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Everything posted by LEGION 12

  1. My sister gifted me this for Christmas , https://i.postimg.cc/Qdv3jdCH/IMG-20240107-164802609.jpghttps://i.postimg.cc/k4mPtYxC/IMG-20240107-164745948.jpg
  2. I was going to ask the same question , bummer .
  3. This is what I do if I have gloss paint on hand , just a coat of dull get's rid of the gloss .
  4. Wow that 3M tape is expensive , but I know you get what you pay for , I have a friend in the auto body business see if he can get me some . Great advice about storing your tape , perhaps some of mine has dried out .
  5. The white stuff ? If so I have some but for some reason it doesn't seem to work for me .
  6. I always have a hard time with painting waterlines on my hulls , I am using Tamiya tape and was wondering if there is something better out there ? Thanks in advance . Edit to add I build plastic ship models .
  7. I would like to find a new home for this book , not the type of model I build at least not yet . Free shipping is on me as long as it's the lower 48 and a member that's been here awhile .
  8. The top of my garbage bin looks just like that , from all the ships I have painted . 😀
  9. I have some basswood sheets might laminate them and give them a try , very nice work by the way .
  10. I really like how you planked the bow , I might have to try that having a hard time with mine .
  11. Well I needed 3 more planks , but could only find 1 , the hunt is on .
  12. Decided to take her off the building board , should of awhile ago couple planks left to go .
  13. Getting to the tricky bits , not happy how the bow is turning out .
  14. It's been awhile folks , hope everyone is doing well . I am back at it I hope to get this at least planked almost there , only 4 more to go .
  15. Shame nobody had a knife to cut that lifeboat loose .
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