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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Thanks Tony and Adam....glad you stopped by. A little progress to report, got the Main Lower Topsail Yard mounted and the clew lines rigged. I only have to run the Bunt Lines and then try to get the Main Upper Topsail Yard.
  2. Very nice Augie, I'm just getting caught up again. That is making a very nice build.
  3. Just catching up on your log, looking very "shiply" - very nice work as usual.. John
  4. Hello Dennis and Tony, thanks for stopping in. Yes, it's almost that time again, time flies doesn't it. Yeah Tony, I guess that's what retirement is supposed to be so we're taking advantage of it while we're still young enough to be able to do it. Looks like we'll be going into the middle of the country on our way out west, the Ozarks in Arkansas the Rockies in Colorado, the monuments of Utah, the Grand Canyon, Oregon and northern California again the wedding in September in San Fransisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and then venture back home in October I guess. One good thing about the websites is that I'll be able to do updates and conduct business on the road since all I'll need is an internet connection, technology can be wonderful sometimes.
  5. Hey Grant, good to see you visiting....hope all is good down unda'. No hurries here, I'll have plenty left to do no matter what stage I'm in once we take off for the "wild blue yonder"....but thanks for the advice in case I might....no need to rush things.
  6. Hi George and Augie, yes it's a big trip. I took it with me 2 years ago and never touched her. She's too big now to take with me. We only have a 22' Travel Trailer and it's pretty tight, I'm hoping to do the whaleboats and any yards that might be unfinished so that it will be a quicker finish when we get back. Thanks Piet, glad you made it home safely... Got the Main Lower Topsail prepped but not secured or rigged.
  7. Just a little bit here and there. Had a windstorm break a bunch of limbs so had to do some yard work, unfortunately not ship "yard", shaped up the Main Lower Topsail yard, and turned the remaining yards. I will keep working them until we leave in mid May for our RV trip. The yard is not finished and only dry fitted here. Then I'll keep working the "pre-hanging" yards as we're traveling so they will be ready to hang when we return in October. I'm also going to be working on the whaleboats then also that way they can be hung on the ship when we get back. So as I have time until we leave, I'll be posting small updates as I progress. Who knows, I might get the yards hung and finished before we leave in the middle of May...here's hoping..
  8. Very nice build. I don't think I have seen this kit completed to this stage before. Morgan is a challenge and a very rewarding build. Congrats on working on her again. I'm at about the same stage as you are with my Model Shipways Morgan, I have started rigging the yards. Keep it up - you're almost there.. John
  9. I forgot to mention, that for anyone desiring a DB 250 Lathe, I am offering a Wood Lathe Combo, which consists of the lathe, and all the attachments at a very special price for a limited time for all my model shipwrights here. Here's a link: http://www.proxxontoolsdiscount.com/store/p59/39010_DB_250_WOOD_LATHE_COMBO_-_SPECIAL%2Fw_Accessories.html
  10. I use the DB 250 more than any tool in my workshop. I am also an Authorized Proxxon Distributor. Please contact me to see if I can offer you any special prices. I have done business with many people on this site. Let me know you are from MSW and saw this post. I am building a CW Morgan and am into the turning of the yards. It works like a champ. John http://www.proxxontoolsdiscount.com http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com
  11. Enjoy the show, and a belated birthday, I haven't been on MSW in a few days. Be safe.... John & Diane
  12. Dennis and Nenad, thanks for the comments and likes. Nenad, good to see you checking in. I hope all is well in Serbia these days I am happy you like my Morgan.
  13. Thanks Lester, I'm glad you've been keeping up. I was hoping to meet up to your standards on the yards - the pictures sure help. Hardest thing is following the lines on the plans to figure out the 3 dimensional aspect of how and where the lines run. Also, there are inconsistencies with the nomenclature on the plans....but I guess I'm doing ok with it so far. Thanks again and I'm happy that you are pleased with the appearance.
  14. Thanks George, Piet and Mike for the likes and comments - much appreciated. Yeah, I'm pleased at the way she's shaping up now. The pace has slowed down now since I'm doing things other that ship building, but I like what I've got done in between. I'll keep trying to update as things change. I'm going to try to get some work done on the Main Lower Topsail yard today and over the next few days. Yeah, Mike, I was hoping you'd be starting your Morgan next so I would have someone to bounce things off of, but later I guess.
  15. Hung the yard, then added the lifts and the leech and bunt lines. Then finished all the rigging for it except the braces and clew lines which will be added as we go later in the rigging.
  16. Off and on this week I've been working on the Mizzen Mast, Crossjack, and Main lower yard and rigging. Details are on my website, and the following photos show a little progress. Had to use my Proxxon DB 250 Lathe and the 4-jaw chuck to turn the yard, then added all the goodies to the yard prior to paintting and mounting the yard.
  17. Larry, I just saw that Hubert Sicard passed on March 30.....just an FYI.
  18. Yeah, those 3/32" blocks can cause you to go blind. I'm working with them right now in my rigging, and like you if I ever find the ones that seem to completely disappear at times - especially after spending 30 minutes to strop them and paint them to only vanish into the atmosphere I could rig another ship. That's why I buy extras.
  19. Looking good Larry. Good to see you back in the shipyard. She's shaping up. John
  20. Looking mighty fine Mr. Piet. Pappa's smilin' Sorry I haven't been around much - been kinda busy lately. Looks like a Leffe's in order....
  21. Rich, PM me when you figure out which power tools (Proxxon) you want and I'll see if I can make you any special deals - whenever you get ready. Thanks, John
  22. Congrats Rich on finishing the Conny - nice job. I like your workshop. I've had a couple of those Hobart Workbenches and they work great for ship building. I currently use a 16" x 20" wood TV tray and 1/4 of a 54" dinette for my workbenches. What's next on the list???
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