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Everything posted by Wacom

  1. The first shipment from Chuck arrived today in good order thanks to being well protected. My first impression, what great laser cutting, the ply is first rate. One small step on the way to building this master piece.
  2. Thanks for the welcome. Rusty, down here Westie's are known as "the dog with an attitude". I know mine thinks that he knows best when and where we go for "Walkie's" Just so long as he lets me have the time to build this magnificent ship.
  3. Took my time deciding whether or not to attempt a build log but for better or for worse here goes. When I first came across the Winchelsea on Chuck’s website I thought it to be well above my skill level but after reading the logs and being encouraged by the helpful attitude of folk on this forum I decided to “give it a go”. Being a couple of months away from finishing my current project, it gives me time to start squirreling away some of the items that will be required. At the moment I have two parcels on their way from Chuck and Jim Bynes is in the process of building one of his table saws for me hopefully it should be here by Christmas. Thats it for now, I will keep you posted on progress as I know I will need all the help I can get.
  4. Hi, Robert, I have used callie-graphics in the States for a lot of custom work. Just send her a photo and size of what you want and she will carry out the art work and print on very thin vynl. Her work is outstanding and prices very low. https://callie-graphics.com/ Regards Reg
  5. Welcome to MSW, in the short time I have been here my knowledge has increased by leaps and bounds. You will find the members here are a great bunch of guys (and gals) 😎
  6. Robert, Your build is inspirational, I envy your skill with timber the planking is how I would like to think mine would turn out. Please keep up the good work its a treat when you post. If its not too much trouble could you let me know the length of the hull from figure head to stern rail plus the width at the midship point. My workshop is tiny so it would be good to know that its big enough to build this kit in. Thank you
  7. Having turned copper I have found the most effective way to get a good clean cut leaving a nice finish is with Kroil used by gun gun users and as an anti seize medium.
  8. Thanks for the warm welcome, its great to find a site with such a wide range of knowledge and more importantly the wisdom to share it. Thank you.
  9. Joined up a couple of weeks ago so thought I had better say Hi. A life long modeller building models ranging from ships to helicopters. Since retiring I have kept busy building a live steam traction engine. This project should be finished in 18 months or so, in the meantime I am indulging in researching which ship kit to see me into my dotage (a few years yet I hope) A Chris Hatton design seems t be the front runner at present.
  10. Received the email shown below last week, should be the definitive kit. Hi Reg, thanks for your inquiry. At the moment all I can say is that we have start this work but, since its dimension, it will takes a lot of time. I hope to have this new kit in 2021 splitted in 3 or 4 kits because of the high price. We will keep all modelers informed. Best Regards Emilio Marletti Amati Spa
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