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Everything posted by herask

  1. I meant speed in knots. can't remember the exact number anymore, unfortunately...
  2. I've made some test for my Pegasus with water simulation, and wake behind the ship wasn't that much pronounced. can't remember the exact number right now, but I did some researching regarding sailing speed of the 6th rate sail ship and the number wasn't that high. I've entered the number into sim and... was mildly disappointed with the effect... oh well...
  3. Ed, that's the way I usually do it. I put a placeholder of required dimensions in the scene and then scale the plans in the background to fit the object. it's certainly not 100% precise but it is good enough. the thing is, when building ships you usually have exact dimensions stated for individual objects (Lees, Steel, NMM plans...), so use them when modeling, background plans are there more for reference than for CAD-precise-like modeling...
  4. please bear in mind those are just renders of the building process. the 3D model itself is not 100% finished yet, I'm still in the process of making sails. once that is finished I'll put the 3D model on sale on one (or several) of the online 3d marketplaces. but more on that in due time...
  5. take a look at this tutorial collection, there's bound to be something useful in there: https://stylizedstation.com/article/blender-tutorial-bible/ also very useful and good YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Blenderfan93 I would suggest following any hard surface tutorial (cars, weapons, sci fi ships and stuff). while the subject isn't actual shipbuilding, what you learn there should be enough to tackle any ship. at least it was for me... ;D good luck!
  6. here's one result using search in YouTube. there are tons of tutorials available, just use keywords for blender and the topic you require. I.e. "blender working with materials".
  7. Phil, take a look at this thread: there you can find the answers about software and progress. the renders are in .PNG format and any image viewer program will read them just fine. even the default one in Windows 🤣.
  8. excellent work! viewing this on my phone I thought that were reference photos...
  9. Google search came up with this. https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/inventor/learn-explore/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/How-to-export-Inventor-assembly-files-and-open-them-in-Fusion-360.html apparently it will import as a solid body, without sketches...
  10. also bear in mind that people were a tad shorter back then, and ships were usually cramped and lower decks had low ceilings. for movie making the crew needed to make everything larger for actors and equipment to fit in and record nice shots without feeling of being stuffed in a tin can like sardines. that's movie's visual language, I'm afraid. otherwise they wouldn't look so nice and cool and... my point, don't expect extreme accuracy from movie props... good luck! Denis
  11. Dan, another incredible build you have here. can't believe I didn't check shore leave section sooner. and, as Druxey said, very beautiful model of an extremely ugly (yet impressive) bird. well done! Denis
  12. amazing! someone needs to invent more superlatives. the ones we already have are certainly not enough. in any language!
  13. great work! now do her justice and take 157 photos from all possible angles for us to enjoy as well. 😁
  14. and this sums it all up. the ship, carvings, furniture, weapons, Nissan, everything... now you're just messing with us... 😄
  15. I could stare at the details whole day long! cudos for patience and the execution, Phil.
  16. Gaetan, the second photo can easily replace the one on the cover of Ancre's 74-gun ship publication. found my new desktop image...
  17. Phil, indeed, Blender is very different from Solidworks or similar CAD software. former is an artistic tool while latter is technical precision tool. and they both fulfill they intended role like they should. Blender is generally speaking easier (and capable) for modeling almost anything, has support for dimensions and snapping polygons, but that's it when CAD is concerned. for any professional and precise mechanical stuff CAD software is a must. I have some basic knowledge in Solidworks and Fusion360 and, while I do like them, I still find it easier to work within Blender. I would really, really like to model my next ship in Solidworks but constraints and history based approach are driving me nuts! for me it feels like trying to model using my feet with both hands tied behind my back. maybe some day... regarding making of videos, like you said, you could always export geometry into some other software and only learn how to make awesome materials and let it render overnight. Blender has support for GPU rendering which is A LOT faster than traditional CPU rendering and with a good GPU (or three) you practically don't need anything else.
  18. this is just great, Phil! love the model, love the story accompanying the pictures. keep 'em coming. now this makes me wanna learn CAD modeling.
  19. that is a lot of guns! congrats and good thinking with "the cheat". one can hardly tell the difference...
  20. hey folks! it's been a while since we posted last progress update. in the meantime I have managed to finish the hull thus completing the first two volumes of TFFM series. yay! currently doing the standing rigging, and having a blast with it.... sort of... ropes are not fun in 3D. but the ship is looking more and more beautiful with each day. can't wait to set sails... anyway, Greg gave me green light to post a few renders. hope you like!
  21. oh, I'm in! as always, I'll sit on the rum keg over there. popcorns are being done... 🙂
  22. duuuuude!!! this is unbelievable!!! hats off!!!
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