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About jacasa

  • Birthday 06/20/1940

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  • Location
    Hervey Bay Australia
  • Interests
    Getting my pension every fortnight.

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  1. Hello Modeller-Masa. I have been a member of this site for about 4 years, I use the information set out by other builders to a great extent. ( I will be 83 this year and it's getting harder ) I'm not good at putting out posts, In the last 12 years I have built about 8 ships and now working on two at the same time one being the Liburnian Monoreme by MarisStella, started about the same time you started yours. I am also working on the Ragusian Carrack by MarisStella, this model is much easier to build in comparison to the former. Anyhow keep up your good work so I can see how you go. Cheers John.
  2. Hello Dominic, I would very much like to see your pictures, can you advise how to open them?. Regards, John
  3. Hello Hennie, I have followed your build from day one, I think its the best example to follow, I was sick for about 6 months, and had to put my build on one side. Anyway that's enough of my problems I now have my mojo back and I have jut about caught up with your build. Will you be posting more of your build? Cheers John. P.S. your doing a terrific job thanks
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