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The Recusant

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    Chicago suburbs
  • Interests
    Tall ships, writing, art

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  1. Before you read, please go to www.stockmanbooks.com and download the free PDF Addendum file. It contains a character listing with French pronunciations, a nautical terms glossary, ship diagrams, and other information that you will find helpful when reading the book. While you're at it, also download the free PDF, La Renommée: Story of a French Frigate. A 26 page booklet that contains the history, commanders, actions, and other information on the fastest ship of its day. Plus, take a look at the excerpt for the next book in the Tween Sea & Shore Series, to be out later this year, The Renowned Captains. It continues the story of Abraham, Yvette, and the other historical characters in the first book,
  2. Hi, I received an email from you today but I cannot link and get a message stating:


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    Please let me know what the message was on my recent post for a free pdf booket or how I may view your comment.

  3. Hey mates—Be careful with the EuroModel kit for building the Renommée frigate. It's likely the Swedish Jupiter and not a French ship at all. Take a look at www.larenommeeship.com in the "Sea Bag" for the article about EuroModel's error. Nice model, but wrong ship.
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