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Everything posted by SHIPSCAT

  1. Hello all Thank you Tom, Mark and Phil. I will put some balsa wood in them areas. You are all so kind. Jo.
  2. Hello shipmates I have completed the framing and the 4 strengthening parts at the stern. Next up is some parts that go round the inner part of the frames. Happy days. Jo.
  3. Hello Popeye and Steven Thank you both. Popeye re weak point on the stern, it was more about luck than anything that I found it, when I cut the tabs and tried to take it out of the wooden sheet I noticed that the end started to twist, so I stopped and re-cut the tabs again, when it came out I could move it side to side so I thought I was in big trouble if it snapped it in half. I am sure I read someplace that if you put some CA (thin) on wood it will make the wood stronger so this is what I did. That is when I asked about this on my log. Can I say thank you all for your suggestions. Happpppppppyyyyyy dayyyyysssssssss. Jo.
  4. Hello Shane I am lost for words my friend, you are sooooooo gooooooooood. Wish my build was as nice and clean also crafted like yours. If you carry on like this you will not be talking to me 😢. Jo xx.
  5. Hello all Yippppeeeeee I have started gluing the frames on. As I don't know much about other kits I found this one a wee bit different from my IL Leudo kit. This one you have to glue the frames on the keel then put another bit of wood over the top of them, this is from the stern end and from frames 4-11, then do the other frames. I will now finish the other frame today. Happy days. Jo.
  6. Hello all I have been thinking about this weak spot, when I get the first 3 frames on the stern and the 4 bits of wood that go in between them I think I will also put some balsa wood in also. Jo.
  7. Hello Steven Yes it was a good idea a very good idea but my skills are not that good yet. If I snap it off then that will be another story, I have looked at it again and it has 4 bits of wood to strengthen it not the 2 as stated before so I should be Ok. Thank you for your suggestion it was very kind of you to try and help me out THANK YOU. Jo.
  8. Hello OC Thank you so much. Hello Shane my boyfriend, ha-ha don't get carried away with the above average bit, it is like my cooking looks nice but taste terrible 🍰, we will see what it looks like when finished. Carl I have started another build. Jo.
  9. Hello Steven The depth of the frame slot is only about 2mm, I don't think I could trust myself filing equal amounts of wood off each side. Jo.
  10. Hello Shane Wow looks a wee bit complicated, well done it is looking very good, thank you for explaining the X-Y table. Girlfriend Jo xx.
  11. Hello Steven and Peter Thank you both, if I put a strip of wood at the bottom it would get in the way of the frame that has to be glued in that slot. Also I have a wee bit of wood each side that glues onto the frame and keel (blue line). Re dye I do now think that it may be a wee bit on the red side, so I will get some brown and mix them 50/50 and see what I get. Thank you for your comments they have been a big help to me. Happy days. Jo.
  12. Hello Popeye Thank you, so that is what you call it a cleat, they don't say that just shape a bit of 2mm x 4mm walnut. Jo. Hello Tom Thank you also, I put some tape round the first two parts then a drop of CA glue, when dry I did the lashings, I then mixed some wood glue and water 50/50 and coated the lashing, I then repeated this till I finished all the spars. Jo. Just one or two photos on how she is looking now. Happy days. Jo.
  13. Hello all Just started cutting out the parts, but when I tried taking the back part out (stern end) I noticed that part of it was going to snap off. I was talking to the man next door he said put some CA glue on it about two or three coats and that will give the wood some strength. Is this correct. Happy days. Jo.
  14. Hello all Back again with another small update ha-ha, well you cannot keep a good cat down. I forgot last time that at I had to make a small hook thing out of some 2mm x 4mm walnut, it goes on the end of the spar, I think it is for a rope to go round so you can move the spar from side to side, it was fun to make. I also have finished all the lashings, I just loved doing that, I hope you all like what I have done. Happy days. Jo.
  15. Don't be like that Shane, I cannot help it if I am good can I hahahahahaha (that is a JOKE). Yes 7 more lives left to go my friend, but hey that is just for this build my next build the cat god said I can go back to 9, but I did ask cat god to let me have 18 but this loud meow meow came back and said meowlene only 9 that is all you are getting. Anyway I have to admit that the first one I did do it three times and still mucked it up haha, but after that they are not that bad even if I have to say that myself. After I have finished them it will be time to turn the old girl over and repaint the hull. Thank you all for the likes. Jo.
  16. Hello all Blue Pilot, thank you, I will forgive you for coming to the party so late, also very pleased you find my log entertaining, please don't be a stranger. Jo. Mark, thank you also but it must be my sewing skills ha-ha, I have just looked at the first one I did (inside one) and the ropes cross each other not that good is it, I am not taking it off as I gave them a wash of 50/50 wood glue and water. Are well 7 lives left now, will have to take more care or this kitty cat will be a goner. Jo. Jo.
  17. Hello all. Just a small update, I have started to lash the mast things together. I have to say this is getting exciting ha-ha, the one at the top and bottom are my first attempts at lashing, the three in the middle look a lot better, well to me they do. Onwards and upwards as they say, you cannot keep this little kitty cat down now ha-ha. I have to thank Tom for the link for the knots, it has been a big help, thank you. Happy days. Jo.
  18. Hello Jason Thank you for contacting me about my build, thank you also for the link. I have found your building log, this will be very handy for me. I have noted that your hull came in two half's but my kit the hull is one piece, this will be my second wooden ship build and I am a wee bit worried about the planking of the hull as it is a POF, I have read that this is very hard to do, any tips you can pass on to me please. Jo.
  19. Hello all. Thank you for your comments on being bad,average or good at model building. Maybe I am setting my sights way higher than my skills allow me to achieve, I am not sure if it is the lack of tools or more likely the lacking of knowledge. Anyway I do thank you all for your support. Jo.
  20. Hello Shane Ok you are teasing this little kitten what is that thing. Jo xxxx.
  21. Hello Shane Wow thank you my friend for them very kind and nice words. But I consider myself to be just below average builder, I have made lots of mistakes that I don't show people ha-ha, but I have to say that I am not that bad at building plastic models. My other build is a POF and going what I have read POF's are very hard to achieve a good finish, so I will have to get the Kitty Litter tray out as when I get worried I tend to go to the toilet lots of times ha-ha. Your friend Jo xx.
  22. Hello Shane I am very pleased that I make you smile and I hope I continue to do so as long as someone feeds me and pats me on my furry head or even a wee tickle under my chin I will be fine, meow, meow 😼. Jo.
  23. Hello all. I have made the mast and bowsprits, I still have to finish sanding them down, I have also tapered the spars (if that is what you call them). I will coat them up with varnish when I have finished sanding them down. On the bowsprit I have a brass ring that goes on but it is not in the kit. My Yawl build someone said replace the white rope, so I will order some for the IL Leudo also, I may order some more wood. Happy days. Jo.
  24. Looking very good Shane, I would not like to cut them out. Good luck my friend. Jo xx.
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