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Scott Crouse

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About Scott Crouse

  • Birthday 07/21/1966

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  • Location
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Obviously models, Photography, Ham Radio, Canoeing, Camping and many other interests.

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  1. Starting putting a few deck pieces together, just enough that I can map out the deck.
  2. God some work done today, I decided to join the two halves together, to me it does not make much sense doing it half and half. Took some time and made a strip to go around the deck, will be adding scuppers at a later date.
  3. Slowly plugging away but not getting too far ahead of Olha's build as I am enjoying watching and emulating her techniques (for the most part) Planking on this thing involves 4 large sheets of balsa. After shaping the ribs, soaking the first board and bending it into shape, the biggest issues is that clamping this shape is difficult to say the least and discovered that one of the ribs, despite sanding, just did not allow the board to sit right. Cut that part open and added a piece to the rib and I am much happier. CLAMPS, CLAMPS AND CLAMPS! Trying to get these pieces in place for future filling, sanding and shaping. I know the Shipways version of this kit has moved to a more traditional style of planking which I think would have been easier.
  4. Managed to get both sides of the hull put together. Can never have enough clamps and elastics . Put the false deck in place. and a test fit (not joining the halves, going to build them up side by side) and everything seems to be lined up nicely. Next up will be preparing the ribs and then doing my first real planking - scared and excited all at the same time!
  5. This one caught my eye many months ago and has been on my list ever since. This will be my first time doing normal planking, the Shipways Dory and Pram were large planks and the Lobster Smack I am doing on a group build is the Midwest version so big slabs instead of planks. Following a few build logs here on Model Ship World as going from wordy instructions from Shipways to a few pages of pictures and 1:1 scale plans is an adjustment - although one I kinda like. Hummed and Haw'd about doing it in halves or putting it together into one frame for planking but decided to try how Billings wants it done - unless someone on here can convince me of the error of my ways? As always, constructive criticism is welcome so I can continue to learn in this great hobby. I still need to get some lego blocks or 123 blocks for leveling things. On my "to make or purchase" list.
  6. I seem to mostly use Gorilla products. Gorilla PVA Wood Glue for the majority of the build and then I have Gorilla CA glue which I use on the ends of ropes or adding that 1 piece that needs to bond quickly. If I have plastic pieces, either the CA or Tamiya Extra Thin. I have been using Gorilla CA for years now and have never had a bottle dry up and my current bottle of PVA is well over a year old and no sign of it drying up or getting old.
  7. lol, thanks for the follow and glad you like the stream haha. The doggy cam is new I have always found the Vallejo paints somewhat finicky but a 50/50 ratio with a pressure of around 15psi should be a good starting point. You might have a bent needle point as well but you said it was happening with 3 different ones... ya could be something not right there. Yesterdays stream was pretty boring just doing PE
  8. I have recently got a gaahleri to compliment my Badger 105 and have been very happy with it and it is much less in cost than the Iwata's and other high end brushes. But before you go down that road, I would be happy to discuss the problem to see if it is more about paint, thinner, bush cleaning or any of the other problems that could be causing it. I have been airbushing plastic models for over 5 years now. Feel free to dm me, or happy to discuss it in here (assuming you wish to).
  9. Tiny update, this weeks class was about sanding the ribs to shape them for the planks. After putting too much finger pressure in the wrong spot and having to repair my ham fisted approach, all fixed and the first plank put in place And I need more and bigger clamps!!!!! MORE CLAMPS!
  10. I enjoy how she mumbles and talks to herself in confusion, shows I am not the only one who has to scratch my head and figure out what instructions and drawings are really telling me haha.
  11. And we are complete. This kit was a ton of fun, my 2nd build. Most definitely there are errors, I know where many of them are and I know how not to repeat them the next time There are things I would do different next time. Thank you for the encouragement folks! Onto the Lobster Smack and the Norden 603.
  12. Managed to get a bit me PE and dry fitting done, having to think all this through for the painting of the superstructure before I glue it all together. Been so busy with the wood builds that this one got put on the back burner but think I am going to find the time and get this one sorted.
  13. My first day doing sails and rigging - I have zero clue of I did this right. The description in the manual is like "huh". But between the builds on this forum, the manual and the one decent video on youtube, we muddled along Have to say, I am a bit confused by the battens, every small sailing vessel I have been on, the battens are usually in a cloth sleeve, not glued or attached to the sails. Anyone have insight on if this is actually correct or just simplified for the model? Lots of muddling with knots and glue. Probably not overly correct but doesn't look terrible. Still have the lines to clean up, some paint touch ups here and there and the stand to finish. So another day or two and will have it ship shape. Did discover one very serious error today, and I am shocked that no one else noticed it either..... I have been around sail boats for over 40 years and I can't believe I did it nor did not notice it until today. Scroll up in the old photos and check out the cleats, I glued both of them on upside down bwahahahaha.
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