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Everything posted by herask

  1. Jan, without going further off topic I'll send you a PM this evening, or if it's OK with Dan I can post here.
  2. incredible work, Dan. this reminds me a lot of papercraft technique which can also be detailed as hell. 10 years ago I have spent 6 months building Yamaha paper model: https://global.yamaha-motor.com/showroom/papercraft/ultra/ (MT-01). but your Bismarck is several lengths ahead. can't wait to see it finished...
  3. niiiiceeeee!!!!
  4. Nils, I'm a bit late to the party, but better than never. since the front row has been taken I'll watch from the rum keg over there and enjoy the show. awesome build!
  5. Pete, that's the intention, yes! will it make a hole in space-time continuum and melt my computer... probably! on a serious note, I think the rigging and sailcloth won't add much to polycount, no more than all of the deck planking. it's how I'm going to do it what scares the hell out me...
  6. yep, in 3 places! Joe, I'm modeling on Intel Core i7 4770k CPU, NVIDIA GTX770 2GB VRAM GPU, 24GB RAM. it's enough for modeling without a hitch but the GPU is starting to struggle with rendering.
  7. Pete, thank you for your kind words! indeed, before I started this endeavour I knew almost nothing about how these beauties were built, nor about their inner workings and all the nuances of their construction. so yeah, I'm really enjoying modeling one from scratch (bad pun, I know) and watching it grow. now that the ship's shape really shows, I guess I'm a little sad I won't be able to pick it up and hold it in my hands. that's one of the things I envy you real ship modelers. those ships were beautiful!! then again, here's the next best thing... I just looove fooling around with compositing renders onto photos as accurately as possible. done right and your neighbour will run out to take a photo by the Batmobile "parked" in front of our apartment building. yeah, I almost got my lights knocked out....
  8. thank you, Greg! it's far from perfect but I'm trying... ;-) and thank you all for the likes and comments!
  9. I talked with Greg and David about an idea I have. I would like to make a program where you would be able to walk around the ship, like in a video game. and I would also like to add a feature where you'd be able to select a single part and rotate and view it from all the angles. but that is a lot of work for a single person and might take a while. also, it would largely depend on how heavy the model will be once it's finished, even optimized. might be unusable in the end, at least on lower end computers :-)) but if I'm able to pull that off, it would be a great visualization tool for model builders. no promises but I'll definitely give that a go when I'm done with modeling...
  10. thank you all! much appreciated. I hope you'll like the rest of the renders once they're done. I'm tying to include all the views and angles that might be interesting for model builders, or otherwise impossible to see on a scale model... Pete, would you believe the materials are a very simple affair? just a color and grain (bumps) textures. I could go nuts with the details, like smudges, leaks, stains, chips, cuts, wear and tear, even wet fingerprints, but that would bring my (or any) computer down to its knees, so generic materials only. glad you like them...
  11. incredible!!! you got to take some beauty photos when it's completely done. beee-utifull!! my desktop awaits new background... :-)))
  12. Amalio, you're out of this world! incredible!
  13. thank you Albert! currently I'm working on a 3D model of HMS Pegasus for Greg and David, so Pandora's on hold until I finish that first. take a look there as well. ;-)
  14. thank you, Amalio! I'm also following your build log. work of art!!
  15. incredible precision! awesome!
  16. hi all! now that cat's out of the bag I can make an appearance here . David and Greg have contacted me after seeing my work on Pandora and have given me the opportunity to create 3D build log of their swan class ship. it's been an awesome experience and I've learned a lot in these few months. also big thanks to both of them for having patience with my inexperience and oh-my-god-can't-believe-he-just-asked-that questions... Danny, a big thank you is in order for you too. I'm using your build log as one of the references when I get stuck. so it's the other way around, haha! Wayne, as with Pandora I'm using Blender, free modeling tool. unfortunately no drawing and BIM export option, as it's not a CAD program but a general purpose one. my computer is (now ageing) Core i7 4770k paired with Nvidia GTX770. would really like to nail new GTX1080 though. rendering on GPU literally flies but I could use more powerful one now that the model is becoming more complex... also big thx to all of you for nice comments. glad you like the pics ;-)
  17. love the build, love the workshop, and I laughed probably too hard on that photo with (my guess is) you hugging the little wooden guy...awesome!!! keep 'em coming...
  18. actually unrelated to Pandora, but I had to share (though probably every one of you have already been there). awesome! and the funniest part, now I know what a lot of parts are and what are they called... LOL!! HMS Victory walkthrough
  19. thx, bava. I had a node setup for PBR textures before. then Andrew Price (blenderguru) came up with his setup, and now there's a native principled shader bundled with latest blender. and that's all what you need for PBR materials. other than that, no special node setup. whichever works, mate... ;-)
  20. Zack, there's a mirror modifier you can use to mirror frames from one side to the other. just make sure that the origin point is in the middle (x or y axis, depending on how you oriented the keel). I've traced the plans with curves, which I have then transformed into meshes, connected the mesh lines and got a hull shell. but, it seems to me (I might be wrong) that you still have to learn the tool before tackling ship modeling. you might wanna try something simpler for starters, follow some hard surface tutorials on YouTube (there's plenty), or even car or archviz ones. what you learn there is going to be enough for ship modeling. good luck and don't get discouraged. blender is really powerful and there's a lot to cover, but once you know the tool all you'll need is time to do everything you'd like to model... ;-D
  21. try this: insert images: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4r6nGIsmAc new to sketchup: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF001616C0ADF4245 beginner tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL190C90DCE62242C9
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