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Jorge Diaz O

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Everything posted by Jorge Diaz O

  1. I've already finished the port liner, I'm already on the starboard side. Please do not take into account the color of the wood, everything will be painted and the living work lined in copper. Jorge.
  2. Hello, thanks for sharing this, I did not know the library and it also has other interesting books. I hope to buy a copy soon.
  3. Hello, great shell helmet technique, I am an admirer of this form of construction. I will follow him carefully, I hope I can upload more pictures.
  4. Hello, thanks for answering. I already built HMS Triton from MSW plans, it took almost three years to complete but there were some mistakes, sorry for the confusion. It's my fault, I thought they were original. Good afternoon sir.
  5. Hello, I am following your work with attention. If you make the complete plans of the HMS Triton, could you sell it? I would like to buy them.
  6. Hello, I wanted to thank all the friends who have written to me asking about my state of health, it was complicated, almost two weeks in the hospital but I am back to continue in my HMS Winchelsea, it was the only thing I thought all day and it encouraged me to stay alive. Thank you all.
  7. Hola, muchas gracias FrankWouts por tus palabras, estoy intentando hacer un buen modelo y aprendiendo nuevas técnicas. Espero subir fotos pronto, me gustaría al menos terminar las galas principales de ambas bandas. Estoy un poco nerviosa, quiero hacerlo de la mejor manera.
  8. Hello, I continue with the carving of the bastions, I made them in American Oak and it turned out to be quite good at making details. The color does not matter because everything will be painted. Then I start with the main wales.
  9. Hola, gracias por tus comentarios, pero los bolsillos son iguales en distancia, forma, tamaño y ubicación que el plano, quizás cuando instale el revestimiento de las tracas se verán mejor. Los he comprobado de nuevo y no veo el problema que menciona. Me preocupa. Sobre la escala es la que me acomoda para hacer detalles, no uso kits comerciales. Pronto empezaré con el Rocherfort, francés a 1 / 24
  10. Hello,bdgiantman2 thank you very much for commenting, I wanted to make the frames to have a better base and guide for the main wales ... That kitten is called "Amaro" and it is the smallest of the 4, now they are cutting the strakes.
  11. Hello, I already started to open the embrasures ... then I go to the main wales
  12. Thank you very much for your comment, I am trying to do my best. The fun part is coming, lining the helmet
  13. Thank you very much friends GL y FrankWouts your comments, that encourages me to continue and improve the quality of my technique. I hold him back a lot.
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