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  1. Yes Nichimo made the kit back in 1968 and unopened ones go for about $700 - $800 on eBay. I’d like an updated version of it. I know there’s also a paper craft version of the KGV but I’d prefer a plastic kit version.
  2. I'm really hoping they do a KGV and Yamato in 1/200.
  3. Has anyone ever bought anything from Shapeways? They're a service where people can upload 3D models of things and you can pay to have them printed. They have a bunch of 1/200 stuff for the Missouri. I've bought stuff from them before for other projects and it's really good quality. https://www.shapeways.com/product/WUY79P9WF/1-200-usn-40mm-quad-gun-tub-aft-deck-starboard https://www.shapeways.com/product/QMMCR7JJF/1-200-usn-40mm-quad-gun-tub-forecastle-port https://www.shapeways.com/product/BJ5S997JF/1-200-uss-new-jersey-uss-missouri-quadruped-mast https://www.shapeways.com/product/BAT5UQK8G/1-200-usn-midship-4th-deck-starboard-gun-tub-bofor https://www.shapeways.com/product/WSUW9QN6T/1-200-usn-mk38-gun-director-mark-8 https://www.shapeways.com/product/JC4M5S7AM/1-200-us-navy-aircraft-crane The guy who does a lot of ship stuff has his own website and, although a lot of his stuff is in 1/192 scale, he can re-calibrate a lot of models for 1/200. https://distefano3dprint.com/collections/1-192-scale
  4. That really sucks losing a friend so soon after your father. One of my uncles passed away a few weeks ago after a brief battle with brain cancer. The Missouri looks fantastic. Your work is inspiring me to get back into serious modelling after being away for a number of years.
  5. Yes, you're right. I remember him posting photos of some of the jobs. I just thought he might just drop a quick note as to what's going on as he still logs in. His user page said he last visited the site on January 23.
  6. Off topic, but has anyone else had trouble accessing Trumpeter's home page? I haven't been able to access it home, at work, or even on my phone for a few months. All three use different ISPs so it seems to be a wide spread issue.
  7. Fantastic, I'm really looking forward to this. Yup, you can see the dent here, just forward of the aft turret. Here is a view from the deck showing the dent in the rail.
  8. The grey hull above the waterline and the grey fittings break up the brown-red combination nicely. I've said it before but I'll say it again. I really hope Trumpeter comes out with a 1/200 King George V/Prince of Wales and a 1/200 Yamato/Musashi.
  9. I read through the rest of the thread and he said he got a book that detailed U-Boat construction and he did a high resolution scan of a lot of the blueprints and images, imported them into Illustrator, and then traced them to make vector drawings. For the cranes and buildings he just found photographs online and traced them. He then sent the vector images to the photo etch manufacturing company.
  10. Yeah, further on down the page the guy says he designed the cranes, warehouses, and submarines himself in Adobe Illustrator and then sent them here (https://www.etchworks.eu/) to be made. He said he had to do that because he couldn't find what he wanted anywhere.
  11. I asked because all the paint compatibility matrices I've seen have been similar to this one that cautions using enamel over acrylic.
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