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  1. I'm still here ! I'm just struggling with the global organisation of my familiy, my job, my sport, but I've fixed a lot of things and life is much easier now than a few years back. Here are some news of L'Ambitieux, I quite like the general shape of the hull. The colors are very saturated in the pictures, in real the red is duller, and the yellow is lighter. It's a small progression but the build still goes on.
  2. Thanks ! I would have loved to see another model by Victor !! Yes, I immediatly knew there was something to do with these great carvings when I saw the add at the time. The kit didn't disappoint, of course there was a big amount of work to assemble the pieces together correctly but it was worth it !
  3. It's my pleasure to share what I know and it' very rewarding to see builds like yours ! You've made yourself a huge work and you are producing one of the very best models of the Soleil Royal !
  4. Hello dear friends, a friend of mine came home a few days ago and we took some nice shots of L'Ambitieux. It's not as advanced as I hoped to show you, but they are still nice photos so I share them with you. Not that bad for a kit made by Altaya ! The designers of the kit really made a good job. The goal is to finish the hull of this one before I go back to the Soleil Royal. Let's hope it will be soon...! 😅 Anyway thank you very wuch for the "likes" and the kind words, it means a lot to me.
  5. Thank you very much Mark !! Yes I'm still here, here, or not very far ! 😂 Soleil Royal will be back soon after I complete a few things on L'Ambitieux.
  6. Some new shots from the painting stage with a lighter color. I had to make a mix of several paints to find a color I'm happy with. Now, I may do some light weathering.
  7. I had a complicated year, one of the problems being a flood in my workshop... I had to wait for a few months before I could make a new ground and work again on the model. Everything is fixed now, and the Ambitieux is now at the painting stage. I really like how it looks now, and it will still improve when the painting is over.
  8. Thanks to both of you ! Yes, there is a lot of little invisible work required before everything fits correctly... The elements of the hawseholes are done.
  9. So, what I use for a patina is this colour by Citadel. Diluted with some water, and then a final step of light brush with the yellow. Here are two pics with the patina before the final brushing. I'm currently working on the bow. I had to correct the positionning of the elements.
  10. Very impressive for the shaping and sculpt of the "jambette" (don't know the proper word in english) I mean the last pic. 👏
  11. Hello Vic ! In my humble opinion the gold you used for your models is goegeous ! I will show what will use for this model in my next message
  12. Thanks to both of you ! Yes, the kit is very impressive. I immediatly thought it was a great kit when I saw the add and had the first issue with the parts, but this feeling is even better day after day building this ship. Concerning the chase ports they are supposed to be done, I just did not make them yet.
  13. Yes it will receive a patina, maybe something like this:
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