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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Nice tools.....that's the fun part of this build is to make any and all kinds of tools for the details. I really enjoyed doing this kind of thing...and it looks cool too... John
  2. Hi Mark, she's looking really good. How about some pictures of your new toy and what you can do with it.... John
  3. Looks great Bruce. This is a major milestone indeed. We all have to take a break every now and then. I'm currently on Lake Ontario in Sodus Bay, NY. We'll be stopping by to see the Morgan again sometime next month. I just saw the Brig Niagra in Erie, Pa last week. I'll be working on the whaleboats and remaining yards on my trip and be back to work on the ship in September or so. This is a very nice build....keep up the good work. John
  4. Good morning Larry. Glad you enjoyed the pictures. I noticed the pawls for the Capstan also, and intended to point that out for you. The Niagra was built locally in Erie specifically for the war of 1812. They truthfully didn't care if it survived or not and so it was not a fancy warship....just pretty plain Jane. The quarters are really cramped and the overhead height is about 5'2" or so. I'm 5'8" and had to bend over the whole time I was on the lower deck - especially the Galley and Galley Camboose. After the war she was scuttled off of Presque Isle (about a mile from where she's moored right now. The thought was that she would stay better preserved under water rather than tied to a pier to rot away. They recovered what was left of her in the 1980's I believe and they were wrong in that she was pretty rotten and mostly fell apart. They salvaged what they could and then completely rebuilt her in the late 80's early 90's. The only visible part of the original ship is in the Officer's quarters near the large table in the photographs. The stained wood framed openings for the First Mate are original. There are 2 framed openings to the left side of the table in the photo. The Captains Quarters are behind this area and has the large desk and the bed to the left in the photo. There is a lot of junk and supplies on the desk for reference.
  5. Hi Larry, yeah 3". Do you realize how big a 3" rope is???? It's large and heavy and used on many anchors. It does look larger than 3" though, so vey easy to think it's bigger. Does the kit come with anchor rope? As for scale rope it's hard to find if not in the kit. Chuck has some large scale rope, but not sure if it's that size or not.
  6. Larry, it looks like under the current configuration that the 3" black anchor rope is stowed in a large coil just forward of the Foremast. The mooring lines are laid out on deck and are 2" whhite rope. The large 1/2" model shows it on deck, then thfough a hole in the hatch cover amidship. Glad these will help you. I really like the detail of the anchors hanging from the Catheads and sheaved blocks.
  7. Hi Larry. Here's the link to all the photographs of the Niagara on my website. It was my pleasure to get these. I hope to be building the Niagara before the end of the year. Let me know if you need any more specific pictures. The anchor and ropes are shown for you. The ropes on the 1/2" scale model show the lines going aft and down a hatch through a hole. The other rigging for the anchor is interesting and I got several good photos of how it's rigged up. Hope this helps. John Link: http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/us-brig-niagra.html
  8. Hello to all. I have posted the photographs I took of the US Brig Niagra to my website as promised. I also included the photos I took in Aug 2013 of the various models on display in the Museum here in Erie, Pa. One in particular is a 1/2" scale model of the Niagra - over 8' long. It's the main model just before you go aboard the real Niagra. Anyone needing any specific photos email me and I'll send them to you. Here's the link: http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/us-brig-niagra.html
  9. Hi Larry. I just spent some time going over your log again from start to now. You've come a long way m friend. She's looking really good. Starting to wonder if I have the patience to build this thing after finishing the Morgan. The guns are really a challenge. I really enjoyed seeing the ship today and took about 180 +/- pictures. The real ship only has 2 guns rigged on her so it's hard to realise what she's like with all the guns on deck. I'll post these on my website over the next few days if the "limited" internet access that is available to me here at the RV park allows me. The anchor rope currently is stowed on deck forward of the Foremast, some of the models at the museum show the ropes going aft on deck and then down a hatch, but I could not get access to that area to see where they might go. All of the pictures will be posted in the Gallery section of my website, and I'll provide you with the link once I have them posted. If you need any of the individual pictures just tell me which ones and I'll email them to you. She's a beautiful ship, and yours will look wonderful once finished. Hope these will help you. Enjoy, John
  10. Toured the Niagra today. It started out raining (.25") before noon. About 1:00 it cleared off and turned out to be a beautiful day. The ship sails tomorrow, so there was a lot of activity on board and they restricted where I could go and how long I could stay in one spot for photos, but I think overall I got a lot of good ones. There is an area inside the museum for model ship builders. There are currently 2 builds of the Model Shipways Niagra at the same stage of build. Hull planked stage. When I was there 2 years ago, they were building a 1/2" scale scratch build which is now finished and on display. I have photographs of all of this. I am going to post these photos on my Morgan website in the Gallery Section over the next few days as internet access here allows. If I can't get them posted I will do so as I can. I will make a post here with a link for anyone interested in the Niagra once it's archived. It was really cool to actually be on my next build
  11. Looks very nice Bruce. Good pointers as for tools and accessories needed to build these things. Sometimes it does become necessary to take a break especially when real life issues show their ugly heads. I've had to do that a few times. We look forward to seeing you back in the shipyard soon. John
  12. Hi Larry, she's supposed to be leaving to sail to Huron on Wednesday. If at all possible I want to be there to photograph the event. I might see if she messes with her anchors then. I'm sure she's just moored to the pier, but you never know???? I'll see what I can get for you. John
  13. Hello to all. I am currently in Erie, Pennsylvania and plan to visit the US Brig Niagra on Tuesday. For any of the Niagra fans if you need any specific photographs please let me know and I will make sure I get a good photo for you. I will photograph it extensively since this will be my next build after I finish the Morgan. When I was here 2 years ago she was sailing in Lake Michigan and I didn't get to go aboard. Let me hear from you soon. John
  14. Hello again everyone. Thanks for all the well wishes, thoughts and prayers for my brother in law. We will be dearting Pittsburgh soon, however, as most plans go they are subject to change we might decide to stay on the east coast since we're almost there - don't know yet. I would like to visit the Niagra in Erie, Pa since that might be my next build. I wanted to post this one picture (not ship related) and I will post others in the proper place later, but this one is a 58 year bucket list item and I wanted to share it especially for members that do not live in the US since it would be hard to travel to. When I was 8 yrs old I saw pictures of this house and was so fascinated by it I almost became an Architecht and I have always wanted to see it. It was built in 1937. Frank Loyd Wright's "Falling Water" last year this was voted as the #1 of the top 100 most enfluential architechtural structures and achievements in all time.
