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Everything posted by SHIPSCAT

  1. Hello Popeye, Peter and Shane Thank you all for your concern about my back pain. I have to go and see my GP on Monday to see what he will say about the x-rays I had taken at the hospital; I do hope it is a pulled muscle, you all know cats have 9 lives well 1 down 8 to go ha-ha. Jo.
  2. Hello shipmate Shane No I have not started it yet, I had to go to the hospital to have an x-ray on my back, it is hurting like hell. Will try and do something on my IL Leudo today. Jo.
  3. Hello Shane Now that saw I do like, I could cut some frozen meat on that ha-ha-ha. Now I am a bit worried about the fist part, you are not making a cage for me are you so you can take me to the vets ha-ha. Sorry but hey you are doing a great build. Jo.
  4. Hello Tom Thank you for the link for the knots, this will come in very helpful for me. Jo.
  5. Hello Shane That's it blame me hahahaha. Will have a look. Jo.
  6. Hello all This is the colour I am going to dye the sails "Terracotta Brown". Happy days. Jo.
  7. Hello Peter Nice to see your log up and running again, thanks for re-posting this fantastic ship. Jo.
  8. Hello Peter Thank you my friend but I have to admit I had to do them twice, the first two I sanded the taper down too much, still not happy with the small one. The large one is 20mm x 7mm, the small one is 10mm x 6mm. Today I will glue some 8mm x 3mm dowel in the holes then drill some 3mm holes in the block things, then glue the tops into the blocks, shape the blocks then glue the large one on the mast and the small one on the bowsprit. Thank you all for your comments and likes. Jo.
  9. Hello shipmates I made these but don't know what they are called, the large one goes at the top of the mast, the smaller one goes at the end of the bowsprit. I made them with a needle file and sanding sticks and drilled the holes in the bottom with my Dremel drill. Happy days. Jo.
  10. Hello shipmates Some photos of what is in the box. Wood looks Ok, was surprised that it has some plastic parts though, some brass parts, sail cloth to make the sails (will have to get my sewing machine out), plans and instruction book if that is what you can call it ha-ha. It is a wee bit smaller than my IL Leudo but higher and narrower. Should be fun to build, will have to purchase some dye for the sails. Let the fun begin. Happy days. Jo.
  11. Hello shipmates Yesterday my new kit arrived, it is a Billings Kit. I will post some photos soon. Jo.
  12. Hello Popeye Thank you, it is a Billings fishing boat and it has sails so they will be fun to make 🏴‍☠️. Jo.
  13. Hello Shane very good but I have been to the vets my claws are nice and sharp again 😼. No I am not mad at Bob when I wrote that I had a lot on my mind, I was trying to sort a problem out work wise, so I am sorry it came across like that , but I would love to see some of his builds but I cannot find any of his logs ?. Jo.
  14. Hello Carl Thank you. Remember the two things we was talking about, well I do hope your dreams came true and you have settled in now and enjoying life again. Jo.
  15. Hello Popeye Thank you for your comments. Bob was mainly talking about distance and weathering, but he made a comment about the deck, it was plain to me that he never read what I wrote, I said I finished the deck in DANISH OIL but he said I finished it in gloss varnish and it would be like a skating rink (ring), yes I know that the hatch lid straps should be an iron colour but I think the polished brass looks nice 👍. I know you cannot see it in the video clips but in the video you can see the water reflecting on the white gloss paint and gloss varnish, if the Associazione Amici Del Leudo (Amici Del Leudo Association) painted and varnished her that way then that is Ok with me as they should know. Anyway as everyone keeps saying it is my Ship. Yippppppppeeeeeeeeeeee I have ordered my new ship kit it is about 500mm long x 700mm high x 110mm wide, should receive it on Monday or Tuesday. Giorni felici Jo.
  16. Hello Bob Thank you for your comments very much appreciated. I would like to reply on one or two things though, but first this is my first wooden ship build and I have no intention of building an exact replica of the real IL Leudo as that is way past my skills. You stated that my deck is gloss varnish sorry Bob but it has Danish Oil on it also on the hatch lids, also the brass straps have been polished and a coat of lacquer on them. I have looked a two videos on the IL Leodo, if you look at the video clips below you can see that the top part of the hull is done in gloss varnish and just below that is gloss white paint, also gloss varnished on the mast, spars, hand rail, cabin and also the block things look like gloss varnish has been applied to them. I would love to see some of your builds but alas I cannot find any, can you point me to one of your logs please. Thanks for looking in on my log. Happy days. Jo.
  17. Hello all. I am sanding the masts and the other dowels down, but I need some advice PLEASE. I know I have finished the block things in gloss varnish but I was just wondering what I should finish the masts with, gloss varnish or Oil like I have done with the deck. Thanks Jo.
  18. Hello Peter My family are a bit of a mixed bag ha-ha, Mother was born just outside London, Father was born in Melbourne, Grandmother was born in Scotland but not sure about Grandfather. When mother got mad or forgot people was in the same room she reverted back to talking in a cockney dialect, when she turned round and seen my face as if I was saying what the hell are you talking about mother, she would then go back and start talking normal again, it was so funny. When I was at school we had this new girl start and she came from Liverpool, we could not understand a word she said, but she was great fun to be with. You speak nine languages wow. I am sorry you have not received your materials for your ship build. As for my IL Leudo build I am not sure when it will be finished, as I have this week a wee bit of a problem to sort out first. Depending how I get on I will try and do an hour a night or I will not go to my dancing class on Thursday night, but we will see. Peter I have sent you a PM. Jo.
  19. Hello Wallace Thank you. No I am not Scottish I was born in Melbourne Australia, my dad used to say wee all the time, I think that is why I say it. My paternal grandmother was Scottish. Jo.
  20. Hello Wallace Thank you for your comments. I have painted the padlocks, main part gold and the part that the key goes in I have painted black. I have bent some leftover brass rod and placed the padlock inside the rings just to show you all what it will look like on the IL Leudo. Happy days. Jo.
  21. Hello Shane I have taken some time to look at this log again, I love the way you have done your research, well done, that just goes to show that you are committed to your build. Also well done on having the courage to purchase a kit then destroy it so you can achieve your desired effect. Thank you for sharing and showing us your skills on this forum. Jo.
  22. Hellloooo all Thank you Ulises, Peter and Shane. I have to admit that the rings on the brass rods do look better when turned around 90 degrees, the padlock looks right now the rings have been bent round and facing the other way. Peter have your materials arrived yet for your ship. If I have time today Kitty will try and cut all the masts ready for sanding. Happy days. Jo.
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