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S-boat 55

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Everything posted by S-boat 55

  1. I shall follow along on this one, always worth following a build of Bismarck, such a handsome ship, those details sets are going to be phenomenal, I look forward to it all progressing,
  2. Multiple layers, or if you want a rough edge I'd brush paint it,
  3. Just caught up with your build, it's looking very impressive!
  4. You're certainly not alone, my better half has done similar, I've been building very fires 1/350 Taiho over the past year off and on and certain stages have resulted in some choice language shall we say, oddly that can be part of the enjoyment, the satisfaction that then comes when you achieve the next milestone with the project
  5. Must say what's you've achieved so far is really impressive, And did my eyes deceive me or was there a large scale Arizona in the background of one of the photos?
  6. Some how ive only just seen this thread, have very much enjoyed seeing your progress shots, she's a real stunner!
  7. What a beauty, If you don't mind what paint did you use for the planes?
  8. I've got no further than joing the top.and bottom hull on my Littorio, didn't find it as bad but did find that cutting the horizontal 'stiffner' as close as I dare at the bow and stern gave a bit of helpful play, that's probably too little too late now though,
  9. I can recommend this book from what I've read so far: Ermino Bagnasco The Littorio Class: Italy's Last and Largest Battleships 1937-1948 Reasonably priced in the UK, not sure else where though,
  10. Nicer than a hotel inside! And from what I've read that rather lavish interior was actually less than originally planned as they scaled back spec as part of an overall effort to reduce weight,
  11. I'll follow with interest especially as I have Littorio in the stash,
  12. Wonder if I could use that as an excuse with the wife to enlarge the stash still further,
  13. Not wanting to jump in but there's a kinda low quality video example of an RC converted Graf at 1/350 on you tube, The issue with carriers is always stability but where there's will there's a way, stripping out any bit of plastic that can't be seen helps but often there isn't much you can save, but have seen a 1/350 Kaga conversion as well which was a bit unstable but okay if it was a very still bit of water, The build by the way is phenomenal, I'm just getting back into the hobby after ten odd years and experimenting with photo etch, yet to brave weathering but this is certainly a motivating example of what can be achieved,
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