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Jorge Diaz O

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Everything posted by Jorge Diaz O

  1. What a great opportunity, very good photographs, I hope I can continue with your model soon.
  2. Personally I will do it with all the details, candles, barrels, copper lining and painting. Not for vanity or to demonstrate my knowledge, on the contrary I must study a lot to achieve that. But I already have all the necessary information for .5 years to do it? I hope I have so much life for that and I will enjoy every minute, as I have been building HMS Triton all this time.
  3. I'm sorry about what happened, I hope you can recover soon, your construction was very interesting. A hug from a distance.
  4. Thank you very much,Edward Kenway there is little left to finish, I will not do it with masts
  5. A neat and delicate work, naval modeling at its best. It is one of the best in this forum.
  6. The books are of exceptional quality, the content, the drawings and plans, wonderful. The swan collection should be had by all modelers, essential. The HMS Euryalus is huge at 1/48, it will be a beautiful model. I would buy all the books if it were not for the terrible attention of the store.
  7. Hello, today the seawachtbook books arrived, but only 2 of the 3 that I bought, I acquired the 2 volumes of the HMS Auryalus of 1803 and the volume IV of the swan class, it was just missing, the volume I of the HMS Euryalus was missing, the packaging It was intact. I got a relative who lives in the US, called and answered Miss Jennifer who said that next week she would give me an answer, she would verify the payments and why it was not sent. Next week !!!! Anyway, this store It has the worst service, they do not even answer the emails and thus we avoid so many bitter and stress episodes. I will keep waiting for my other book.
  8. Hello, I have been on my HMS Triton at 1/48 for more than two years and I have just finished starting with the HMS Wenchelsea at 1/35 full scracht. Don't forget the Triton plans sir.
  9. Well, it's not professional, it's not pleasant. Why make a big mess out of nowhere? If you JUST SEND AN EMAIL SAYING YOU ALREADY SENT THE BOOKS AND GIVE THE TRACKING CODE. Unnecessary stress is produced.
  10. Todos pueden hacerlo,esta pagina se traduce automaticamente.Estoy en español y al leerlos a ustedes se cambia a ingles enseguida. Gracias y feliz año
  11. Feliz navidad a todos mis amigos,pronto subire fotos de mi HMS Triton en su ultima etapa.
  12. Hola,sobre el papel se usa el BOND PARA PLOTERS,lo hice en mi trabajo a 1/48,poniendo IMPRESION AL 100%,resulta sin problemas.En cuanto al libro ANATOMY OF THE SHIP del HMS Pandora,no son similares,se pueden rescatar algunos detalles,pero no son iguales,el HMS Triton es mas grande.Seria mejor referencia el HMS Diana.Exito en su construccion,llevo dos años y medio en el mio y sin velas.
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