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    Halifax, NS Canada

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  1. Hello To All Must apologize but should have posted this in the spring of 2017. Haven't been working on the Syren since 2017 as my model ship building put aside for a while. Only 3 or so years from retirement and my plans are then to get back into model ship building. It is a hobby I enjoyed very much from 1996 to 2010. Working on a ship 2 am on a Saturday / Sunday morning was fun! My reason for ship building on hold due to photography. In 2006 I got into photography and over the last 5 years it tends to take up quite a bit of my time. Now I can be up and out at 6 am in the morning with the camera. Still follow this site and continually receive emails from Model Ship World. A great site! Blaine
  2. Hi Well done! This was my first kit in 1997 and had to laugh ....... because reading your 1st two paragraphs reminds me that I had the same experience of mistakes and frustration. Recall I was really, really upset that after completing the planking of the hull, the pieces that had to be fitted on each side of the bow (not sure the name) where the anchor chain came through from the deck did not fit properly due to my incorrect planking. I didn't touch the ship for about a year because of this but finally talked myself back to the table as you did - it was my 1st kit, mistakes apart of the learning process, so just continue on. I re sized these 2 pieces and completed. Today I am happy with how my kit turned out. Since then have completed 3 other kits. Thanks for the post and enjoy the hobby and this site. GBL
  3. Below images start of the bevel of the bulkheads, outside edge only so far. So still some work to do. Other than the keel and stem nothing glued in place. Decided to align the templates with the bulkheads per below. The 1st bulwark at the bow off by quite a bit form the template. Both port and starboard. This normal? The remainder seem to be ok. Also a rough check of the deck template. Seem to be ok from bow to stern - again both port and starboard.
  4. Latest on the Syren, other than cleaning up the ends, have completed the filler blocks. With the snow disappearing and longer days ....April one of my favorite months for getting back outdoors with the camera......... don't think I will be proceeding to much farther until the fall when I will start chapter 3. Until then will take my time fairing the hull from now and into the summer. Also couple of pictures viewing the keel. Blocks have removed most of the warp. As nothing glued in place, may attempt to post a picture without the blocks to show the warp. Any comments / suggestions always welcome. Blaine
  5. David Your snake looking pretty good. Haven't build this one but viewed online many a time (li like many of the various Caldercraft models). Just started the Syren a few weeks ago and enjoying the build. Excellent instructions and want to use this build to help me in many areas I need to improve on. I like the work area you have. Private and comfortable. Will follow your build. Blaine
  6. Welcome Eric and Steve Last few evenings working on the balsa filler blocks. I cut them out from a 12" x 3" x 1" balsa block and then sand for a snug fit. Prior to fitting, I check for the bulkhead alignment using a couple of 2 inch engineer squares and several small right angle squares that I clamp to the bulkhead and BF (re images in prior post). Little over 50% completed. Not a difficult job.........balsa very easy to work with. When completed, will remove from the slip to check for the removal of the keel warp / twist. If ok, will then proceed to fair the hull. Blaine
  7. Have to say the instructions supplied with this kit are excellent. I have never encountered this with any other build. Makes it so much more enjoyable. I read each chapter several times and although only on chapter 2 started reading up on the chapter 3 and 4 yesterday evening and again this evening. As many members have said and from my own experience, I find it very useful to stay ahead of the actual build by reading ahead of time. This forum also helps tremendously in that regard. So a big thank you to all. Per my post last night, re checked the garboard plank against the bulkheads and rabbet. Also this evening began squaring up the bulkhead / BF and creating the filler blocks. Maybe a few days on this. Blaine
  8. Latest on my Syren. Glued the keel and stem yesterday. This evening removed the clamps and attached the false keel with small nails. Then installed bulkheads in place to check the garboard plank. Satisfied with its fit into the rabbet and its alignment with the bulkheads. So the rabbet turned out quite good. Didn't get a picture of this but tomorrow evening may dry fit again to take a second look to be sure. Attached picture my attempts to also start the process of aligning the bulkheads with BF. My plan as mentioned in my first post, to cut the bulkhead fillers and dry fit everything in place. Have a slight warp / twist in the BF pass the mid section toward the stern so want to make sure I can correct this problem. Certain I can and understand per the comment in chapter 2 this is one of the points of the filler blocks. Blaine
  9. Some pictures of the further work on the rabbet and fitting the garboard plank and keel in place. Re the last picture, have a little problem with the fit of the false keel meeting the slot on the stem. A gap of a mm or so. Anyone else encounter this? If so a solution. Have to think about it and check some other builds. Don't want to sand anything at this point and find out down the road I have another problem when copper plating. Blaine
  10. Welcome all to the build log. This evening continued work on the rabbet and should have completed tomorrow evening. So far pleased with the fit of the plank against this but will get a better idea when play around with the keel dry fitted in place tomorrow. Blaine
  11. Doug You sure can follow. Throw in constructive critique, tips, etc anytime. Blaine
  12. Hi Well 2 nights ago glued the basswood strip to the BF and this evening started creating the rabbet. Haven't finished but attached photos some idea how I am doing. This is the first time I have ever created a rabbet and so far don't find it to difficult considering I was concerned about doing this. Using 3 different types of excel hobby knives. All new. Planning to do a bit of sanding to with this to smooth out the taper and using a plank 2 get a got good fit. Any advice welcome. Blaine
  13. Hello This is my build log for the US Brig Syren. New member and per my introduction a few weeks ago, I mentioned starting the kit in the fall of this year. Changed my plans a little, so hoping over the next few weeks to get to chapter 2 before summer arrives. Where model ship building is a winter time project for me, over the summer may look at taking my time and fairing the hull while sitting on the balcony. One problem is that I have a bend in the bulkhead former. I understand chapter 2 stating fair the hull with the bulkheads temporarily in place (and properly aligned) and using a plank to check my work. Once satisfied, then glue the bulkheads in place. Then create the filler blocks. Reading up on dealing with this bend issue and plan to proceed as per another member in this form. Due to the bend in the BF, think I will look at creating the filler blocks before gluing the bulkheads in place. Then proceed with fairing the hull. This will allow me to remove the bulkheads to fine tune the bevel individually and confirm that the bend has be removed before any glue applied. Any advise on this? For now, once the wood strip dries over night, will be gluing this basswood strip to create the rabbet over the next day or so. This is going to be a fun build. Blaine
  14. Thanks for the welcome! Over the last week been reading (several times) the Winchelsea article on planking and watching the 2 videos of Chuck Passaro demonstrating planking. Will be following some build logs here plus additional reading over the next few months before starting the build next fall. Until then take care. Blaine
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