed more belay points and after reviewing images again……I opted for this route. It’s a minor deviation. Rob
  12. Finished up the topping lift and boom guys. Now I’m going to untangle all the bunt and halliard’s lines and belay them to their control points. Rob
  13. Spent a little time working the Spangler boom and sail. Now I’ll running the gear and rigging. Rob
  14. Decks can be tricky for sure. Especially since they *grey* with age. Dependent on the vessel, you were dealing with yellow fir, pine, and even teak on some vessels. My own Cutty's I greyed the deck on my award winning 1/96 Cutty....and on my award winning Ferreira...aka Cutty Sark. Rob
  15. Beautiful model...what scale was it in? Also he chose a unique method to display the fairleads as one large fairlead, instead of individual fairleads mounted on each shroud. From this example is is clear the rail could have been the belay point for the pins. I'm probably sticking to the shroud rails myself. Rob
  16. Sorry folks....not much happened over the weekend...I had bad pipes to tend too. I hope to work on the monkey gaff(Pennant gaff) and the spanker gaff and boom next. Rob
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