  15. Looks really nice Bruce. I really like Mrs. Temkin's cabin. I didn't think about the inside detail until I was finished with it and it was glued to the deck and covered up. Oh well, like you said it's mostly covered up and hard to see. You'll be catching up with me soon at the rate you are going....keep it up - looking good. John
  16. Hello to all. Sorry to have dropped off the map. My Brother in Law had a stroke in early May, and we packed up the RV and headed to Pittsburgh to help out. RV park I'm in has very limited internet so it has take a while to post. BIL is doing fine now and we will be leaving the Pittsburgh area Thursday after being here for a month. I brought the remaining yards and the whaleboats with me and will be trying to get them completed during our journey west. Then once we return in October it will be easier to finish the Morgan before the end of the year. I will be posting updates both here and on my website as I progress in the build. The Proxxon Store is open since most of it is by internet as well as my website. In fact I have a Father's Day Special for anyone interested. Cheers to all, and I'll be following your builds. John Link to Father's Day Special: http://www.proxxontoolsdiscount.com/store/p319/39401_Fathers_Day_Special_Pensander_Combo.html
  17. Wow, very impressive Bruce, really looks nice. For me it was a really fun little project, and really helps her start looking like a ship. Nicely done. John
  18. Hi Clarence, I think Bruce is referring to a serving machine built by Alexey Domanoff. I show it in detail on my website with links on how to buy it. Alexey is a friend and lives in Belarus and constructs a very good SErving Machine. These are used on the shrouds when you start to do the Standing Rigging. You can see it's use on my website under Standing Rigging. I am hanging yards right now and am at the Running Rigging Stage. Sorry Bruce, didn't mean to hijack your log, just answering a question. Clarence, contact me if you have questions I can help you with. My site: http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com John
  19. Hi Bruce, I'm assuming you have Alexey's Serving Machine. It takes some practice to use, but it will do the job. The hardest part it holding the rope to be served tight. Sometimes I was serving a rope with the same size winding - gets interesting real fast. You have to start it with a needle and end it with a needle also. It is challenging by all means, but very do-able. Once you try it I think you will be just fine. Enjoy seeing the Morgan, I wish I could go back soon, but not sure. I am always available for assistance, so just email me and I'll do whatever I can do, and if that doesn't work we can always chat by phone, but I think with your skill level you won't have any problems and there are some videos available both from Alexey and utube. John
  20. Coming along nicely Bruce. You'll be catching up with me soon. Good to see your updates. John
  21. Hi Gary, yeah, hopefully a good summer. Thanks for the comments. As for rigging with the davits up, I looked at many aspects of constructing this, and it logically seemed like a good time to install them. I didn't want to screw up any rigging, and since the hull lines are cut to place the boat handling equipment, I decided to go ahead and put the davits in prior to the running rigging. So far it hasn't been a problem and nothing has been in the way, so I guess so far so good. You have to use tweezers and rigging tools, but you need to do that any way. I don't know, but it has worked for me, I think it could be done at any point you're comfortable with. John
  22. Hi George, I thought long and hard about sails, and decided against it. Scale sails on most models I've seen look out of scale and too thick or heavy and don't seem to fall naturally. I've always leaned toward ships without sails. Thanks to all that stopped by or hit the like buttons. By the way for anyone interested I'm running a very special deal for a limited time. It's the TBM 115 Drill Press Combo with all accessories to make a mill without "Z" control (except the handle) Here's the link. John http://www.proxxontoolsdiscount.com/store/p64/39020_TBM_115_DRILL_PRESS_COMBO_-_SPECIAL_w%2F_Accessories.html
  23. Hello Nigel I just found your log. Very nice Junk. I have seen the Black w/Red Sails Junk in Hong Kong Harbor and have a great admiration for Junks...they are unique. I look forward to following the rest of the build. Your lathe shipped out this morning so you should get it in time for the weekend. Keep up the good work John
  24. Looks great Larry. Isn't it fun working with the small blocks..lol. I think I could build another entire ship with what I could find lying around in the most unlikely places...fortunately, I don't have carpet, but do have lots of dark places...it's amazing how they can propel with just a little gentle pressure from the pliers (or fingers) - 10-15 feet sometimes. Wish we could capture that kind of power for our weapons...
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