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Everything posted by SHIPSCAT

  1. Hello all I have been looking at the brass rods and thought they don't look right. So I have made a wee bit of an adjustment, the rings on the brass rods are flat against each other, so when you put the padlock on the padlock will look funny. So your are all asking (not) what did super cat do (well not so super ha-ha) I bent the ring part round 90 degrees, now the padlock will look Ok, I still have to paint the padlock. Thank you all for your support and likes. Happy days. Jo.
  2. Hello Ziggy This is going to be a nice ship and build, I will pull up a chair and follow your progress. Jo.
  3. Helllllooooooooo Peter Thank you. I have changed the shape of the rods (lashings) a wee bit, the round bits sort of line up with each other now. Went to the paint shop today and purchased some clear lacquer and gave them a coat, but typical silly Jo put her fingers on them and I have now got some dull spots, but one thing came out of it, I have one nice shiny hand now 💅 . Peter the padlock is about 3mm x 3mm. I think I will cut the masts up and make the stand for her. Jo.
  4. Hello Shipmates Drilled the holes for the brass eye things then glued in place, next bent the brass rods and placed them in the eyes. I have only semi shaped the brass will do them again tomorrow. The rings have a padlock that goes through them. Jo.
  5. Hello Peter Thank you my friend you are too kind. The happiness makes up for the sorrows Peter. Ha-ha sorry my friend I don't drink alcohol so it will have to be a glass of water or cup of tea and just say to myself good job done but will have to do better next time if I do another. Wow Peter your ship is looking fantastic, I love it when you show me what you have done on her. I will have a good Sunday and you have a good weekend. Jo.
  6. Hello Popeye Thank you also for your kind words, yes it is a fantastic journey and loving every minute of it 😻. I do love your builds, even though I don't comment on them I am following them, they are fantastic. Jo.
  7. Hello Shane I have painted the hull before but I made a mess of it that is why I have to re-paint the hull. Jo.
  8. Hello Shipmates Thank you Ulises and Shane On reading your comments I have to say I shed a tear or two with joy and happiness, I just don't know what to say but again thank you. As for my first build yes it is my first wooden ship build but not my first model build as when I was a lot younger I built plastic kits with my dad, but not as a high standard as Popeye's builds. When I decided to build a wooden kit I chose three and the IL Leudo looked like a good one to start with the other two looked too complicated for a first build well for me they did. I then decided to look at other logs on this forum and also videos and try and learn how and what to do and try and put into my own build what I have read and watched on the video's. What I do remember and came across a lot was "measure twice and glue once". Again thank you for them lovely comments, but believe me I have made lots of mistakes, I will try and do better next time. Jo.
  9. Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooo shipmates Yes happy Jo back again with a small (very small) update 😻. I have cut and bent the new brass strips for the hatchway lids. Next I have to drill some holes in the ends. Then glue the straps in place, when glue is dry I have some brass eye things to put into the holes I have drilled. Next is to bend some brass rods and put them through the brass eye things. After that I think I will turn her upside down and re-spray the green on the hull. Happy days. Jo.
  10. Hello Peter Thank you, I am not sure if I would be a good sailor but I do like surfing as long as there is no sharks in the sea haha. No sails in the kit Peter so it will just be the masts. I am a wee bit proud of myself, so should you be proud of your self with your build as it is fantastic. Jo.
  11. Hello shipmates In my last post I was talking about some grab rails, I think I know what they are now, the rope goes through them and I think they may stop the rope from coming off the wheels or stop the rope from hitting the mast or something like that. Anyway I have put the things on the blocks and also the cleat + two coats of gloss varnish. I cannot do the other two till the brass wheels arrive then I can sand and shape them. I have also included two photos with the bowsprit in place to show you what it looks like (sorry about the blue tac holding it in place). My brass strips have just arrived so I will try and make the straps that go over the hatchways. Jo.
  12. Hello ZigEp Ziggy (what is your real name). Thank you also, yes a wee bit more soon ha-ha. Jo.
  13. Hello Peter Thank you I do hope I will succeed, you are all so helpful with your advice and encouragement. Jo.
  14. Hello all I have just finished the blocks if that is what you call them. One is made up of 17 parts + the brass wheels and brass rods also a hand grip. The other one is made up of 16 parts + brass wheels and a rod it also has a hand grip and cleat (I think that is the correct name). The two smaller ones are made up of just 3 and 2 parts + 2 brass wheels in one and a brass wheel in the other one, I still have to sand and shape them two. Thank you for your comments and help with my build.
  15. Hello Peter Thank you also for your kind words, but I have to admit it is trying my patients 😡. It is still a long way off finishing her, as I have to turn her over and respray the hull and redo the varnish. Jo.
  16. Hello John, thank you I am very happy you are enjoying my build. Jo.
  17. Hello Popeye Thank you Sir you are very kind. But it is moan time again ha-ha. I am not sure if it is me or not or if it is just normal for all kits. I have said before that the instructions are not that good, apart from that I said I had two brass strips missing sorry make that three + they are the wrong size. Last night I started to put the thing that hauls the sails up the mast, I have two to make. Guess what I am two parts missing, not only that the brass rod that you put through the wood and brass rings is the wrong diameter, it will not go through the brass ring things so it took me about half an hour sanding it down so it will go through the rings. Happy days ha-ah. Jo.
  18. Hello all Just a wee up date. I think I have said it before about the poor instructions, it says toolbox made out of part number **** but not a thing with the part number on the plans or instructions. So I made the toolbox out of some balsa wood and planked it, I have put one coat of gloss varnish on (sorry it is still wet). I know it is a wee bit high but I do like it and I hope you all do also (but please tell me if you don't). Jo.
  19. Hello all Just a small update. I have just glued the little windows on, sorry they don't look that good on the photos. Next is the toolbox. Jo.
  20. Hello Peter and Bruce Thank you for your comments they are very much appreciated. The instructions say paint the deck, hatchways, cabin and so on, but I like the look of wood so I varnished them, although I have painted the bulwarks and part of the hull. The brass straps are only on the hatchway doors just to show people what it will all look like. The brass strips in the kit are way too short, the ones you see are on the narrowest hatchway and they are the longest in the kit. I have ordered some brass strips but I will have to cut them to size, I may get my nice man next door to do that for me haha. Jo.
  21. Hello Shane Thank you kind Sir, I am so pleased you look forward ans enjoy my postings. Jo.
  22. Hello Shipmates I have not done a lot on the IL Leudo just more planking at the front of the ship, I am not that happy with it as when I looked at it this morning I saw that the planks did not line up with the other planks under them. So today I thought I would show you my baby with the barrels on the deck. Jo.
  23. Hello Mark I think Peter has his own log, he was just showing me the colour of the paint work as I have asked him about it. Thank you Mark for the nice words you have said about my little build. Jo.
  24. Hello shipmates Second hatchway door made and one coat of oil on the wood. At the front of the cabin I have a toolbox to make. The first hatchway I have bent the brass strips that hold the hatchway door down, but the brass is short and they are on the hatchway that is not as wide as the second hatchway at the back of it, also I am two missing. I have decided to order some more brass strips and make them myself (wish me luck on that one please). The box art has the brass painted black, but I am going to polish them (I love polished brass). Thank you all for your comments and help + thank you all for the likes, god bless you all. Jo.
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