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Everything posted by Schrader

  1. So far, the wood used has been “Tolúa”. Which is Ceiba, a tropical wood. For the floors I’ll use Cedar with the same process of weathering - aging Nailing was done in the same way
  2. For the wale, I decided to use “square head nail”. This was done with the same pins but instead to cut them I flatten the head and form the square head, both with the belt sander
  3. The nailing has been done with sewing pins. To the main hull, I cut them. Flat them with a sander belt and blue them. Also I decided to tape the hull in order to protect it. As a drill bit I used one of those pins, it worked really well, and the hole was perfect to ensure the pins. MORE THAN 1000 PINS WERE NEEDED!!
  4. Aging Once the planking is done I proceeded applying danish oil...... Then with a drill wire brush I went to mark the wood as it was a real weathering or attrition..... Then..... with cement grout (not that liquid) I proceeded to “paint” the hull. Wait until it is almost dry. Make sure that the grout is going to all the scratches you made with the wire brush The with a cloth or kitchen towel take the grout surplus.... The result should be lake this...
  5. Planking For planking process I use cieno. Notice the finish of the wale. It was done intentionally and is part of the aging process
  6. My New project is the St Caterina. It is a Mediterranean fishing vessel. Plans from Ancre. I started it since October and is well advance so far. I decided this time to go after a old fashion diorama New tech to aging wood (At least for me) New tech for nails (Also at least for me) Please don't hesitate to make comments
  7. Mark I just realized your question. My mistake. they were used for so many porpoises. 1. they were the longboats of big/line ships 2. were used to do many maneuvers with anchors, crew transportation and so 3. When they were decorated and adapted like a “luxury” boat, they were called Falúa and were used like a private transportation boat for high rank officers or royal family yes the length of this boat was like 11-12 mts regards
  8. Thanks to all. Don’t hesitate to ask and/or make comments please
  9. Masts and yards....and rigging Finish!!!!!! Thanks to all that have made comments !!!
  10. With a provisional masts installation this is how it looks so far
  11. G Good Morning Today I'll show you how I made "The Pedrero" First.... I made it in wood. This is going to work to form the mold Second....... I use Clay to make the first half Third........ I use high temperature Silicone..... The firs half is ready. I use the first half to replace the clay and repeat the process to make the second half. With a really sharp knife I do the little channels to evacuate the air at the time of the foundry. As demolding agent I use a common powder. The the foundry using a pewter kind metal Aging Process And instalation
  12. Hello all long time not publishing. Here w go...... The Spanish long boat is already finished. I would like to share with you my work. First the roof
  13. Here we are again. Long time not coming back but a lot of advances have been made After 6 attemps, the final benches were in place Gunwale Oar guides And finally the Oars That's it for now
  14. Hello These plans are part of bigger project, the one that Jose Collado is working on in this Foro. Spanish 68-gun ship of 1752 by Isidro - plans of Isidro Rivera and construction by Jose Collado Isidro will have the plans once the 68 is ready to go. Regards
  15. But...... Not everything is going smooth....... I found this big mistake This need to be corrected. With Heat, water and a little vises ...... this was the result
  16. Hello all After reviewing the Compass Rose, i realized that: The color contrast is not good The size is going to be a problem in the future So....in the same way that this building process has been going I decided to repet it. With the same idea I install a liz flower in the back of the officers place As well as the bench floor frame
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