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About oorsouw53

  • Birthday 04/10/1953

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  • Location
    Beghem, Nederland

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  1. Congratulation for finishing. This beautiful work inspires me to continue building this ship
  2. Why do my photos appear upside down in the construction report, even if they have already been turned around After a bunch of testing, I found the problem. It seems my Samsung Phone has a gravity device so when you turn the camera to Landscape from Portrait the screen follows - As long as you keep the click-button on the right!. So not only does the photo have a GPS stamp, it apparently has a "This side up if you click with the button on the right.
  3. This week I've been making the false keel and bulkheads. I also assembled the bow. What you see is the test fit of the bulkheads. Next week I start making the keel and gluing the bulkheads after which the sanding starts
  4. Yesterday the package came in with the laser parts from chapters 1 and 2 so today I could start making sawdust. I started cutting out the false keel and bulkheads with my scroll saw. my previous ships were max. 20" So this ship is a monster in my opinion, it is a lot of work, but we have the time and take it easy. I also immediately made the supports to fix the hull to the building board from waste wood
  5. Looks neat Frank, you had a very interesting movie about the planking, but it will be a long time before we reach the closing boards
  6. Here's my first question. What do you think is best for plywood? I have 2 choice's Birch 5-layer or Poplar 3-layer, I have read in various construction reports that the protruding parts of frames break off, so my choice goes to Birch, this is stronger but harder so that it makes sanding more difficult. Like your opinion. thank you
  7. Hello Vladimir. I have been reading your construction report with admiration. What a beautiful finish.
  8. Thank you Vladimir, Edward, Tom and Christian. I will not fail to ask questions if I get stuck in this great project
  9. Thank you, Ron, Chuck and Greg I look forward to the moment to be able to start with the Winnie the lockdown makes it more complicated to get good building materials, but soon I will start making sawdust anyway
  10. Hi, I'm Dutch, live in the south of Holland, in Berghem a small village with my wife, i am retired. I am new here and hoping to start to build HMS Winchelsea 1764 in 1/48 as well. Inspired by all the other beautiful builds here I downloaded the plans en ordered the first en second chapter in yellow cedar. Thanks Jan
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