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Everything posted by SHIPSCAT

  1. Hello Pieter I am not sure at the moment, I think just below the water line. The video I downloaded has the deck painted RED I wish to keep it clear. I wish to keep most of the wood clear at this time, but will see when she arrives. Again thank you all for your support. Wish the postman will arrive 😕. Jo.
  2. Hi Gals and Guys My name is Jolene but my friends call me Jo. I recently joined this wonderful forum and have received wonderful advice from some of the members. I have been looking round on people's logs and I am amazed at the very high standard of workmanship, I take my hat off to you all. So it is time to dip my toes in the icy waters of wooden model ship building. So as this is my first wooden ship build I am asking for you all not to be hard on me with your comments, as I am willing to learn and take advice. My first build will be the IL Leudo. But I am still waiting for the postman to deliver my little ship to my door that I will be waiting behind so I can grab it out of his hands. Jo.
  3. Good morning OC. As I am new to building ships and waiting for my IL Leudo to arrive I have to say what a wonderful build you are doing. The roping looks very complicated. Jo.
  4. Hi Tony Welcome to MSW, I am new also. I am waiting for my first ship kit IL Leudo. Some very nice people on this forum. Jo.
  5. Hi Ulises Shipyard just abut finished, but the timber for the build has not been cut down yet 😥. Cannot wait to start, a friend has given me some mini set square things. I do love this forum so many nice people. Jo
  6. Hi all Ulises thank you I will purchase the Titebond you said. I am getting my shipyard sorted out, my nails have been cut down and waiting for some sawdust 😃. Cannot wait to start. Jo.
  7. Hello all. Thank you all for your help and advice. If you don't mind can I ask you some questions. The glue, Titebond do 3, Red, Blue and Green, what sort do I purchase. I am looking at a book I think it is called Rigging of Ships. The saw I am purchasing is a Zona with 3 different blades. I have also ordered some clips or clamps, I do have cloths pegs and of course nail files. Do I need larger files. Can I start a log now or wait till I get my IL Leudo kit. Thank you all again you are all very helpful, I feel like a little girl with a new doll. Jo
  8. Hello Thank you grsjax, Mark, vossiewulf, griphos, jolly rodger, Ulises and ccoyle for all of your advice. Now if you can all be so kind can you advise me on the basic tools to start out with. I do have a cutting mat, knife, sandpaper and things like that. Jo
  9. Hi Bob Thank you so much for your advice. I have been looking round this forum and did go onto Bindy's page. I can see she had a lot of help from all on the forum this is what I was hoping for as a first time wooden ship builder. I do like the il Leudo, looks like a good model to start with. Jo
  10. Hi Gals and Guys My name is Jolene Jo to my friends. When I was younger I did build plastic models and I liked that very much. As I am new to this fantastic forum, I am hoping someone can help me select a model to build. I am looking at some Mamoli kits. 1) Hunter, 2) IL Leudo, 3) Black Prince, 4) Lexington. After looking round the forum do you think the Hunter, Lexington and the Black Prince will be a wee bit on the hard side for a first time builder. This would leave the IL Leudo, as a good first time build, or do you think I should jump in with two feet and go for a more complicated build like numbers 1,3,and 4. Jo.
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