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Valeriy V

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Everything posted by Valeriy V

  1. Thoughtful work without undue haste gives excellent results. And the sailor on the deck is too small in scale or is it a cabin boy?
  2. Thanks Keith. The polished brass is painted by me with a clear lacquer - Zapon.
  3. This is a rapid-fire 63.5 mm gun designed by engineer Baranovsky. On the ship, it was installed on a special machine; during the landing, it was removed and placed on a wheeled collapsible gun carriage.
  4. Keith, I continue to admire your work and continue to learn from you. Great job and great result!
  5. Thank you all for your likes and comments! I continue to manufacture weapons for the cruiser. Landing gun Baranovsky.
  6. Everything depends on the scale. And still it is necessary to make various equipment and adaptations.
  7. Any material requires respect, and metal especially.
  8. To put things in order, I made an organizer for brass wire.
  9. Andy, the big deflectors are electroformed, which I have talked about before. Small deflectors are cast in bronze. Thanks Rookie! I hope everything works out as you say.
  10. Thanks Nils! I will be sincerely glad if my knowledge will be useful for someone here.
  11. Thanks Roger! Unfortunately, I have no information on the history of the Varyag steam boats. But you are absolutely right that their origin is connected with British shipbuilding.
  12. Thanks Phil! Inside these boats there was a boiler room with a steam boiler and an engine room with a steam engine. Passengers could only be accommodated outside, in the aft and bow cockpits. The boat was mainly intended for the transportation of officers, towing boats and other similar works. Armament was placed on the boat temporarily, for example, for patrolling, guarding a raid, and a landing operation. My digital camera Canon S3IS is already old and I am pleasantly surprised by your high appreciation of its work. If I understand correctly, the correct lighting of the subject plays a big role for a successful shot.
  13. Thanks everyone! I am very pleased that my work is interesting and causes so many positive emotions! This means that my efforts in the field of photography are not in vain. I've finished assembling steam boats.
  14. Hi Jan! So far, I am building models for a specific customer, but if there is no next order, then I will switch to your second option and will build my choice with subsequent sale. For myself, I also build a little running model, but as usual, there is not enough time for myself.
  15. Hands sweat and may leave unwanted stains during the final assembly of parts.
  16. Thank you all for your likes and comments! I continue the process of assembling the parts of the boat.
  17. Ras, congratulations! You have successfully completed a difficult job, especially since this is your first DIY model.
  18. The reason for this is probably the location of the ventilation on the port side of the engine room of the boat. I always regret when I have to paint over polished metal.
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