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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Another couple of hours in the yard - threatening rain today, so todays progress is I hung the first Spar - the Mizzen Crossjack, with the lifts and braces. This yard is permanent and doesn't have a sail, so the lifts don't move and the braces are tied.
  2. Got an hour in today so the progress is the Vangs. I guess a line a day will get the ship built or something like that.
  3. Thanks for posting that Michael, she worked with my friend Lester on rigging the Morgan - tough lady - don't get in her way for sure.....
  4. Hi George, thanks for the picture. I've seen these before on board her. She's actually on the Houston Ship Channel at the location of the San Jacinto battleground (about 40 miles north of Galveston), which is where Sam Houston defeated Generalissimo Santa Ana and the Mexican army for independance from Mexico in March of 1836 when Texas became The Republic of Texas an independant nation. I always love to see the Texas - she's a WWI Dreadnaught Battle Ship. She took a 16" shell during WWII to the Bridge which they have on display as it didn't blow up. Cool museum with many model ships on display there. I've been on her about 4-5 times. Cool picture.
  5. Snuck in a couple of hours today so I managed to rig the Boom Topping Gaff and Boom Sheet. Aft end is shaping up, more to go maybe I'll catch a couple of hours tomorrow.
  6. Hi Gary, no problem, you might send me one to the address I sent you in the PM, I can tell from it if it will be ok or not. I assume these will come from a digital camera??? Phone pictures don't work too well for me. My AOL address can handle about 20 MB uploads at a time.
  7. Hi Gary, absolutely, I'd be glad to do that for you. I could also post them in the Gallery section of my website if you want. Preferably the pictures should be around 500k size and .jpeg - for ease of transmitting and space. Mr. Murphy can get testy at times, know him well...
  8. Yesh, I'm familiar with most of those. When Scaleshipyard came out with that hull back around 1997-8 I almost bought it. That was when I was contemplating the Kennedy. Nimitz was then next carrier built after Kennedy, so I thought I would use the hull and build the flight deck and Island of the Kennedy. The basic hulls were the same. I had a 35'x16' workshop at the time...ahhh - divorce....sure changes things. I had a kit of the Enterprise in 1:350 and all the brass photoetch also, but never built it and no longer have it either. When do we get to see pictures of your Morgan????? How about a build log???
  9. Hi Nic, welcome aboard. I'm assuming from your message that you are Bluejacket? I will PM you in the next few days to discuss something for my website on the Morgan. I'm short time today, so don't have much time to discuss anything. Have you been to my websites?
  10. Hi Gary, that's an interesting era to model. I've been on board the Texas many times. Bluejacket is a very reputable company, but I've never bought anything from them, but can't say I've ever heard any complaints. I served on the USS Havre PCE 877 on Lake Michigan and the USS John F Kennedy CVA 67 and the USS Lexington CVE 19 and always wanted to build models of them - especially the JFK. I've seen models of it in 1:96 scale before and it's like almost 15' long. At one time I almost started doing it and had the room, but divorce took care of that and now I'm too old, to poor and don't have the room for anything like that now...oh well - As for Bluejacket, if they have the ship you want you can always corrupt it or just build it from scratch...eeewwww I said that word...
  11. Yeah Gary, I agree on the perseverence part....this is not a Mickey Mouse Build. If I would have known some of the things I Know now I probably would have looked for another model since I've never built a wood ship before. But now that I'm at this stage I wouldn't trade it for the world...I absolutely love doing this thing. I don't know what I'm going to do when this thing is finished because I don't have room for another one....I guess I'll just give everyone a hard time and be envious...As for Basswood, it has it's purpose in some areas, but hardwood should be used for many others, and this is one of them. It does sux. A problem I encountered is the Hoops that go on the Gaff - the laser didn't cut all the way through the wood - I had to cut them out with a knife. I broke many of them, I needed 10 I got 8 out of 20 and I'm not going through the re-order ordeal with Model Shipways again....too far along with the build and 8 will be just fine. As for finishing it probably won't happen until we return from our RV trip in September.
  12. Hi Gary, I totally understand that part...my hands are steady and my eyesight is going quickly working on these small parts in poor light....I seem to be losing my depth perception using "cheaters" from Walmart....things just don't work like they used to...almost 66. The compound table allowed me to do it without having to reinforce the sides. The CA "paint" should do the trick. Not breaking a bit really amazed me...I'm glad since I only have 2 more of that size bit.
  13. Hi George, yes, that almost finished the broadside. That's really why I chose this point to work on.
  14. Well, I did sneak into the shipyard for a little bit and built the Spanker Gaff and Boom. Every little bit is a little progress. Still have much to do out of the shipyard to get ready to leave in May, but I'll sneak some time in here and there....
  15. Hello Henry, thanks for stopping in. Hope you guys dig out soon and don't get caught in a flood once that stuff starts to melt off. Your Soleil Royal is really looking good - I guess you have more time in the shipyard now. I love taking pictures outside - it seems to give these things life..
  16. Hi Buck, thanks for stopping by - yes - whaleboats! I'll be referencing your log a lot once I start on these things
  17. Thanks Guys for all the likes and views. Gary, (GMO2), I was able to control the drilling by using a sharp pencil to poke dents into the thin wood in the proper places, then when the bit would come down it would walk around a bit until it found the indention and then settle into it and drill the hole. I also found that if I moved the center holes outboard about 1/32" or less that it was easier to drill without jeopardizing the other holes. The only way I could control this was with the great tight tolerance of the Proxxon TBM Drill Press and the use of the Compound Table & vise which allowed for easy and accurate movement of the workpiece to keep everything uniform and in place. This worked great and really allowed for the repititous drilling of 6 holes in 10 davits. The .02" drill bit made a hole that was big enough to handle the .010" rope used to rig the block to the davit. You can click on this picture and it will blow up the picture to where you can probably see the holes I drilled into one of the davits. Hope this helps.
  18. Thanks George, you're right the sunlight just seems to bring it out - almost looks real I guess. I get carried away with the photos and then want to share them, and I'm not sure whether I'm boring people or not. The rigging updates are hard to photograph, but the outside pictures seem to show them better than the indorr workbench photos, so I don't know - I guess I'll just show them and not worry about it...thanks for stopping by....
  19. Today has a beautiful bright blue sky and 80 degree temperatures so I thought I would take some outdoor pictures of the Morgan.
  20. Sorry guys, I didn't word my post very well. We're not leaving until May. It's just that I won't be working on the ship that much inbetween. I have a lot of work to do around the house and to get the RV ready to go. I'l post pictures and keep the websites up to date as to any progress I make. I'll also be working on the whaleboats in the RV. So - I'm not gone yet. Thanks for all the kind words though.
  21. Over the last few days I completed the Standing Rigging and the whaleboat stations. I'll just show the progress here and the details will be on my website for anyone interested. It's close to time for getting ready for our annual RV trip, so work in the shipyard will be slow if at all from this point until we return. I will be working on the whaleboats as we travel and will post updates as I can.
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