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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Hi George, thanks for all the comments. I'll PM you in the morning with a price on the MF 70 Mill.
  2. Got the 7 whaleboats outside shaped. Started working on the interior shaping. Got the hull shapes for the 2 boats that will be turned upside down and lashed to the Shelter roof finished. Only need to do the exterior details on these 2. I left the bottoms off of the 5 boats to hang from the davits. It is easier for me to shape these like this so I don't gouge the bottom trying to get in the tight spots. Then I glue the bottom on and finish shaping the outsides. I can't believe I'm actually getting to work on them some...fun and games in the old camp ground...
  3. Starting to shape the boats on the belt sander. The first two will not be detailed inside since they will mount to the Shelter Roof upside down. The remaining 5 will be shaped outside first, then carved and sanded on the inside walls. Then detailed to the hilt for fun before hanging on the ship. Got 4 of them rough shaped today.
  4. Hi Buck...great fun---working outside on my new workbench dodging rain showers..Thanks for dropping in. I'll be referencing your whaleboats for sure.
  5. Hi Mark. Thanks for looking in. The tool is working great and it is very easy to use -- even on a picnic table. The vise is what makes it so versatle since you don't have to hold it and you can control it with the workpiece not the tool. I can get all kind of angles with it including 90 degree mounting. It also has holes for screws to mount it more permanently to a workbench if needed. Let me know when you want yours....I have some with me and can ship anytime. John Here's the link: http://www.proxxontoolsdiscount.com/store/p321/39405_Precision_Vise_FMZ_%26__Micromot_Tool_Clamp.htmlhelink:
  6. Hi Ed, thanks for stopping by. All is well now. Just touring around. John
  7. Hi George....glad you approve. This set up works great and I'm really pleased with the results. This tool is very versatle and is great for small pieces. The belt part is variable for about 80 degrees so I can position it to fit "my" circumstances such as using a picnic table for a workbench. Let me know when you're ready.... John
  8. Now for whaleboat progress. First the pieces were glued together to form the basic shape, now the fun begins shaping the outer hull by belt sanding the pieces to look like a whaleboat....
  9. Hello everyone. I actually have an update today. I was fortunate enough yesterday while passing through Connecticut on my way to the Coponos to swing by Mystic and visit the Morgan a couple of hours for photos. I took more than 400 pictures of the rigging and the present state of the Morgan. I will post these to my website over the next week and will provide a link later for anyone interested. This also got me inspired to start working on the whaleboats finally. So today I started making the 7 whaleboat hulls and hopefully will get to do more work as time permits. We'll be here for about a week so I hope to get the hull shapes done during this time. Then I will be able to work on the details inside if the weather gets bad. I set up an outside workshop with my Proxxon vise and small belt sander and all worked well. I got one hull shaped once I found all the pieces and tools to get to work. Here is todays progress. First my campground workshop....lol
  10. Hi Joe, just an FYI I was just visiting the Morgan yesterday and took over 400 more pictures. I'll be posting them on my website in the next few days as internet connections allow. they will be in the gallery section under the Morgan. I will possibly make another page for them. Check it out if you need anything or PM me and I'll provide you with pictures. Look forward to you getting back into building again. John
  11. Hi Joe, just found your log. Glad to see you joining the "Morgan Club". I have a lot of photos as well as a build log here on MSW. should you need any reference photos please check my website as I have them posted there. I'll enjoy following your log --- it brings back memories of when I was at this stage. I'm almost finished with mine probably around 95%. It's a fun build. John http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com
  12. Hi Ron, just catching up with your build. Looking very nice. Brings back memories of when I was there. I'm enjoying your log, keep up the good work, it's good to see more people coming in to the "Morgan Club". John
  13. Hi Dave, I PM'd you with the tool information. Just checking to make sure you recieved it.
  14. Hi Dennis, didn't realize we were that close to you. We stayed in Bethlehem, NH as well as Port Henry as we passed through from upstate NY. Thanks for stopping by.
  15. Hi Dave, just catching up on your log. Very nice idea about being able to see all your work down below. We have been traveling again. Currently in Bar Harbor, Me, heading south now from Lubec, Me on the New Brunswick border. Been cold and windy here. Not sure where or what direction we're going from here yet. Let me know if you are looking for a particular scroll saw and I'll give you the best possible deal on any of the Proxxon ones. Hope Fran is doing better now. Take care my friend, John & Diane
  16. Thanks Michael, glad you enjoyed. Thank you for the kudos and comments, much appreciated. Photography is kind of a hobby also...at least I play at it. Your build is looking fantastic. thanks for stopping by. My internet here is very limited so I can only get online every day or so at best. spending my time making scratch clam chowder, grilled lobster, lobster rolls and pigging out. I might not ever want to see a lobster again after I leave here. Currently in Lubec, Me., farhest eastern city and point in the US.
  17. Hi guys, all is well in North Eastern Maine...brrrr, but good. I wanted to illustrate my tool set up for using my Proxxon BS/E small belt sander and Proxxon Micromot Tool Holder to make or shape the whaleboats. This setup allows for keeping the tool stationary while allowing you to hold the part up against the sander to shape it with much more precision than holding the tool against a clampped wood part. I am offering the vise and clamp as a combo on my website if anyone needs one. It also will hold most hand held Proxxon tools which are listed on the page. It's a real handy set up. More to follow as I make progress on the boats. Link: http://www.proxxontoolsdiscount.com/store/p321/39405_Precision_Vise_FMZ_%26__Micromot_Tool_Clamp.html
  18. Looks tricky Michael, but nice. Should turn out quite well...nice progress
  19. Ahhhh...the fun begins. Looking good my friend, challenges for sure. I hadn't done them before either. It seems this is one of those things that practice makes perfect. I started on an area that I thought wouldn't show mistakes much and progressed along improving as I did each one. Knowing the direction I would display the ship I started on the port mizzen and worked forward. Have fun it's just starting now.... John
  20. I think we had this conversation last year about us being a day apart, only don't remember the year - mine was '49 Hope you had as good of one as I had...
  21. Wow ---- that's all I can say....good job and very realistic Michael John
  22. Hi Dave, just getting a chance to catch up on your log. Good to see you back in the shipyard. Glad all is going well for you guys finally. Take care my friend, John
  23. Very nice Alex. I'm just catching up on your log. Great metal work. Fun to watch you progress. John
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