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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Thanks Keith, I'm still working on trying to figure out how to mount her (no pun intended), I'm starting to explore options on that issue. No vacuums anywhere close to it.....
  2. Thanks for the encouragement Keith....profound words...well spoken....
  3. lambsk, sorry you had problems finding it, I tried to post it but didn't get the link right. I'm going to revisit the site, and try to connect the link, but I have been busy building instead of playing on the computer too much. I'm going to need a break soon and I'll try to get all of these things corrected. Glad you joined me on this venture.... John
  4. Capt Slog....thanks, and welcome aboard. This will be slow starting since I am trying to finish my Connstitution and do some work on the Morgan at the same time. The Morgan has been on the "bucket list" for a while now, and finally bit the bullet to do it... John
  5. I looked at doing that and decided to tie it to the front of that bank of deadeyes, following suit with the main and fore masts. Your photos helped me in several areas. Thank you again. wow.....18 blocks...congratulations, the end is definitely in sight. Keep up the pictures coming....
  6. Andy, thank you for the pictures, you have no idea how much you helped me tonight. I have to run sheet & clew lines on the Topgallant, then do the royal and I'll be finished with the Mizzen Mast......very laborious, but I like the results. Moving on.....
  7. Thanks Andy for your help, I just finished the Halyard on the topsail, so now moving on. Your photos really helped me. By the way did you have an eyelet on the starboard side to tie the BB block to, or did you improvise and tie off on the deadeye like I did....lol. There were no eyes on either side...curious...
  8. yeah, Keith that's a great link. Thanks, lots of useful ideas. Lack of experience is intimidating when I look at and hear the comments. Planking will be a new one!!!!! Coming soon to a theater near you...lol...
  9. Thanks Andy, those will be good enough, I know what you mean about camera focus. Mine does good, if I can get the angle right, but if not then it picks up on something else and focuses on it, screwing up the depth of field. I greatly appreciate this, thanks man, John
  10. ok, I guess I read that part right. Just confirming my understanding. If you get a chance with pictures that would be great if not too much trouble. That is close to my next steps on tonight's rigging chores.... Thanks John
  11. Oops, sorry, I don't know everyone yet. Just looked at you Victory.....Outstanding....What a project that ship must be. I look forward to following your build also. I'm approaching finishing my Conny, and anxious to move on to wood ships. Thanks for your input. John
  12. Hi Andy, I checked page 3, and didn't find what I'm looking for. A picture of the front and back of the Mizzen Crossjack and Topsail yards would be nice. I'm having difficulty in use of the block layouts and also is there only one Halyard for the Crossjack? It appears to be only one tying off on the Stbd side. Thanks for your help. John
  13. Hi Grant, thanks for the info. I'll check things out. Welcome aboard . I'll check Danny's log. John
  14. Oh yeah, I bought a Ferrari from a guy right off of 12 and Stemmons a couple of years ago. Used to go by there all the time going to B'in laws house. My ex grew up in Highland Park....should have been a clue to me to leave her alone.....I couldn't aford her...lol.
  15. By the way JP, where do you live in the Dallas area? Are you out near Grapevine? My ex is from Dallas, and my inlaws live up on Lake Lewisville. I'm at Lake Conroe, about 40 miles n of Houston.
  16. Ok, I have a Home Depot near where I live. I'll pick up some next time I'm down there. I use CA on the plastic, and I used it with the Sopwith Camel, since it had a lot of Brittania parts that had to adhere to wood with strength. I love where I've needed it, except it is bad on the fingers when the get stuck together....ouch, it likes skin...
  17. I have Sig Bond, which I got from Hobbly Lobby. I used it when I built the Model Airways Sopwith Camel. Is Titebond found at Home Depot or a Hobby Lobby?
  18. Hi JP, I like what you have there. You mention PVA glue, I am not familiar with that one. Is it preferable for mounting the planks? Thanks for sharing on the pins....I'll study your more closely. John
  19. Well, with the Conny getting close to completion, I need to start planning on working on my Morgan. I have noticed that when it comes to planking there are numerous types of clamps, clips, and devices for attaching the planking to the bulkheads. Since this will be my first wooden ship I welcome anyone's thoughts on this as to recommendations. I will need to order them shortly so as not to have any downtime between builds....might loose my initiative...lol......I've heard that several of these are not worth the box they were shipped in, so I would appreciate any feedback you guys might have..... thanks....John
  20. Thank you Sjors, your kind words are very insuring. Glad you liked the pictures. I live on a lake, and it gets difficult to get a good background shot that shows the masts very well. My work table faces out to the water, so I can enjoy the lake and build my ships.
  21. Hi Daniel, yes, the end is in sight.....a lot of little stuff to do once the Mizzen is finished. It should move pretty quick compared to the Main... then comes the base. I'm going to mount her on a larger walnut base, and I don't want to have to drive in to Houston to get the wood. I'm about an hour out of town. I'm debating whether to mount her on the small brass pedestals or using walnut wood strips to look like a drydock. Open to any suggestions on this as I'm not there yet...
  22. Well, today I finished the Main Mast, and will start with the Mizzen Mast.
  23. Hi Andy, things are looking good. I have a question....would you happen to have a couple of good pictures of your Mizzen Mast and the yards. The instructions leave me with some questions and I could reference your pictures to probably answer them. The questions are concerning the rigging of the yards. If you could post a few it would be helpful. Any help with these would be appreciated. Thanks....John
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